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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. return air ticket to europe , top airline, economy , Lufthansa or KLM.

    Maybe USD 600-700 ? business usd 1300-1400 ? 

    For spend of USD 18,000 or so. But that spend would have been restricted to certain limited overpriced outlets / products not competitively & independently sourced. Such sourcing would take time but produce at least say 10% savings, USD 1,800 ? Or 20% / Usd 3,600 …

  2. interesting canthai….wonder why my lady has not installed one front and back….. like done for the car…..will ask her…..definite gap in our protective armour here…… but before when I caught her planning to not insure our car and bike,  beyond mandatory CPTL when inspected / taxed, she said “ never have accident”  …. and shes a graduate ….

    • Haha 2
  3. Status: Police have visited Owner. Victim in process of settling out of court with Owner.

    Victim holding in reserve the offered Journalist Press Article intervention.

    1st derisible Owner offer 20k baht …. Victim / Witness now again at Police Station to discuss Police Proceedings Report issue to Court. Victim stable & recovering but unable to be active much as arm understandably stiff & sensitive.


    Moderators: please CLOSE this OP. Useful Comments have been Great…..but now dried up.


    but thanks again to those ( majority) positively or even neutrally commenting.

    all you pathetic trolls can eat waste & shuffle off to your next meds. overdose…..

    • Like 1
  4. bkkbike: not here to “prove” anything. “social media” different to “reporting” ( journalism).

    your aggressive trolling in violation of forum rules so reported. nobody here except vile trolls “ gives a rats “ about your “opinions”. your idea of video proof is pure comedy. back to your meds now……

  5. drjack: thats seriously a smart & useful question ? why would that be necessary ? explain why he should do that ? for starters he is not a member here. same reason why dont you then make your own tools ? obviously he needs help from others whilst in shock & injury recovery mode. strange & unworthy of you as a normally responsible member here.


    trying unsuccessfully to limit comments here to positive / useful. I did ask for that in OP, more from hope than expectation of course…….

  6. neeranam :  no. urgency was my friend getting away from the scene after photos & to hospital at once to stabilize & fix his serious wounds.artery might have opened at any time. police report made next day by police station visit by him & Witness with Thai Helper. I will see him later and advise here status / way forward….. thanks for your kind interest…….

  7. robblok: 

    1st para: not here to prove or display. full case proof does exist.

    2nd para: pit bulls maim & kill every day. fact. hard not to be “ negative”.

    thai court: straight question. you answered usefully but without example proof (thats fine btw).

    last sentence: plainly ridiculous. doesnt fit the unfolding OP narrative here of how to get justice ……

    3rd para: informative. thanks.

  8. OP Here: 

    above post comments only became visible to me this morning. 

    and yes thanks I do have something of a life here. late riser too…….

    many useful positive comments, thanks.

    few negative disbelieving cynical trolls of course.

    further thanks to members & moderators for correcting / removing all the nonsense responses.

    including the “pit bulls are safe” idiots. no, they are Killer Dogs who use should clearly be limited to govt. security / assault purposes…….internet “great pet dog” lunacy aside ( yes, I researched them).

    btw my father was an Army killer dog trainer…. would never have one in the house…..


    amount of detail, length of post & nature of incident all clearly indicate, to any rational person, that OP is (probably) genuine, without reasonable doubt. cynics here never properly explaining their doubt.


    irrelevant to know “where” or provide “video”……common issue I believe……voyeurs, sensationalists, “provide links” crowd, may “go elsewhere” to enjoy the pain and distress of others.

    those few foreign hill hiker groups known to use that road have been made aware.

    there are other (unpopulated) far safer local hill paths.


    now, moving on, has any thai court- ordered payment ever actually been made to foreigners?

    no point hiring lawyer,winning case, after laying out 100k baht & six months time, if no payout.

    • Like 2
  9. ujoe: ED visa in-country,through reputable ( informal) Language School, would not need any Agent as the School does the whole process with Ed.Min & Imm. ,with documents provided directly by applicant.

    Such ED Visa limited  to 12 months ( limit of supporting Ed.Min Letter) comprising four consective three month visas, with no extention of stay. No actual need to attend Classes either. No Financials. Must be the UNI Embassy ED Visa that would be Extended in- country ?

  10. Van stay Silent no longer with the Remter Trolls. Feeling genuine pity for the bitter Renters. Why dont you Buy ? No Capital ? Living on Pension alone. Sorry about that. Join a different club and leave us successful Owners alone. Yes we DO OWN our properties here. I have elected to go Leasehold OWNER with Freehold Option, Thai Company carefully structured is also FINE. Pointless explaining to Renters how……. you clearly dont want to inderstand….. 


    Buying Infinitely better than Renting. Renting Permanently Anywhere is for Impoverished Sad Loner Losers, living without Children, Broken Addicts maybe, or those Not Understanding Basic Economics. 


    Tired of your bitter envious whining on this and other threads here.Experts all  on miserable lowest Rents available on poky little places in rubbish areas. ” I pay 13k , ha! i pay 9k in same shabby block” .” No ! I lived in a shoebox for 1000 baht”. Pathetic.


    Never Rented here. Never rented anywhere longer than six months. Enjoyed moving my two suitcases around Rome & Madrid on assignment to change apartments every month or so…….but here….never.

    Sooner end it all in the river with concrete shoes…..


    Are we DONE now here with “Renting” ? OP about Building & Owning House……


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