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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. Mexico, Colombia; exchange boredom with thailand for high risk of kidnap/robbery/assault/death in 3rd world <deleted>hole, half way around the world and back….. makes perfect sense…… consider just going somewhere different here…… beach for country, north for south, etc…….

    • Haha 1
  2. first came here in 1981 to get a fake marriage certificate so only briefly exposed to the bangkok and pattaya tourist scenes………thought I’d fallen down the preverbial AIW rabbit hole into an alternate reality….dismissed thailand as “too good to be true,where’s the catch”? so never returned until 2004 with my american resident pal……immediately hooked on Phuket, still knowing nothing, relying on recommendations blindly, etc…….still working overseas but could not live permanently anywhere else since then…….” trapped” in my Phuket Pool Villa for 18 months now with great lady & kid…….loving every minute…….accumulated sufficient protective knowledge & docs. but still having barely “scratched the surface” I feel. 

    • Like 1
  3. edit : replace “needing medical intervention” with “ dying “ !

    politically, thai govt. treat all covid types & vaccines as “equal”, for reporting & statistical purposes

    they cannot show the statistics of backing 95 % in Sinovac ,which doesnt combat the prevalent Delta very well, and coming late to the far more effective western vax party. 

    • Haha 1
  4. “focusing ……on all of Thailand” is not how “focusing” works.

    learn to distinguish between truth and opinion.

    phuket sandbox experiment / trial needed to be explored.

    to learn lessons to move towards opening up all of thailand.

    this derogatory negativity is useless and tiresome.

    consider screeching at some jungle trees in private rather than ranting nonsense here.

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  5. Approx. 8% (5 mill)  Thais live below Poverty level 1900 baht/ month. 

    Richest 1% Thais own 70% Everything. Worlds worse wealth distribution. 

    Top Man Landholdings in Bkk alone worth USD 88 Billion……sufficient to Erase Thai Poverty AND Reform Education / Literacy here ……

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  6. incredibly yes covered parking at main phuket store. but why ?

    not exactly M& S  / Macys std. customers. demographic group Z just above homeless most of them…

    project design & cost guys probably fired for that excess spending ! 

    but not at my local where the illegal on road parking at busy junction is a major traffic hazard.

    nobody with a shred of health awareness should ever consume anything from there…….

    • Confused 1
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  7. ukgov / passport website says somewhere that the Local Service Agent (VFS) method was applied to Thailand “to prevent fraud”. However the system itself is flawed & open to fraud by centralizing in one city and allowing Agents to visit & present to VFS !


    If you cant get to Bangkok you cant travel abroad so dont need a Passport Renewal then .

    Oh right you need it for your New Longstay Visa/ Extn even though you never leave Thailand.

    Get Permanent Residency Then ! TIT. Agree HMPO should dispense with VFS and allow direct applicant online / postal applications.

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  8. he means perhaps that no investment return is guaranteed unless bank deposits or govt bonds at 1% 6-10 % “guaranteed” means high risk so far from guaranteed.

    but yes, performing home maint. here yourself, means valuable time lost & injury risk & tools cost & lack of specialized skills ( AC) vs. 500 baht / local basic labour cost, 1000 for skilled like AC.

    Never even changed a light bulb here…….

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