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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. STAY Resort Rawai is simply delightful for quiet country non- beach stay. Modern Inexpensive 5 *.

    Amazing Pool Complex, Cafes, Onsen Sauna/ Steam / Spa, Modern Gym, Goumet Steakhouse.

    Kata Main Beach best on Phuket…….Green Man Tudor Building English Pub between the two. 

    Never understood the attraction of Kamala with Patong & Laguna so close……….


  2. further suggest OP holds all original house company share certicates, voting and

    and non- voting, legal undated resignation letters from all directors, voting or not.

    This avoids all house sale drama later, with missing thais, expired thai ID cards etc.

    Permits simple easy company transfer to new owner or company disolution.

    Assuming thai company (OP) here holds Freehold Land & House ?

    • Like 2
  3. interesting case thanks. can never be sufficient detail here of course. house is Detached ? Common Facilities ( Mng. Co.) or Independent ? suppose you have majority company voting rights without which, and without lease, you would have handed over your 6 million / house to thais. under company which you know is technically illegal. also you had no Architect to customize the Basic Plan and manage Developer Build Inspect Payments. Surely should have had Progress Stage Payments rather than 50% Upfront ? first time hearing about buying Off Plan with Foundations & Walls already completed ! your choice of Pattaya ….. considered Phuket or too expensive ?

    most interesting & bow to your prior house project experience ! glad it worked out well……


    In 2006 I bought 10 mill. Leasehold Off Plan Phuket Pool Villa ; Four Story Semi Detached Townhouse inc. Separate Ground Apartment, with Common Owner Managed Area & Facilities. Intended Resale Investment but ended up Renting / Living here ever since Completion. Relied on Proven Developer & their Builder with no Architect.

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  4. delusions and ignorance…… seriously, that is your deflecting vague dismissive response to Real Existential Historical Facts…….pray what other great civilization invented the industrial revolution, jet aircraft, computers, spacecraft, nuclear power, submarines, metal ships, modern science, combustion engines, worldwide language / culture ? None were Wiser or More Civilized than even Victorian Britain……

     yes, the west stands on the shoulders of giants but gone for 1500 years now…… Greece & Rome.

    The great Asian Ancient Civilizations of Sumer, Egypt, Indus & China too…….but none of these ever came remotely close to Western European Civilization 1500 to Present…….in terms of knowledge, power and democracy. 


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  5. Fascinated Fan of NFL QB History (not the game, teams or leagues)…… Brit Rugby & “Soccer” Fan greatest ever QB certainly ( NFL,/ Other websites); joint greatest NFL player ever ( w/ Jerry Rice).

    His stats are not particularly outstanding except he just WINS much more League & SB games than any other QB or Player.


    His Hunger to WIN is unabated at 44, an incredible age to be highly successful at the very top, in any Top Sport, helped no doubt by the stop/start/specialized Set Play NFL Nature (anaerobic / explosive).


    Soccer & Rugby in contrast are much more continous, less specialized, high stamina, aerobic sports. Top Players Done at 35. Except Ronaldo (36) looks like continuing at the very top until 40+ so might become Soccers Brady.


    So Brady has No Comparison in any Sport, at that Age. Lionel Messi is Soccers Brady, the all time Best Player at 34 but past peak now……Dan Carter is Rugbys Brady, greatest all time overall player,Fly Half, similar to QB, retired at 38 but finished top level at 34. 


    Questions are WHY and HOW does Brady continue to Excel ! And WHEN will he ( have to) Stop.

    Maybe even he doesn’t know the answers…… !






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  6. charlie: heard on TVF that Phuket City DLT just opened…. my Med Cert was 100 baht at local thai clinic

    but paid Doc 2000 baht not to report my “ five diseases” Leprosy……. ha! only messin’ witcha !

    prefer to travel straight to DLT or Imm. with pre- completed docs + copies, rather than detour / delay to any Clinic “near DLT”……or pay 550 baht premium to perve the Hospital nurses !


    Although you must see the chicks lining up at DLT Phuket…….sheeesh……can look for free…..but need Hospital after for shattered dropped jaw……

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  7. no zz; western heritage, values and achievements are unparalled & the accepted aspirational benchmark for all reasoned humanity. accepting though e.g. UK Poverty levels are appalling…..

    all cultures are obviously not equal. pseudo- intellectual lefty bs aside…..

    the aborigine or bushman, barring desert survival, is not generally my equal in heritage terms…..

    looking at how things factually are vs. yes, western gold std. otherwise we would be quite lost……

    not looking through any pseudo / marxist “lenses”. just the (comparative) observed facts.


    open minded & objective I am ( thanks Yoda) ;  have changed my mind, based on scientic evidence only, on climate change and ufo’s, for example….


    they can never be “like us”. they are not a modern people at all. no real changes since 1300 or so…. some ( imposed) legal reform to facilitate intl. trade & diplomacy……

    culturally stagnant. unable & unwilling to improve or reform. no renaissance or revolution here.


    ”respect” implies approval. …. not given. “compliance” & “courtesy” I must give as guest here.

     “respect” is harder but I concede possible in some areas actually…..trying hard to think of a single activity out of thousands here that command respect….yes !  treatment of elderly / sick is far better than the west…..the “30 baht” NHS for thais is simply wonderful ( and modern)…..important reform, copied from the West but encouraging…but no regretably no “push on” from that…..very poor Education here badly needs westernizing……they have the money…….

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  8. Yes DB, socialist hypocrites dominating all UK / US Cities, selling out our great Western heritage.

    they will be the first useful idiots to have their throats cut by the barbaric invaders holding our passports whilst despising the values they represent whilst breeding out the indigeonous civilized people…..difference being the US Rural Conservatives are ARMED against Domestic “ Democrat” tyranny whilst we Brits are Disarmed……off topic but enjoyed that !

    • Thanks 1
  9. jacko ; then not every rider is properly protected…… helmet visor can be open when riding at low speed so helmet comfortable , fragile jaw protected……check out thailand “maxillofacial” jaw fracture injuries online…...gone native with the “local logic” brain app installed have we…..raises rhetorical questions like is such person bike - competent/ licensed / insured / taxed / maintained ………supporting the mask -with -no -helmet nonsense seems quite peculiar…..mask of course worn when dismounted when you can then actually catch & infect……darn logic again I know……

  10. Already have the Covid Vax Cert. Assume Foreigners will travel.

    Just auto- issue the MOPH Yellow Book to Foreigners with their 2nd jab cert !

    Yet they create a whole new process, for what you already have,requiring national ID, proof of travel & MOPH visit.They figure that perhaps 1% will comply with all that nonsense to limit the demand to 1%.


    I will sidestep this bs by getting hospital to update my existing WHO Vax Yellow Book.

    Which is International Std. so better than MOPH book which may not even be accepted outside thailand…….


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