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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. in other civilized democracies, very rare anyone is allowed really to run for high office over mid 50’s.

    yet vigourous US elects & tolerates this senile loon as nominal President - For - Life, banana republic style. Zero real achievements in 50 years in office / senate, painfully incompetent = 80 million anti-trump voters…….western democracy depends on rational informed choices; clearly  Broken by collective human madness…again….. we cannot long survive as a species……

    • Confused 1
  2. Expat Reminder: stay well clear here of all politics, drugs, violence, dodgy dealing, police, alcohol, gambling, crazy women, toxic people, anti- monarchy, defamation, etc. stay safe & well……please.


    Prompted by the recent British Consulate OP, including Prisoner relief work, I researched online about British Prisoners here….. maybe 80 or so currently detained……absolute horror show of really stupid ( non- violent, victimless) criminality, atrocious prison conditions, long years for UK transfer & useless consulate work. Long Visa Overstays, Working without WP, Retaining Lost Property, Selling Non- Hard Drugs (Very Small Qtys for Personal Use). Did see several Heroin Smugglers……

    Mostly fairly petty & plain daft / ignorant offenses to common sense really…….misdemeanours in US, not even real Crime……Described Bangkok prison conditions of over crowding, rampant filth & disease, very poor food and utter misery, were hideous & sockening to read. STAY SAFE . Be Uninvolved ! 

  3. joe: so non- PR foreigners ARE “planting” themselves here, in large numbers, with no plans to ever leave, using false air tickets. This practise anywhere is clearly Illegal Immigration and Fraud.  It also reinforces the annual visa grubbing / reporting / monetized Imm. system, and law for no foreigner- owned land, which has all now become crystal clear to me.


    Also see now why no three or five year non-reporting longstay visa available  ! 

    Imm. clearly need to control these types, under present system.

    These farangs are clearly not “Expats” at all. If not for the monetized Imm. system, they would be justifiably treated as “Illegal Immigrants” and in other countries , face Deportation. Apologies if Harsh. Further aggravated by these types expecting full citizen - type rights & NHS - style Healthcare ! ….”One Way Ticket “ Indeed……….

    • Haha 1
  4. changeable one year return tickets are typically covid- extended and around same price as one way.

    so why bother paying one way only (unless going “round the world”, or “ dogleg” trip, forms of return ticket anyway)

    dont really get this onward ticket tactic & never even heard of it before…….

    surely best to have a pre- paid return ticket option, without paying twice with two one way tickets, if or when you do return to home country.


    only Immigrants (not Expats) simply plant themselves in a foreign country, with one way flight, as if Permanent Resident, with no plan or pre-paid option to fly back out………of course Imm. & Airlines are suspicious…….what am I missing here ?


    • Confused 2
    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  5. Apps are Dominant and will replace Internet soon.

    Carry an IPhone7 (cheap high std smartphone) & IPAD 3. Both Apple IOS of course.

    Interchangeable with Same Apps & Same ICloud Personal Data.

    Smartphones MUST be small to fit comfortably in shirt pocket or front jeans pocket.

    Just will not primarily use those tiny hackable smartphones for banking, movies, books, internet or MS Office work. I will also NOT carry the Android Brick Smartphones ! 

    Use IPAD for those activities. IPhone & IPAD are Back Ups for each other; same IOS operation/ data.

    Funny that I have NEVER seen anyone else using an IPAD in Public ! In five years of IPAD Use ! 

    Only Smartphones and/or Laptops……..

    Use Laptop or PC Only in actual offices…….

    DO people really do Excel Spreadsheets on Smartphones ? Seriously ?


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. In my case, my next birthday became the start date for the new five year period.

    Exchanged my second two year “ passport” TDL ( twice obtained as Visa Exempt !) on 13 March 2021

    for a “national ID” TDL expiring 3 June 2026 . If I had known this, I could have waited until 4 June 2021 to get TDL expiring 3 June 2027. BUT I wanted immediate new TDL same day as my Pink Card Issue !

  7. putting the estimated USD 88 Billion value of the top mans bangkok land would eradicate Poverty & Westernize Education here,  at a stroke……….just something else that should rationally happen that aint never gonna happen……. worst worldwide wealth distribution gap……20% living on below 1900 baht / month…..most kids here leaving school at 14 and barely literate……..

    • Like 2
  8. skatewash has covered this subject perfectly. Be prepared for a two step DLT Visit process.

    TDL Application Acceptance then Appointment for Testing & TDL Issue.

    for interest, with a yellow house book, you should always then get your thai national ID (Pink Card) which number will be printed on your TDL instead of passport no.

  9. “huge” is relative, it certainly won’t be longer than 50 mtrs ( Olympic Std)……more likely 25 mtrs ?

    80 strokes x 5ft av. stroke= 123 mtrs…… er, I think not……using a roped off beach or river section are are we ? thats cheating ! or if you’re a dwarf with a 2ft stroke you might just have a 50 mtr Olympic Pool !


  10. you may be right but not in my day ( I’m 65).higher UK educational standards have dropped alarmingly over past 25 years or so, producing many graduates who have atrocious written native english, heavy use of slang & acronyms….. and poor basic maths too ( had to get in the subject “too”). it’s fine for this forum as you say. we understand the points made sufficiently without perfect english language or grammar. but it’s not something to be otherwise dismissed or tolerated as normal or acceptable. and no, i cannot be bothered using capital letters much here either (its not a graded essay) !

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