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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. Use True for great Live English Football & Rugby + Nat Geo / History / Discovery Documentaries.

    Everything else on True is poor…. use Netflix & Amazon for TV Series & Movies.VPN needed  for Amazon….. had a TV “box” once before; never again……and “streaming”; just No………

  2. Going for Covid Extention soon as Longstay Visa expiring and plan overseas working soon.

    Have a maximum IO pkg.prepared, including Thai Son in House Blue Book, my own Yellow House Owner Book,Landowner POA, AZ Vax Cert. Will only provide what they ask for but it would be total bs for my case to be put “Under Consideration” surely ? Looking to come away with Covid Extn same day before Visa/ Extn. Expiry.

  3. CCP China has no “goodwill”, only cold brutal, political / economic / land grabbing / terror- based / people- subjugating POWER objectives.

    Proof: Universally Hated & Despised by ALL including their own cowed population……no allies / no friends, etc…..Better CCP just shuts up and stops further embarassing themselves as nobody believes a single word from them…… not even them !

  4. Positive, Useful & Encouraging.

    Could just say “Prisoners” though …….how many Brits are there & how long detained / imprisoned ?

    mean “bereaved UK Citizens” ?

    request Thai Care Home Brits statistics ….appears a largely unreported but significant issue. 

    request numbers on uninsured Hospital Brit Cases …..with breakdown by Illness / Injury….


    You can see my limited Diplomatic skills.

    Rest assured I am a resident conservative Brit not some bothersome Russian Troll……. !


    I will in any case research myself the above requests, thanks for prompting this belated Interest !

  5. Highly Positive Necessary Step. Builds upon existing Sandbox Experiment & Learned Lessons.

    Oct & Nov “abandoned” as Continued Extended Sandbox Experiment ? 

    Clearly Targeting Potential Xmas / New Year (December Holiday Break) Tourists.

    Govt. again had no need to indicate/ guess possible tourist numbers. EXPERIMENT Only.


    Yet Predictably virtually all Member Posts are Negative, Critical or “ Funny”…….

    Hideous Attitude. Embarassing for All Expats. No Wonder we are fairly Universally Loathed Here.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
    • Haha 2
  6. can I get some idea why expats retire to Thailand, even remaining during covid, in dirty congested dangerous cities, still tourist areas,  when idyllic rural / island life with great weather, housing & full services available ?

    I loved bangkok / pattaya pre- covid but only for 3-6 days for Sukh. Road Nightlife, Walking Street & Old Culture.

    but seriously, apart from those temporary attractions, just specifically WHY ?

    no “rip off” bs either please……or “I didnt like Phuket (prefer Pattaya)”irrational  nonsense.

  7. you clearly “understand” my plain english, your problem obviously is “believing”…..


    based on my Aussie friend’s specific case earlier this year, his IO do so report as there is appears to be an arrangement between the two govts to do so. So Aus Govt . would stop or suspend Pensions.

    He confirmed this directly with his Oz Pension Co.  Might apply to other Govts, except UK.

    he had to use an Agent for a “Chonburi” Ret. Visa to avoid this IO advised reporting to continue receiving his Oz Pension. Yet another clear benefit to Agent Use…….


    my post is intended as useful information / consideration only.

    I do not “prove” anything on TVF by member- beloved “links” or “ attachments”.

    believe it or not and move on.

    • Haha 1
  8. perhaps anybody who supports permanent dehumanizing, useless, gesturing, public mask wearing would be better off moving to some totalitarian fear-based hellhole like China or North Korea…..or becoming a cyborg machine. 


    China created & released Covid onto the World in February 2020 with 70 million Chinese New Year Travellers, having known about Covid then for three months. Clearly China should then have sealed their borders, if not a deliberate bio weapon. they did not so it clearly is.


    Then Govts.should have moved ONLY to protect the Vunerable (Old & Sick), leaving Society & Economy otherwise Untouched. Sick includes Incredible Western Pandemic of Stupid Fatties / Smokers/ Druggies/ Alkys who were already bankrupting and overstretching Western National Health Services, driving up Taxes too.

    But NO , Politicians determined everybody must share the societal & economic misery & ruin….because its “ compassionate” and “ the right thing to do” and actually Sick People are the Voting Majority & Taxpayers.WE COULD NOT AFFFORD THAT.


     Also, one high profile UK fattie ill leftie guy, somehow clinging to his now useless life, with permanently & serious damaged brain, heart, lungs, liver, etc, in covid- based coma for 18 months, has cost taxpayer MILLIONS . ONE GUY ! That money LOST to Innocent Children with Cancer & Heart / Lung Conditions. Normally his Life Support would have been switched Off after 2-3 months….. absolute disgraceful “ political” action…… because all Human Life is “Priceless”… no, it is clearly not…

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. fully respect those following the “rules”. we are all shaped by personal experience. heres my take:-


    “the rules” can be and are legally waived by Imm. all the time , who are often the agents too.

    due diligence in everything in life: agent should be suitably recommended & ideally an Imm. Officer.

    agent reasonable cost is easily offset by having full control of the 800k/ 400k funds (x 2) indefinitely tied up. ensure agent secures retirement visa / extn only from your local IO for your reg. address. 


    separately ensure your visa is on Imm. Computer thus being fully legal & irrevocable ( excepting jail / deportation !) & clear for airport Imm. applies using agent or not. you can use pretext of “stamp looks odd” to get IO or IO Volunteer to do that…..then you may ignore the usual jealous scare stories from the visa sheep here of “visa not legal”, etc. Imm. aint challenging any visa / extn issued on computer by themselves ! would be bad for “business” confidence. yes Imm. here is primarily a Business…..


    avoiding financials clearly beneficial: Australian (& Canadian ? Not UK ) Pensions are Blocked for example, as IO report direct process retirement visas to your Home Govt….

    personally I dont want ANY of my non- home country business routinely reported back to home govt.

    such separation of thai & non - thai matters important to me…

    if thai or home govt want to review or release my thai govt. data its all on govt. computers here…..


    btw I have previously done the Home Embassy Retirement Visa (40 man hours work, embassy appd. in ten seconds) & experienced friends Thailand- based process often involving substantial problems ( overcome yes with time / money) . I will not risk being messed around like that (again) & value convenience & control , where possible, over blind obedience to arbitrary anti- foreigner “rules”. 


    I love it here but we are not wanted, except for money. cannot own land & yearly “visa grubbing” with 3 mth “reporting” , for example, despite in my case being Invested here substantially with Property, Family, Time, etc





    • Like 1
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  10. Employ Expereienced & Qualified Competitive Thai Architect for Standard House Design Mods. (Land Office Plans), Conduct Build & Manage Build to Completion. Architect & Client approves Final Design, Specs.,Cost & Schedule. Architect selects & manages Builder and sub-trades. Inspects Materials & Design/ Build Spec. Compliance under Payment Schedule. No Scope Errors. No Delivery Delay. No Extra Costs / Claims.

    unsupervised thai Builders cannot be trusted or controlled by amateurs. strong tendency for cutting corners for more profit if (recommended) fixed price lump sum. can walk off the job, leaving you out of pocket and finding replacement builder, who may also walk. yes, this happened to me, twice, on very small works; a house would be a potential nightmare if not thai architect- supervised.


    alternatively you can believe the expert expats here who will tell you its no problem & architect not needed (extra cost…. seriously).


    My experience based on Off Plan Town House in Complex without Architect just cost- cutting Builder on Developer Lump Sum and Incomplete Unsupervised Build. I was Out of Country & relied on Developer / Builder / Resident Owners. Two Years after Completion to fix to proper std.…..at Developer Cost. Completely Missed Obvious Under House Apartment …..until Owner Suggestion.


    My Thai Lady = Architect. She has managed further minor works over the years with local builders after we were ripped off twice in our absence, each by a series of local builders under trusted but poor foreigner supervision, for small roof & apartment extention projects..

  11. trust FDA Approvals: Yes

    wait FDA final approval : No, FDA Trial & Worldwide Results Sufficient

    AZ still not FDA-approved after Min. 10 mths FDA Trials.

    After 75% UK adults fully AZ vaxxed & AZ proven best single overall vax worldwide.

    Pfizer FDA-fully approved last week. Johnson & Moderna ? dont know. US is 53% fully vaxxed now.

    FDA phase III trials long since established AZ as 100% effective against Death & Hospital for

    non- Delta Covid. FDA Results: Non-Political. FDA Approvals : Political, AZ being non- US, coincidence ?

    Some knowledge gaps here but my point is clear enough.

  12. take only customized scientific treatments for covid, i.e. vax. other stuff is ineffective & toxic.


    exclude general practitioners from term “medical community” for covid purposes.

    GPs ignore the obvious power of mind/ body/ diet to heal itself from minor ailments, and to boost immune system to better fight of all infections like covid.


    GPs are taking money from big pharma to prescibe highly addictive opioids & other drugs…

    relieve symptoms, dont cure 


    some obese sick people in USA are taking over 20 different prescribed common meds each day ….Netflix Doc “What The Health”……..all of which can typically be ditched with a simple plant- based diet with exercise…controlling major internal organ diseases & required surgery is something else….


    GPs know no more about diet/ exercise/ nutrition than the informed general public (little training).


    all vax is great but better in conjunction well- functioning body; disease - free. drug- free.

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