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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. LKS;  no “slur” to say Asia has a fatalistic outlook. many aspects of thailands culture is common across the Poor Southern Hemisphere, including Terrible Driving.Thats FACTUAL, whether you like it or know it or not. Asia, Africa and Latin America;  I have personally experienced the same sub-culture of low driving standards in Mexico, Venezuela, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nigeria, India, Thailand etc. 

    Advanced East Asian countries (Japan, S.Korea, Malaysia, Sing.) do however have High Driving Stds.

  2. You have dug yourself into a massive toxic pit / grave, with your kid anchoring you to the bottom.

    Assuming all assets here in wifes name, that she thinks you are boxed in but that you have own  income. So…….

    Imperative for your mental & physical well being to grab what assets you can & immediately relocate yourself to a secret secure location. Stay Hidden , next town maybe……Engage Lawyer & Private Detective …….assume wife will do same. To maximise your legal, monetary & child access position with best knowledge of you & wife ! Life is not a rehearsal…….we pass this way but once……. take the essential drastic steps to recover your life…… without further delay…..sort this out here as best you can, with pro. help, …….then rebuild…..do not run away home until this is done…….



    • Haha 1
  3. after careful consideration, and on balance, I believe freedom of expression, including aggression, hate, even yes inciting violence, pseudo facts, etc. must be ABSOLUTE. and decriminalized.

    Like US Constitution ? Let those weak minded fools who get “incited” reveal themselves……. 

    Like US “Democratic”  ( no, they are not) & UK Socialist “leaders” ( elected no less, “god” help us)

    who clearly & routinely incite Violence, under misguided legal privilege I guess, and got clean away with it……..


    Let the resultant legal & social debate / consequences ( reputation & job loss) be sufficient against ALL forms of Totalitarianist Expression. We have good laws against Defamation & Actual (Physical) Violence. The moment you start qualifying that absolutism you get silly laws that protect religion (obvious nonsense) and “ hate crime”, which just further encourages maniacs to kill “offenders”.

    Next step was “Speech Is Violence”(no, it is not), then Deplatforming then Cancelling People, whether or not stating fact-based opinions.


    Difficult but Important Subject……..Freedom of Expression now substantially LOST in western countries……..how to turn the clock back ?


    • Confused 3
  4. “ protect yourself at all times” ; retro. rules…

    never marry one; never export one; never buy property in name of one.

    long term maintenance lease option ( if you must) if truly special or have a kid together……do not purchase ( marry)  !

    “ Wife” Title gives her too much Power ! Both real & imagined. 

    Culturally the wife “owns” the husband here…….very dangerous……

    consider sleeping separately in locked room……..yes, seriously …….

    zero tolerance policy …..slightest trouble, return where found……..

    • Haha 1
  5. smedley : I have expanded my  (obvious) “opinion” in plain english, within Forum Rules, yet you still elect to make an extended personal attack (based upon a single word) …….without choosing to address the essence of my (expanded) statement…..something else on your mind perhaps……

    typical cheap “ad hominem” practice by easily offended lefty Twitter types…….and that detestable word “baiting”, similarly deployed, popular with the sensitive, insecure, easily outwitted folk…….and as to who might be “wound up” , as if that is under any control ……or of any legit concern.

  6. lack of proper article summary and summary vagueness opens up many deception bs possibilities, one of which I posted as “appears”. not going down through all levels of “ information” . article summary must have all relevant data summarized. that is proper journalism which does exist here….govt. will try to use up the surplus Sinovac before expiry. we know many govt vax promises came to nothing, like 2nd jab AZ in Phuket starting tomorrow yet no SMS……

  7. first jab only….appears they are suckering expats into 1st jab Sinovac with a “promise” of 2nd jab Pfizer…. better than no vax at all…..

    canadian friend double jabbed in Hong Kong (China) with Sinovac reports 5x antigens but still not highly effective against Delta but needed for travel to Phuket from China……..


    in Phuket all WP Expats were required double jabbed Sinovac, non WP Expats had one jab AZ and expecting 2nd AZ next week…….





  8. Current Phuket Sandbox simply must continue from 1 Oct. for “ high season”.High Vax Rate. Minimal Delta Impact. Many reasons to visit.

    Beaches clean / uncrowded, Resorts, Restaurants, Temples, Forests, Diving, Gym, Squash, Golf, Main Mall are all OPEN.Very FEW Tourists. Thailand Travel possible after 14 Days. Just avoid the large modern cities.

    Great for Families, Couples, Singles Chilling. Low Prices…….


    Have been here now 17 months as semi retired Resident Property Owner

    (since 2004) with Family so yes trolls & naysayers I DO know Phuket very well indeed.

  9. right, so add Diving & I think Golf now to Phuket Open Tourist Attractions.

    seen small Dive groups operating off Beaches but unaware limited Dive Boats operating too……

    plenty of reasons to vacation in Phuket, including high vax rate here. 

    IF you can tolerate the Sandbox Travel / Restrictions / Process / Risks.

    Clearly and Understandably, as expected, the vast majority of potential tourists will stay away for now but lets see what happens in Oct, start of (former) High Season…start of western cold weather…..



    • Like 1
  10. many silly questions from ignorant negative folk, which answer is YES.

    Beaches, Forests, Malls, Temples, Restaurants, Resorts are OPEN, with few people so increasing the attraction for many, esp.Family.

    Nightclubs, Bars, Live Music, Golf, Diving Tours, Sailing Tours CLOSED.


    Sandbox was a necessary cautious exploratory START, with Lessons Learned, nothing more. Unfortunate that Govt. did not just state that but instead foolishly & publicly aimed for unattainable Success & Targets …….. both impossible when NOBODY CAN KNOW the Experiment outcome…..




  11. AZ is proven the most highly effective covid vax under ALL western trials.

    Including WHO and USA FDA third phase trials. Approved by UK.

    Political rubber stamp approvals by WHO & USA cannot long be further delayed without ignoring the results of their own sanctioned trials. 

    Any implication that AZ is somehow defective because “not approved” by FDA is FALSE.

    Even FDA approved vax are “emergency approved only”, more bureacratic bs……

  12. UK “opted out” from EU (failed) covid vax scheme, like Euro & Schengen.

    We funded & developed our own worldclass vax (EU fail).

    No, I do not want to “see the back” of our Scots & nor do most Scots (we are family), just the Devolved Parliament & SNP. We cannot have our island cut in half, for security, trade & cultural purposes, just because 1.3 million ignore the economics & want it for irrational anti- english reasons. 


    Note: I’m writing here more to document my own subject thoughts than convince anybody.


    SNP are power - crazed fascist loons abusing English Money & failing the Scots. SNP are a Failed Scottish regional govt. who will not achieve  independence in an mature rational Britain.



    • Thanks 1
  13. “capital letters, grammar & structure” ? TVF is for comments, freeform notes, not for essays......

    yet THAT’S your pitiful “response” to you getting obliterated by reasoned factual argument ?

    know you have no proper response so go on then, mention “spelling” or some other deflecting bs....... anything but addressing the case....

    oh right, snp types have no case do they ....after 14 years of third world governance.....using UK Funds .

    prime candidate for snp msp !  no case, talk nonsense & get routinely annihilated in uk parliament !

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