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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Ukraine. Interest on Trump debt. You keep making the same tenuous argument that somehow any president should be able to magically fix the unfixable if they weren't so inept.
  2. My understanding is the reason inflation is so high in Germany is because of a high reliance on natural gas as opposed to the UK which has a lot more nuclear power. One major reason for UK food inflation being so high is labour shortages which meant that crops could not be harvested. Does Germany have that same lack of labour issue? Furthermore, I think Germany's food price inflation is falling now while the UK is rising.
  3. Both my linux machine and apple mac boot in less than 10 seconds.
  4. They can't say the quiet part out loud, that is they want to protect the rich and remove benefits for the poor. So they have to use unintelligible epithets like woke and cultural marxism to try to define what the dems are doing as bad without actually describing what they are doing. Otherwise their useful idiots would turn against them because most of the far right are deeply poor but buy into the scapegoat politics and racism rather than voting in their own interests.
  5. Words are not so fluid that we can just step outside the dictionary definition and expect to be understood.
  6. In AIS at least they have terminals that you can just enter the phone number and feed it money to top up.
  7. These six proposals are more unpopular than not: Allowing people to carry a concealed firearm without a license or safety training: 22% of voters favor, 69% oppose. Banning public colleges and universities from funding campus activities or programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion: 29% favor, 55% oppose. Banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy (including for victims of rape and incest who can’t provide official documentation of the crime, such as a police report): 35% favor, 51% oppose. Requiring all books available to children in public schools, including those selected by their teachers, to be separately reviewed by a media specialist (like a school librarian) for content the government deems inappropriate: 34% favor, 50% oppose. Banning majors or minors in critical race theory, gender studies or intersectionality at public colleges and universities: 36% favor, 48% oppose. Arresting people for trespassing if they use bathrooms in public buildings that do not correspond to their sex at birth: 40% favor, 43% oppose. And these two proposals attract plurality — but not majority — backing (in large part because of overwhelming support from Republicans): Penalizing doctors with up to five years in prison for providing hormone treatments or surgical care to transgender minors: 48% favor, 40% oppose. Prohibiting public school employees from calling students by pronouns other than those matching their sex at birth: 43% favor, 41% oppose. https://news.yahoo.com/poll-no-bump-for-desantis-from-2024-launch-as-trump-continues-to-climb-215316347.html
  8. Brexit was a “historic economic error” which has helped fuel high inflation in the UK, the former US Treasury chief Larry Summers has said. Mr Summers said Brexit and other policies mean Britain’s economic woes are “frankly more acute than they are in most other major countries.” “Brexit will be remembered as a historic economic error that reduced the competitiveness of the UK economy, put downward pressure on the pound and upward pressure on prices, limited import goods and limited in some ways the supply of labour,” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-uk-economy-inflation-summers-b2349634.html
  9. Coincidentally, I just perused my local 7-11 for unsalted pistachios and saw none. I buy unsalted nut from a stand just inside the carpark entrance to Big C Marina.
  10. It's classic straw grasping. They're running low on gas.
  11. That wasn't my point. If you had read those links you should remember. It's not a contemporaneous allegation. It's old news. If I had referred to new news I would have provided the link. If you aren't familiar with the current affairs under discussion you shouldn't be posting here, let alone challenging for links to news that's a couple of years old.
  12. Indeed, every person assisting Russian oligarchs to launder money should be prosecuted.
  13. No, it's labeling. Repeatedly using the term woke does not elucidate any ideas at all. It's straight nazi era demonisation.
  14. I thought Christianity was beyond animism. The head of St. Peter’s Basilica performed a special rite Saturday after a man stripped naked and hopped on the main altar with the words “Save children of Ukraina” written on his back. Cardinal Mauro Gambetti performed the penitential rite following the desecration of the altar with other priests and members of the faithful. https://apnews.com/article/vatican-ukraine-altar-st-peter-desecration-98c8f3e617c922c2d4939fbf254283af
  15. What has a rape crime got to do with all the LBGT hate? Straight men rape women but it doesn't elicit this sort of knee jerk.
  16. The hate is transparent bluster and having little effect. DeSantis has turned all his political guns blazing on Disney after the entertainment giant dared to criticize his legislation prohibiting any mention of LGBTQ people in most elementary school classrooms. He has repeatedly attacked the corporation in speeches, took over the board that administers their special taxing district, and threatened to toll the roads into the Walt Disney World resort complex, or even build a state prison next to it. But it doesn't seem like his threats are having much effect on Disney's bottom line, or tourism numbers, reported Orlando Weekly on Friday. https://www.rawstory.com/ron-desantis-disney-2660830838/?traffic_source=Connatix
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