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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The problem with this logic is that he never gets the chance to recover his own legal expenses. Why was he pardoned exactly?
  2. The probability would be like winning the lottery 9 times in a row. That doesn't mean nobody else won it.
  3. How can "educated and aware" not be considered as a positive? Oh, wait....
  4. Irrespective, it is the same people. And it is not apples and kangaroos. Many overstayers are seeking to live here for whatever reason. Many on both sides would consider themselves refugees. You probably don't agree which would prove my point.
  5. This is a civil suit so there will be discovery. Good luck with that comrade Flynn
  6. If overstayers were tolerated there would just be more of them. The same people who downplay visa overstays are the ones whose heads explode about illegal immigrants in their own countries.
  7. Rubbish. The only thing that has changed is that the far right crazies have found that drumming up fear and loathing is good business. The underlying clinical issues and their treatment hasn't changed one iota.
  8. Tell us how many centuries this direct lineage has been the monarchy. Harry has as many rights as his siblings. Charles will be the last monarch.
  9. If you travel temporarily are you then a non resident? Meghan is American, they have a legal right to reside in both countries.
  10. 'A mistake': Mitch McConnell tears into Tucker Carlson's 'depiction' of the Capitol riot https://www.rawstory.com/mitch-mcconnell-fox-news-tucker-carlson/?cx_testId=4&cx_testVariant=cx_undefined&cx_artPos=1&cx_experienceId=EXC93HV4HK4I#cxrecs_s
  11. Do you feel represented by what most people wear in the streets?
  12. Oh look, another family friendly event for Pattaya. They seem to be every week.
  13. When children are clinically neither male nor female it's entirely up to the medical profession and parents to decide what to do, Failure to do anything may well result in mental issues for the child. Politicians and gay haters should just back off.
  14. Whistleblowers almost always are connected with an organisation they are exposing and always have first hand information. Otherwise their information is not credible and is of little use.
  15. Unless he's charged with racketeering, insurrection or espionage, all of which are possible.
  16. I'm 175 cm and 71 Kg. The Mediterranean diet is not an extreme diet. I've been on it all my life except for some drinking. I drink a few beers a month and sometimes a red wine or two. I'm 68. You might want to quit with the assumptions.
  17. Take nexium and see if it goes away in an hour or two. If not, see a doctor.
  18. I saw some police in Pattaya the other day wearing red berets, wondered what type of police they were.
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