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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You'd need to ask the white supremacist groups why they adopted the OK hand signal in some childish group secret sign. The left can't be blamed for recognising it for what it is and calling it out.
  2. In respect to what? Or whom. And why?
  3. I'm wondering whether the current relaxation of restrictions isn't about difficulty in recruitment these days.
  4. I do a lot of my own research and I spend a lot, way too much time here. I don't like to waste my time chasing down "facts" that others claim which, in a very many cases I believe to be false. Do you know how hard it is to research and find a fact which is false? I guess you do. The reason I demand links to facts is because a lot of folks around here love to peddle conspiracy theories and cite facts which can never be substantiated because they are just conspiracy theories or misinformation. The rules regarding production of links are intended to keep those posts down to a dull roar. The false claims people make are generally intended to support misinformation. Posters accusing others of not seeking the truth and suggesting they are blind because the truth is out there or that they can just google it are almost always just inviting people to go find links to misinformation and conspiracy theories and are in the category of not credible links which are not allowed on this forum. I'm absolutely amazed at how many people are willing to believe garbage which is just false. How many for example believe the nonsense which Fox news peddle and which they now admit is purely for profit because so many people are willing to read only the echo chamber. If Fox were required to adhere to what they believed was the truth in reporting they couldn't compete. I also do make a strong effort to provide links to my claims and expect others to follow suit. If I were forced to put up bat guano crazy claims and conspiracy theories I simply would not read or contribute to this board. The imposition of standards and consistent maintenance of those standards is crucial to my participation here. I hope you understand my rationale here.
  5. Fox’s new Jan. 6 documentary implies 9/11 was a false flag "So, FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, according to government documents," Carlson falsely claimed during a June 16, 2021, show. On the screen appears insurrectionists, footage from the Capitol, and Trump, but then it shows footage of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. It isn't clear why Carlson would choose bin Laden's image, while the voiceover claims there have been false flags in the U.S. in the past. https://www.rawstory.com/tucker-carlson-fake-documentary/
  6. Fox chief Rupert Murdoch said network aired 2020 election conspiracies for the money: court documents https://www.rawstory.com/fox-news-rupert-murdoch-mike-lindell/
  7. An Indian restauranteur toldme that there are 300 Indian restaurants in Pattaya. He said that his cooks come from India and his wait staff are mainly from Burma because they speak Hindi.
  8. The phrase has indisputably been co-opted by racist groups in the same way that the confederate flag and the ok hand sign is. That makes it a racist phrase. What you are trying to do here is remove any and all context and imply that the phrase has no context and therefore isn't racist. That context has been shown in various links posted int his thread. Why don't you acknowledge them?
  9. I don't believe so. It seems to be a mixture of ED visas, elite visas, border runs and overstays.
  10. Most of those slaves were likely destined for the US, the link does not show that they remained in the countries that transported them. In fact, the link implies that most were destined for the US. This chart indicates that the US had almost 4 million slaves back then. https://billofrightsinstitute.org/activities/chart-slave-population-in-1860 I'm unable to find a slave population list for other countries which kept slaves during the period of US slavery. Wiki cites that Brazil had 4 million slaves but they probably predated the US by a couple of hundred years. 4 million enslaved people were obtained by Brazil, 1.5 million more than any other country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery It is possible that the numbers were roughly similar to the US in Brazil until they were abolished around 1871. However, at best that remains a deflection attempting to diminish the issue the slavery in the US which was right up their with the worst slavers in that era. The Brazil numbers were also over a much longer period of time. However, thank you for stepping up to the plate when challenged and producing a link, even if it's inconclusive. There is obviously no data comparing US slavery with slavery in other countries during the same period of time. I have never disputed that slavery was widespread in earlier times but it was particularly egregious in the US in more modern times and the effects of slavery on modern white attitudes to blacks remains with us even now. Blacks continue to face systemic racism, discrimination and unequal opportunities compared to whites.
  11. Your claim: "did America own the most slaves? No.". This was not a fact, it was false. I challenged you to support that claim with a link. You produced a link to say that there were more slaves in the world TODAY than there were in America when it had slaves. You were unable and are still unable to name a country which had more slaves, let alone support that claim. It could not be clearer. Please either withdraw that claim or support it with a link to evidence.
  12. It was just kept in the fringe until Obama was elected and then white supremacist militias tripled in number. Trump essentially legitimised hate speech and suddenly it became ok to be racist. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/03/08/148217754/report-explosive-growth-of-patriot-movement-and-militias-continues
  13. You claimed a fact, you are required to back it up. Period. You should at least have he decency to admit you were wrong and withdraw your assertion if you can't.
  14. Yellen in Kyiv to meet with Zelensky Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is making a surprise visit to Ukraine on Monday to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, affirming U.S. support for the country as its war with Russia passes the one year mark, according to a Treasury Department official. Yellen will visit Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, to meet with Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials. Yellen also announced another $1.25 billion in economic support from the U.S. to Ukraine. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3875840-yellen-in-kyiv-to-meet-with-zelensky/
  15. Looks like the response was crickets.
  16. Which country does it say had more slaves than the US. That was your claim. The world's population is slightly larger now than it was in 1862 as well so your comparison is misleading as well as deficient. Facts matter. .
  17. You obviously didn't look far. "Peg can mean to watch or observe, as in I've got you pegged, which is similar to number, as in, I've got your number, meaning to have someone's measure."
  18. How about the link you are required to produce to back up your claims?
  19. That was in 2021. The science has obviously moved on and shown ivermectin to not be useful.
  20. Do you think that everything was made good at the end of the civil war? Or that a switch was flipped when the civil rights act was passed? You are obviously one of those who deny that there remains any kind of problem which results in blacks and minorities not getting a fair shake. Arguing that other countries had more slaves is just deflection. And you offer no link to support that contention. Please provide the link.
  21. Provide a link that Google blocks anything based on dissent of credible science. What kind of "dissent" are you referring to. Can you give some concrete examples rather than the usual boring innuendo?
  22. It won't let me read the whole article. Can you? All of it?
  23. That is the overwhelming majority of the history of slavery. Pointing to cases where blacks have been corrupted for their own benefit does nothing. Ultimately most of those slaves, at least in the modern era, were sold to whites. You're just engaging in look over there, a black man owned slaves as well so whites are off the hook. Not really an argument is it?
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