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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It is expensive. $200 a month in Thailand. I forgot to mention that. I brought a supply from Australia where it's covered by PBS although still expensive. Out of curiosity, how can you tell if your INR in within therapeutic range? You should also state here for the benefit of others whether your decision to take an INR test only once a year was recommended or endorsed by a doctor or not.
  2. The reaction would and should be identical. In both cases exceedingly offensive.
  3. Medical experts and scientists are not "officialdom". They are part of the human condition which is the ability to build on collective knowledge through academic learning and research. Those of us who are dumbed down reject that philosophy. Your allusion to "established convention" in novel medical research is a meaningless throwaway.
  4. The tests I had were not the modern fingerprick tests. I was also getting tests weekly because any time out of range is very dangerous.
  5. OP, what kind of blood clot did you have and was the blood disorder genetic? There is a genetic disorder which is relatively common among caucasians. Inherited thrombophilia comes in several forms. The most common are factor V Leiden mutation, which 1 in 20 people of European descent have, and the prothrombin G20210A gene mutation or factor II mutation, which happens in 2% of the population. https://www.webmd.com/dvt/thrombophilia-overview I have the second mentioned gene mutation but not the first. After an abdominal blood clot back on 2019 I was prescribed warfarin and told I'd be on it forever because they could not find a cause (idiopathic). The specialists told me that the gene mutation was associated with blood clotting but not the cause of it. In my first annual review the specialist told me the chance of a recurrence while on warfarin was highly unlikely. They told me that warfarin was prescribed as it had better efficacy against abdominal clots but worse against cerebral clotting. In a subsequent bladder cancer check following blood in my urine (gross haematuria) the gastroenterologist suggested that nobody should take warfarin anymore and that I should change to a doac. My bladder and kidneys were found to be healthy. He said that blood in urine was common and annual or less frequent bouts of it weren't necessarily cause for concern. In my next annual review the haematologist recommended I change to Eliquis so I did so. That relieved me of the burden of frequent INR tests and dietary restrictions. I did express concerns about the lack of an antidote but he assured me that issues were quite rare. He recommended Eliquis because it was a twice a day medication and so had a half life of 12 hours. In the last review, a new haematologist wanted to take me off any medication until I told him I was going to Thailand when he said I should stay on them as a precaution. He said that in Australia I would be less than 4 hours from an ER ward and so the risk was acceptable. Obviously I can't comment on the 3 months cycles but I would personally be very reluctant to do that. You should get an opinion from a hospital in your own country for this.
  6. I strongly recommend you buy a patient self test kit and do your own testing. My haematologist told me that there isn't any reason that patients should still be on warfarin these days. After 2 years on warfarin he changed my medication to Eliquis (apixaban). Have a talk to your doctor and ask for a referral to a haematologist. I used to pay 1500 baht for the INR test at a Pattaya hospital before I bought the kit. The biggest pain was not being able to eat high vit K foods.
  7. No comment about the topic? Don't want to say the quiet part out loud?
  8. Years ago I read them daily. I stopped when he started with his extremist politics.
  9. If you can't say it you can't even mention it. You present it as fact and don't substantiate your claim. You absolutely know that's against the rules.
  10. I provided evidence that Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. Here's some more. In this image from video provided by the Kenosha County District Attorney, Kyle Rittenhouse poses for a photo at Pudgy’s Pub in Mount Pleasant, Wis., on Jan. 5, 2021, the day he was arraigned on charges related to the killing of two people at an August protest in Kenosha. Prosecutors presented this photo and others as evidence of Rittenhouse consorting with white supremacists, citing the use of the “OK” sign, which has been co-opted as a sign of “white power.” https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/kyle-rittenhouse-blames-former-lawyers-for-proud-boys-photo/
  11. I asked you about "Google won't have the small print on that." There was no mention in your post about "retiring in Pattaya".
  12. All of them. The protests were against the killing of a BLACK man. It was an assumption made by Rittenhouse that many of those protesters would be black and BLM. As it happened many white protesters also protested, a situation which obviously wasn't part of his calculations and nor did he anticipate that some might challenge his aggression in wielding an AR 15 at them. His continuous association with white supremacists before and after his trial clearly demonstrates his antipathy towards blacks.
  13. Rittenhouse has cosied up to white supremacist groups since his trial. Kyle Rittenhouse, out on bail, flashed white power signs at a bar, prosecutors say https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kyle-rittenhouse-out-bail-flashed-white-power-signs-bar-prosecutors-n1254250 The other case centred around a white 18-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse shot three people during an anti-racism protest. In case you missed the details of this highly polarizing case: Rittenhouse shot and killed two men and injured a third during a protest in Kenosha, Wis., in 2020. The protests were in response to the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake. https://theconversation.com/the-acquittal-of-kyle-rittenhouse-raises-questions-about-white-privilege-172365 When white people find Black protesters scary, and white vigilantes heroic, where does that leave the legal concept of ‘reasonable belief’? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/19/kyle-rittenhouse-conviction-america-white-privilege November 2021, in the United States, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges after shooting and killing Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, while they were protesting against impunity in the killing of Black people. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/12/13/a-homecoming-for-mr-rittenhouse Rittenhouse was photographed in a bar before the trial with apparent members of the far-right Proud Boys. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/feds-seek-to-limit-telehealth-prescriptions-for-some-drugs/
  14. It's the duty of the police to protect the town, not armed vigilantes. Which of the people he threatened and ultimately shot committed any crimes?
  15. He still went there with a deliberate intention to foment trouble with black protesters. Unfortunately for him (and them) it was white protesters who challenged him.
  16. Banks don't care, they're only interested in capacity to repay. Ask people who own these properties how their insurance policies are going? Along with those in flood prone and bush fire prone areas.
  17. No, because only Americans can live there without a border run every month.
  18. If DT junior was serious he'd pay this murderer's legal fees. He's being sued for wrongful death by one of his victims. This is just red meat for the base. The kid is begging for money. They want the suckers to fund his legal fees. .
  19. They do and I did learn statistical analysis at school. In a regional public school in the 60's to boot. Not allowed to see the evidence. Beyond ridiculous. There is nothing untoward about a pharmaceutical company funding research into it's products as required by law. How about you produce a link? If "just google" was so easy you'd do that wouldn't you? You can't that's your problem. All you can do is find whack job links to conspiracy theories. Posts like this deserve to be ridiculed.
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