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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Truth is like black and white. Something is either true or not. There are no graduations. Truth is absolutely true or absolutely false.
  2. I just watched a YT vid (FX Evolution) where the guy claims that the maximum will be 6%. He does fairly good macro analysis which interests me more than TA but usually makes few predictions.
  3. Pattaya is constantly putting on family oriented activities. Here is the next one, the kite festival being promoted at Central Festival Mall.
  4. It's a chart of the USD to RBL over several years. Easily reproduced,
  5. Yep, while I'm often guilty of reflexively replying to off topic quotes I didn't deflect to OJ Simpson.
  6. Not really. It's also formed a classic bear flag for those who do chart analysis.
  7. You're showing biases in your opinion about CNN supporting right wing inability to define "fake" as false. If unbiased you'd have no opinion.
  8. No, Russia doesn't like to show its troops dying like cannon fodder. Obviously they don't want to protect western journalists covering it either.
  9. Ruble not crashing? Doing well? https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=RUB&to=USD&view=1M RBL THB chart. select 1 month in time scales. https://www.investing.com/currencies/rub-thb-advanced-chart
  10. You're biased. I'm biased. Does that somehow illogically mean we tell lies to support our biases?
  11. That link does not support your claim. It merely points out that the right wing falsely claim bias as "fake".
  12. The first link does not demonstrate a preponderance of blacks employed vs whites in the public sector as a proportion of their respective population numbers. You didn't read that link closely at all.
  13. The statistics of the imbalance of employment in proportion to populations is proof. The widespread existence of diversity programs demonstrates acceptance of the problem and is more proof.
  14. It is not the remit of big pharma to research pore-existing drugs that aren't theirs. That would be wasting money which could be used on the development of new drugs. Patently false. Governments and academic institutions fund research which constantly challenges past established research. Corporations too. How many times have we read that a drug is taken off the market or otherwise been restricted because of research. Many is the answer. Anti inflammatory drugs are but one example.
  15. Rubbish, racism is alive and well in among job selectors in government and the private sector. Diversity rules are designed to remove that prejudice.
  16. Ah, that old canard again. Those rules are designed to ensure that the best qualified are included in the selection process and that minorities are not excluded which has been the historical experience.
  17. Do you have a link that proves the other guy was his friend?
  18. I took a math unit in year 12 at high school in 1971 entitled exactly that.
  19. Then the perp said "I didn't murder that guy" and the police told him to go home. And none of the other white supremacists in the picture knew that either or didn't bother to tell Rittenhouse about it. He just copied them because he is an imbecile? https://www.nbc15.com/2021/01/14/prosecutors-seek-bond-changes-after-rittenhouse-allegedly-flashed-white-power-signs-in-bar/ Binger went on to explain that Rittenhouse later had lunch with the head of the national Proud Boys group — roughly a week after the bar party — who also picked him up from the airport in Miami. https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/kyle-rittenhouse/kyle-rittenhouse-judge-says-white-power-gesture-reminds-him-of-chef-boyardee-warns-proud-boys-link-to-defendant-would-be-poison-at-trial/
  20. I found a phone in a song taew with credit cards. Fortunately the owner called the number and I told her where to collect it from my condo office. All good.
  21. What is even more bizarre is claiming his close and continued associated with white supremacists is not indicative of his racism.
  22. Even this first gen battery is adequate for most urban usage. This is a huge development.
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