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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm not much of one either. I prefer to walk and chose my condo location based on the ability to walk everywhere. When I do take one I prefer to stand on the back platform, it's a nice experience. The police proclaimed a crack down on this practice well before covid, it didn't last long. It's not new. Sad really. Still, I thought it was funny when I did take a song thaew last weekend from walking street up to soi 6 about 2 am last Tuesday. A drunken Thai woman in her late 50's kept nodding off and resting her head against a young Russian guy's shoulder. He was visibly irritated and started to lean forward to avoid her. Soon after they both got off at the same stop but headed off in different directions. It provided some entertainment for me.
  2. Marjorie Taylor Greene shredded for saying Black people should be 'proud' to see Confederate monuments First of all, the last time Southerners like Marge proposed a 'national divorce', it was because they were holding 4 million African-Americans hostage as slaves, and they didn't want to let them go. Today, roughly half of African-Americans still live in the 11 Southern states that comprise the Confederacy. And so if this 'national divorce' happens, they would be trapped in an Apartheid hellscape of a new country with zero healthcare, crappy public schools, barely a right to vote, and a full return to ownership by someone else of their bodies. https://www.rawstory.com/mtg-confederate/
  3. This is just stereotypical garbage. The same festivities are help at funerals is the Philippines where they block off the street and put up a marquee for days. Also, wakes are held at pubs in the west. It doesn't mean they are unemotional.
  4. Well he'll be justified because the Thais won't allow Russian to be spoken in schools and government.
  5. And losing sailors for committing crimes. These shore visits were all cut because one sailor killed a ladyboy in a hotel by drowning him in a toilet in Subic Bay Philippines. The Marine Bar muay thai arena could be entertaining. Back in the mid 80's when a ship was visiting a drunken marine fancied himself against a little muay thai boxer. Money changed hands and the Thai boxer kicked the stuffing out of the marine.
  6. Nothing to do with paying American pensions first which was your claim. If not, whose salary is not being paid because of the assistance to Ukraine?
  7. He doesn't mention pensions. Can you at least try to keep your ducks in a row and not waste other people's time with patently false claims with no supporting evidence?
  8. Paint me skeptical. You need a link to this obvious malarkey. edit: OK, it's sarcasm.
  9. It's almost as if the plan to kill Obamacare and subsequent abuse of John McCain who voted to save it didn't sink Trump's re-election.
  10. That's nearly a year away. Why is that such a stretch?
  11. We're talking about two dates. Get grip. Anybody can edit wiki and it's peer checked for accuracy.
  12. Most are women and kids. Zelensky banned men from leaving the country. Putin doesn't stop the Russian men leaving because it's mainly the rich. He's sending Chechens, rural Russians and prisoners to Ukraine as cannon fodder. Your post is not representative of the facts. Exactly what I expect from a Russian.
  13. Those were mainly refugees fleeing the Russians in the east of Ukraine and indiscriminate Russian missile and drone attacks against innocent civilians, not draft dodgers like are fleeing Russia. There's no comparison.
  14. I know. The link lists blood pressure pills as well.
  15. Are you suggesting Ukraine surrender to Russian efforts to seize it's territory? Would Russia do the same if the US threatened to use nuclear weapons against them? Should they? Your post is nonsense.
  16. Ukraine MUST defend itself. If Russia uses nuclear weapons it will be 100% Putin's fault.
  17. Thailand doesn't have a social security system to protect its citizens from an economic downturn.
  18. It’s Time to Talk About Violent Christian Extremism https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/02/04/qanon-christian-extremism-nationalism-violence-466034
  19. Andrew Tate and his brother kept in detention for another 30 days by Romanian court https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-22/romanian-court-rules-to-hold-andrew-tate-for-another-30-days/102010956
  20. Off topic deflection. Trump set a tight timeline to leave. It would have been impossible for the US to retrieve everything in that time. Most of what they left would be of little use to Afghanistan. The good stuff left with the troops. The US left 78 aircraft procured for the government of Afghanistan at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul before the end of the withdrawal. These aircraft were demilitarized and rendered inoperable before the US military left, the report states. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/27/politics/afghan-weapons-left-behind/index.html
  21. He's got no better idea who did it than Biden's dog.
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