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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Whatever that category is it is not accurate to claim it is "straight". I'm not attacking anyone but word definition is important. It would dilute the meaning of the word to include anything other than non LBGTQ.
  2. I'm also straight but attraction to ladyboys is not straight no matter what gay men might tell you.
  3. They're putting their money where their mouth is, in a court. Not just political punditry like Trump engages in.
  4. I'm late 60's and have to say I've never been discriminatory to LGBTQ people. I accept that Gen Z are more aware and tolerant. Woke if you will but not the remit of gen Z by any means.
  5. Utter rubbish on all levels. It's illogical to suggest that having gay sex is "straight". What does that term then mean?
  6. Then why did you drag it off topic? How is Putin off topic in a thread about the Ukraine war?
  7. Even you accept that a painting is "speech", which I don't, how is moving it to a chapel a violation of that free speech? We are talking about a military academy which is supposed to be secular. It is not a christian organisation. This isn't about "wokeness". It's nothing to do with partisan politics is it? Would it be more appropriate in the oval office do you think? In what way does it honor non christian sailors who died fighting for America? Sounds like religious hegemony to me.
  8. After a fit of pique Musk discovers that IT experts prefer to work in California. He couldn't manage a chook raffle in a pub.
  9. Not enough to make any difference at all. Why throw out the baby with the bath water? The republicans commit the fraud and then complain about voter fraud. You can't make this stuff up.
  10. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned China of “serious consequences” if it helps Russia evade U.S. sanctions, calling for even tighter economic restrictions on Moscow as the Ukraine war nears its one year mark. “We have made clear that providing material support to Russia or assistance with any kind of systemic sanctions evasion would be a very serious concern for us,” Yellen said at the Group of 20 meeting in India on Thursday. “We will certainly continue to make clear to the Chinese government and the companies and banks in their jurisdiction about what the rules are regarding our sanctions and the serious consequences they would face for violating them.” https://thehill.com/policy/international/3870782-yellen-warns-china-of-serious-consequences-if-it-helps-russia-evade-us-sanctions/
  11. Zelensky's first language is Russian. Language is not an indicator of national affiliation and political sympathies. Many US politicians were appeasers at the beginning of WW2 because of the war of independence. This is just gratuitous Thai bashing and nationalist hegemony. Why assume that Thais are any less sophisticated than any other nation? Other comments in your post are off topic garbage designed to deflect.
  12. There are vanishingly few examples of that happening and when they do it's mostly republicans who do it. There's no argument for suppressing voting rights or making it harder to vote there. Mail in votes are checked against the role exactly the same as votes in person are. As are their signatures.
  13. There's political risk in wealthy Muscovites being drafted to fight Ukraine. Russia will continue to tolerate that demographic leaving.
  14. Anything which makes it easier to vote and increases the number of votes cast is a good thing. Democracy is made strong when more people vote. Precisely why in my country it's mandatory to vote.
  15. No, the west will not seek to rule Ukraine. The goal is to maintain independence for Ukraine. Russia wants Ukraine to be part of Russia, not independent at all. Russia only ever ruled Ukraine under duress. The holomador proves that.
  16. Do you ever consider the logic of your posts? You insist that the notion that Russia will be content with just taking Ukraine but claim that the notion that Russia won't be content with just Ukraine is a hypothetical. Each is just as valid as the other. Byellorus looks like being annexed and Moldova certainly fears it. Russia already annexed 20% of Georgia. Surely the proposition with the most logic would be that Putin wants to restore the entirely of the former Soviet Union?
  17. Her case is not finalised until appeals are exhausted. As such she remains entitled to a public defender. Personally, I think that the principle of age accountability as a minor should be upheld. If she were an adult then I'd have no sympathy for her. It's not a crime to be an idiot.
  18. It reaffirms the UN’s “commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine” and calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities. It also demands Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine.”
  19. Jan. 6 rioter who threatened to assassinate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets 38 months in prison "Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of 48 months in prison for Garret Miller, an unemployed Texan who, they noted, was wearing a T-shirt bearing former President Donald Trump's picture and the words 'I was there, Washington, D.C., January 6, 2021' when he was arrested weeks after the attack," politics correspondent Dareh Gregorian wrote. "It should always be remembered that, although Garret is fully responsible for his individual actions that day, his actions and the actions of many others were a product of rhetoric from a cult leader that has yet to be brought to justice," Broden told the court. Miller pleaded guilty to a total of eleven charges which included him having "openly discussed his desire to doxx the officer" who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt and "hug his neck with a nice rope," according to the filing obtained by NBC. https://www.rawstory.com/jan-6-rioter-who-threatened-to-assassinate-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-sentenced-to-38-months-in-prison/
  20. Last time they did it the fine was 500 baht. Drivers were proactively telling passengers to sit down as many prefer to joy ride on the platform even when the song thaew isn't full.
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