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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. As long as Russia is intent on destroying Ukraine the Ukrainians have every right and the incentive to destroy Russia even with western assistance. I hope he realises that. Russia needs to stop this war now.
  2. Proof that Russia will not stop at Ukraine. Moldova is very worried.
  3. Rubbish. “China has not been able to condemn the invasion,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a group of reporters. Beijing’s peace plan, he added, “is quite vague.” Peace, the NATO chief emphasized, is only possible if Russia respects Ukraine’s sovereignty. https://www.politico.eu/article/china-wang-yi-peace-europe-joe-biden-munich-security-conference/ https://www.newsweek.com/eu-chief-calls-more-ammo-ukraine-top-chinese-diplomat-urges-peace-1782525
  4. It was Trump who ordered the US withdrawal from Afghanistan together with the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners who then went on to kill US soldiers. Biden was left holding a poisoned chalice. I suspect Putin ordered Trump to withdraw.
  5. Extremists always think they are in the majority because they live in the echo chamber.
  6. "Sen. Mitt Romney on Tuesday firmly denounced Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s recent call for a 'national divorce,' harkening back on what happened in the U.S. during the Civil War," reported Katie McKellar. "'You know, I think Abraham Lincoln dealt with that kind of insanity,' the Utah Republican told reporters during a brief press availability during his visit with lawmakers at the Utah Capitol in Salt Lake City. 'We’re not going to divide the country. https://www.rawstory.com/mitt-romney-on-mtg/
  7. Biden Went to Kyiv; DeSantis Went to Fox & Friends the Florida governor, who aspires to be president himself, decided to position himself in front of the cameras of Fox & Friends to . . . wait for it . . . blame Biden for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. We could get into the requisite back-and-forth about how it was really former President Donald Trump who emboldened Russia by coddling Putin and holding up congressionally approved aid to Ukraine. But what DeSantis is doing is far more cold-blooded and detached. https://www.thebulwark.com/biden-went-to-kyiv-desantis-went-to-fox-friends/
  8. Here's a big risk for working expats. Last night in Pattaya. 10k later...
  9. There's no justification for Russia to claim Crimea under any circumstances. It just simply isn't their territory. Hasn't been for 70 years. Furthermore, Crimea is critical for Ukraine to prevent Russia blockading Odessa.
  10. With assent by doctors and a senior psychologist with an appropriate cooling off period, yes, absolutely. Failure to conduct gender reassignment surgery when appropriate can cause depression, anxiety and mental illness. This is decidedly not an issue for politicians.
  11. Well, you've been warned. More deflection will be reported then it's up to moddies to decide.
  12. A bit of light hearted racism is never acceptable. Poking fun at Scousers isn't racism.
  13. Sheryl posted a list of Thai generic replacements for irbesartan here Hope this helps.
  14. As far as I can tell that slur was directed at a single individual. Can you spot the difference?
  15. No, the world would be less safe because of rogue imperialist actors like Russia using force to seize territory. This is why NATO and the UN were created.
  16. Again, this topic isn't about anywhere. It's about Russia committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine. Stay on topic and stop trying to deflect.
  17. In a fixed vote after expelling many Ukrainians. They had no right to run a fixed referendum. Crimea is part of Ukraine. Period.
  18. He didn't mention parades. He's referring to politicians and religious nut jobs using LBGTQ as a whipping post to gin up the bigoted base.
  19. They aren't shouting at you. They are shouting about their right to be left alone. Do you deny that the right are running interference in their lives bigly? They have as much right to a gay parade as anybody has to any parade. You have no right to be offended by their activities in the street. The gay mardi gras in Sydney is huge event. Not just with gays. Everybody is welcome and many straight people go.
  20. Hatred against minorities is a far right thing. People who aren't LGBTQ should have nothing to say about those who are. Just like men should have nothing to say about abortion.
  21. Why not start a thread about war crimes in other countries? It's off topic here. You're just engaging in whataboutery aka deflection. This topic is just about Russia.
  22. How did it matter that Biden wasn't first and why shouldn't other leaders have equal standing?
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