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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's not the bible or the koran we need to worry about. It's modern religions.
  2. It's a state issue. How about keep religion right away from government? No state assistance at all. That's what a secular society should be.
  3. Most Republicans and most Dems support military aid to Russia. There's no question of war without congressional approval. In fact the Senate overruled Trump with a super majority to deliver aid to Ukraine. If Turkey leaves NATO then good. While Turkey is a strategic player they are running interference for Russia which is unacceptable for a NATO country.
  4. I never said Russia was the only country that committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. You are deflecting. Do you deny that Russia committed both?
  5. Not how a democratic society would work. One man one vote. So the Chinese and Indians win, hard cheese.
  6. Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats are a bluff, Boris Bondarev, a former Russian diplomat who resigned publicly over the invasion of Ukraine last year, has said. Bondarev, 42, quit his job as an arms control expert at Russia's diplomatic mission to Geneva in May 2022, the only Russian diplomat to have quit publicly over Putin's war. His open resignation letter described the war as "not only a crime against the Ukrainian people, but also, perhaps, the most serious crime against the people of Russia." https://www.newsweek.com/putin-bluffing-nuclear-threats-russian-diplomat-boris-bondarev-1782784
  7. What is wrong is that they shouldn't supplant other values. Christian nationalists are well accustomed to murder.
  8. That's the smart play. Unlike Trump who ignored sane advice and went by his gut feelings. A man who couldn't find Ukraine on a map. .
  9. If I read you right, we are in agreement here. The Earth should be one nation without borders. I topped a state public service entrance exam in 1973 with an essay advocating against national borders. Well said. Nationalism is the root of all evil.
  10. Yes. They are committing crimes against humanity. They don't need to be as bad as the nazis to be compared to them. It's regrettable that a nation that suffered so much can be so evil as Israel is today. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/ https://www.un.org/unispal/document/continued-perpetration-of-war-crimes-and-crimes-against-humanity-by-israel-against-the-palestinian-people-letter-from-state-of-palestine-a-es-10-900-s-2022-377/
  11. Nope, most American Jews hate Netanyahu. They always have and always will vote liberal. The lead-up to Israel’s election has revealed deep fractures between the Israeli prime minister and American Jews. For some American Jews, the strong alliance between Netanyahu and Donald Trump of the past few years has added stress to their relationship with Israel, which has become especially fraught in the years since the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in the early 2000s. While some Jews in the U.S. appreciate Trump’s positions on Israel, many detest the American president’s domestic politics and believe that he has enabled anti-Semitism and xenophobia. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/04/israel-votes-as-american-jews-and-netanyahu-grow-apart/586705/
  12. Santos is running scare now and trying to salvage what little is left of his reputation. That ship has sailed.
  13. Gutfield exposing the democrats. He's a shallow mouth for hire. As shallow as a roadside puddle after a shower. So, what are the Democrats?
  14. It takes a lot of security to get the US president to visit a war zone where no US troops are present. It takes guts and gumption. It must really hurt you guiys on the right wing. You just can't admit that Biden has done the righty by the free world. Extorting who for what. Maybe you should just back off the conspiracy theories and get some patriotism.Unless of course your patriotism is Russian. Biden is leader and man of the times like no other the world has seen in years. More so even than Obama. Trump is just human detritus in comparison.
  15. 100% YES! Children can't give consent to a crime. Do NOT clip posts. I reported you for doing so. In a post about child exploitation it's critical that my posts are not misinterpreted.
  16. I'm attacking your claim as follows: "I'm saying from the secular/liberal perspective it's reasonable to conclude that if the child is not being harmed then it's not immoral. " Nothing to do with the "original commenter".
  17. Your point? On one hand the right are saying he has better things to do at home and now suggesting he's late to visit Kyiv. You can't make this stuff up.
  18. Disgusting rubbish, stop inventing fairy tales. There are laws in every country covering child sexual exploitation.
  19. They were identified by the perp on facebook, Please take the time to read and digest the OP.
  20. This visit is all about China. Biden to rally allies as Ukraine war gets more complicated “I thought it was critical that there not be any doubt, none whatsoever, about U.S. support for Ukraine in the war,” Biden said as he stood with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv before departing for Poland. The administration on Sunday revealed it has new intelligence suggesting that China, which has remained on the sidelines of the conflict, is now considering sending Moscow lethal aid. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said it could become a “serious problem” if Beijing follows through. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C. “Putin won’t stop in Ukraine. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-kyiv-politics-united-states-government-5dc78c468ca866733ab7dff8651d8535?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01
  21. “If Speaker McCarthy has indeed granted Tucker Carlson — a Fox host who routinely spreads misinformation and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s poisonous propaganda — and his producers access to this sensitive footage, he owes the American people an explanation of why he has done so and what steps he has taken to address the significant security concerns at stake,” Thompson said. Carlson has accused the select committee of “lying” about what happened on Jan. 6, and has boasted that Fox News did not cover the proceedings, or what he called “propaganda,” on live television. In 2021 he produced “Patriot Purge,” a documentary series that purports to tell an alternative story of the Jan. 6 insurrection and features at least one subject who suggests the event may have been a “false flag” operation. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3867063-bennie-thompson-rips-mccarthy-for-giving-tucker-carlson-jan-6-footage/
  22. I didn't. I laughed at the irony. Fox is an allowed source, I'm not contesting that. I personally find Fox not to be a credible source, a view supported by the OP.
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