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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. This is nuts. How come all the Russia apologists want to say that the continued war is because of Zelensky and the west not wanting to surrender to Russia. Why don't you admit that it's all Putin's fault because he invaded and he won;t stop his aggression?
  2. The Ukrainians don't want to live under Putin. NATO will never allow Russia to win. The only end is Russia's end, not Ukraine's. Either Russia withdraws or it's finished as a viable nation.
  3. The west has no reason to attack Russia. You want to sacrifice Ukraine to Russia? Moldova would be next and the Soviet Union back in business.
  4. Interesting that the shooter was apparently Vietnamese while the victims were presumably Chinese. We will find out the motive soon.
  5. If the Germans don't send those tanks the war will be escalated. Russia will attack again. If Ukraine has the tanks, Russia is finished, an attack will be futile. They will be forced to withdraw.
  6. Of course weapons manufacturers make money from selling weapons. Just like big pharma make money selling drugs. That doesn't mean they caused or prolonged the war any more than they caused covid. Russia invaded Ukraine, leaving the western world no choice but to spend money on weapons. These conspiracy theories about it all being the military industrial machine's fault are puerile and simplistic.
  7. The proposed new Chinese coal mines are a new generation of highly efficient coal fired power plants so not so high a priority target for protest, unlike the German dirty coal she protested.
  8. If Germany won’t play ball, then Poland will find other partners to deliver Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in pointed remarks accusing Berlin of foot-dragging in its support of Kyiv against invading Russian forces. Poland is prepared to go around German opposition to build a “smaller coalition” of countries and find allies willing to send the tanks to Ukraine, Morawiecki said in an interview with the Polish Press Agency published on Sunday. “We will not passively watch Ukraine bleed to death,” Morawiecki said. https://www.politico.eu/article/poland-ready-to-build-smaller-coalition-to-send-tanks-to-ukraine-without-germany-war-russia/
  9. Send Ukraine tanks to get Germany to do so, McCaul urges Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said the U.S. needed to make moves to spur European nations into action and help President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine avoid an extended, bloody war of attrition — what McCaul called “a slow bleed without a chance of victory.” McCaul said: “If we announce we were going to give Abrams tanks, just one, that would unleash ... From what I hear, Germany is waiting for us to take the lead.” He said that would create a domino effect, leading other nations in Europe to send Leopard 2 tanks as well. “Even saying we’re going to put Abrams tanks in, I think would be enough for Germany to unleash,” McCaul told host Martha Raddatz. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/22/mccaul-ukraine-tanks-germany-russia-00078894
  10. It's still too early to know but this has all the hallmarks of a racially motivated domestic terrorist attack. Indiscriminate shooting, 10 dead, 10 wounded, one critical. Only one readily available gun does that much damage with a kill rate better than 50%..
  11. Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday asked Rep. James Comer (R-KY) whether classified documents found at President Joe Biden's home amounted to "treason" against the United States, a crime which carries the death penalty. "We need to know now who had access to those documents because our national security could be at risk," Comer told Bartiromo regarding the classified documents. "Is this treason?" Bartiromo wondered. https://www.rawstory.com/maria-bartiromo-biden-treason/
  12. Should she enumerate every coal fired power plant on the planet?
  13. Rock flautists that I used to listen to. Gong Jade Warrior King Crimson Manfred Mann The Moody Blues Van Der Graaf Generator.
  14. Not wishing to get off topic but it used to be illegal for whites to marry blacks in the US and in Australia. And for gays to have sex. Some laws need to be broken more before they can get fixed and laws against protesting are particularly egregious. The argument that Thunberg was breaking the law and therefore in the wrong is a joke. The majority of German citizens would think likewise I suggest.
  15. It depends how you define wrongfully. Are you suggesting that all laws are righteous?
  16. Why would you think that old white men running the country don't care what teenagers want?
  17. The overwhelming majority of climate change deniers are old white men. Teenagers who drink the kool aid are vanishingly rare. Those who hate Thunberg or all old white men. Climate change denial is a right wing phenomenon and is mainly found in countries which have large fossil fuel industries or Murdoch controlled press. It's especially rampant in countries with both.
  18. As long as you get politicians saying the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun it will never change. A million mass shootings later that theory isn't working.
  19. What should we do about Russia poisoning U.S. elections? Russian money has been finding its way into American elections. It’s a growing threat to U.S. national security and to the integrity of our election system. In ironic contrast to the GOP’s baseless claims of fraudulent Democratic voting, this flow of Russian money especially implicates the Republican Party. For example: Serial liar Rep. George Santos (R-NY) appears to have had money funneled into his 2022 campaign from the cousin of a sanctioned Russian oligarch. During the Mueller investigation, 26 Russian nationals and 3 Russian companies were indicted for allegedly conspiring to influence the 2016 election. https://www.rawstory.com/russian-influence-elections/
  20. These are the type of people who use the term "woke" to refer to educated and enlightened people. Anti-intellectuals.
  21. Yes, really. My mate just imported over $50K of furniture from David Jones in Australia (lux dept store) to a 2 bedroom apartment in AC. He's been begging me to go stay with him. I shared an apartment with him in the same building for several years previously. He also owns a new vehicle which I can drive around. Previously he owned a v12 BMW 750i which I frequently drove there. However, I prefer Pattaya to live in these days. I speak Thai (as well as Tagalog) and prefer the food here.
  22. They don't include me. I rent my accommodation and don't have kids or a girlfriend here. In fact, I could stay for free in a luxury apartment in Angeles City but I still choose to stay here in Pattaya.
  23. Biden isn't the one who confused his ex wife with a woman he raped under oath in a court. You Trump lovers can never complain about Biden being senile again.
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