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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Time to Close Down the Elon Musk Circus The press has been falling for the Twitter owner’s antics for too long. Musk’s barrel-riding talents have been on conspicuous view since he bid for Twitter earlier this year, and especially so since he bought it last month. But he’s always been a champ at calling attention to himself, concocting promises and predictions about making his Tesla cars capable of self-driving, about an imminent manned landing on Mars by his SpaceX company, about the humanoid robots he’s allegedly building, and many other similarly unfulfilled pledges. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/12/21/elon-musk-twitter-press-00074881
  2. Informant warned FBI weeks before Jan. 6 that the far-right saw Trump tweet as 'a call to arms' The email, which has not previously been made public, adds to the mounting evidence that the FBI had intelligence warnings that Jan. 6 was a major threat. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/informant-warned-fbi-weeks-jan-6-far-right-saw-trump-tweet-call-arms-rcna62683
  3. Thai road rules are not very different from those found in many western nations. I imagine they have the same traffic crimes on the books. Why should they not prosecute pursuant to those laws? Your logic that everyone drives badly so they shouldn't make an example of one doesn't cut the mustard.
  4. Hungary’s prime minister thinks it’s time to “drain the swamp” in the European Union, he said on Wednesday, something he imagines could lead all the way to dissolving the bloc’s legislature. Wednesday’s news conference came as the EU has frozen more than 12 billion euros in funding to Hungary over concerns that Orban’s government has cracked down on judicial independence, overseen official corruption and abridged minority rights. Orban — who is considered one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU allies — claims sanctions have been ineffective in pressuring Russia to end the war, and that they have inflicted more damage on European economies than on Russia. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-hungary-viktor-orban-europe-european-parliament-4050e81339c2bca6fbb41368769f048d
  5. Trump released many of these Taliban terrorist leaders from jail. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-5000-taliban-prisoners/ https://www.newsweek.com/trump-5000-taliban-brittany-griner-biden-prisoner-deal-1765859 https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/09/01/trump-taliban-peace-deal-afghanistan-prisoners/5673035001/
  6. Why? The victim was not a foreigner and foreigners were not mentioned in the article?
  7. Have you considered that millions of people have no choice?
  8. The Biden administration wants to know how American-made microelectronics and other western components are winding up in Iranian-made drones launched by Russia into Ukraine. Multiple officials familiar with the effort told CNN the administration has authorized a task force to investigate the potential violations of stiff export control restrictions and sanctions intended to prevent Iran from obtaining those materials, whose presence in the drones was confirmed by UK-based investigative organization Conflict Armament Research. https://www.rawstory.com/ukraine-drones-russia/
  9. ... one of the reports shows that a mandatory audit of Trump’s returns only occurred in one of the six tax years that should have been scrutinized," the Trump biographer continued, "What is new is the extent to which Trump and his cohorts may have run roughshod over institutional checks and balances designed to prevent presidents from grifting while in office — and to also help ensure that financial conflicts of interest don’t collide with sound public-policymaking." https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-tax-returns-2658994221/
  10. One would hope they aren't closely related at all. Either that or you completely misunderstand how genes work. They're married, not sisters.
  11. It looks to me like the truck was driving in her lane. The truck driver is also required to provide adequate clearance while overtaking.
  12. The thread isn't about Trump. Why are you bashing a president who speaks out against anti-semitism?
  13. Russia most likely sobotaged it just as they falsely claimed they had to shut down Nordstream 1 for repairs. https://www.wsj.com/articles/nord-stream-blasts-were-likely-result-of-sabotage-german-probe-finds-11666016047
  14. It happens in every thread about Thailand. There is a contingent that has to gratuitously bash Thailand. I wonder what happened in their miserable lives to turn them into such bitter and twisted relics of humanity.
  15. The chair of the University of Colorado’s Board of Regents lashed out at lawyer and former Trump adviser John Eastman, calling him and "embarrassment" and endorsed the Jan. 6 committee's recommendation that he be prosecuted, The Denver Post reports. https://www.rawstory.com/colorado-university-slams-john-eastman-for-his-role-in-jan-6-he-will-bear-the-shame-for-his-role/
  16. Stop trolling. It doesn't say that. What the link in the OP does say is this: According to statistics, 91% of respondents look for distinctive culture and legacy in their location of choice,
  17. Try "actually do". https://travelness.com/most-visited-cities-in-the-world
  18. I read the whole article. I always read every link. Do you? The article is from the Murdoch press. Known for peddling anti-vax rubbish and click bait to the right wing.
  19. 1. It's against forum rules to bold print. 2. Nobody is Australia is prohibited from reading anything. 3. This person is just searching for relevance having lost her bid for a parliamentary seat at the last election. The chances that both she and her wife both suffering debilitating effects of the vaccine have to be vanishingly small given the reported statistics.
  20. https://www.state.gov/state-sponsors-of-terrorism/
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