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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. After months of delays, the EU and NATO are expected to soon formally issue a joint call for Russia to stop its war and leave Ukraine, and to pledge full support to Kyiv. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-nato-joint-pledge-back-ukraine-war-russia/
  2. A prayer before dying: On the Republican Party's terminal illness But the GOP is a soon-to-be spectral political party. Its illness are its politically traumatizing mythologies, as old as our country itself. The GOP has not been an active or proactive political force for years. It is reactive and reactionary — it adopted the politically traumatizing, hysterical and paranoid mythologies disseminated throughout the right-wing infotainment system, often crafted in the deepest and darkest bowels of the rabbit-holed internet, and then regurgitated them. https://www.rawstory.com/a-prayer-before-dying-on-the-republican-party-s-terminal-illness/
  3. My post is about activist right wing extremists bribing the supreme court. Feel free to put up a link to an article where "crazy woke" left wing activists are bribing the supreme court or anybody at all. In the meantime, all you've done is put up a hypothetical deflection.
  4. How to stop wealthy right-wing 'Christians' from bribing the Supreme Court Here in the United States, the scandal de jour is around a group of wealthy rightwing “Christians” who spent millions to get close to and influence Republican members of the Supreme Court. They prayed with them over cases and those same Republican justices then cited the amicus brief of the group’s leader and apparently leaked upcoming decisions to and through them. --- Here in America, though — where Republicans generally appear unable to feel shame and their party daily shows it considers ethics a joke — six Republicans on the US Supreme Court continue to embarrass our nation by making nakedly political, partisan, or bigoted decisions (that often defy precedent and tradition). https://www.rawstory.com/how-to-stop-wealthy-right-wing-christians-from-bribing-the-supreme-court/
  5. And the data also says the number of vaccinated people was many times higher than that. It's also been pointed out to you the ratio fo deaths for vaccinated vs unvaccinated people is much lower. Your math is terrible.
  6. Paradoxically, the botched vaccine strategy and subsequent lockout benefitted Oz greatly, if unwittingly. The early virus types were very deadly but relatively much less infectious. Strict enforcement of isolation, masks etc meant that any outbreaks quickly died out. The sad for me was that I had to leave Thailand because of the risk of being locked out without medical insurance meant that I was forced to return to Australia for 18 months. In the end, Thailand also did not suffer from the early varieties because of similar strict policies. Ultimately I could have gotten a vaccination in Thailand at the same time as I could get one in Australia. Sooner if we're talking Pfizer or Moderna.
  7. Nah, I'm repeating a comment made to me yesterday by someone who does. I haven't watched a match in any code of sport for at least a decade.
  8. The single reason that Australia had no cases when there were no vaccines is that we weren't allowed in or out of the country and neither was anybody else. There were no cases because there was no virus. The government botched the vaccine rollout, betting on the AZ vaccine exclusively and dropped the ball. The fact remains that deaths would be higher but for the vaccine. That has been shown here on AN time and time again.
  9. For me, viagra and especially kamagra cause massive heartburn. Sidegra gives me little or no heartburn, not enough to warrant taking nexium. I only take the 50 mg tabs for that reason.
  10. On that we can agree. If the charity, or her, go down in a fraud case then all well and good. Justice prevails. Most of this thread is nothing more than a racist attack and this allegation won't change that.
  11. Dear Leader said it was hoax (going to nothing by Easter) so forever it shall remain thus.
  12. You might want to consider how long ago she changed her name. It was many many years ago
  13. It's a bit early to be claiming these allegations are the "truth" isn't it? In its accounts, the charity said: “We have now engaged an independent accounting firm and are confident that any issues are a thing of the past.”
  14. Not obvious? Clearly the number of excess deaths dropped after the vaccines were introduced.
  15. The latest data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.) This is what happens when you rush ineffective and dangerous vaccines. It's a paywalled site. You claim that the majority died because they were vaccinated is not what the article says.
  16. Benn done here many times. You'd know that if you read links outside the echo chamber.
  17. The topic is not about whether mask wearing is a good idea or not.
  18. Because no medical authorities are recommending that, unlike masks.
  19. Other than ten years of testing of mRNA and extensive testing done before release you'd be right. That said, there was an imperative to bring out the vaccine sooner rather than later to prevent the greater tragedy of millions of lives lost to the virus. Other than every vaccine having some potential side effects, mainly due to allergy, there is no research suggesting that covid vaccines are any worse than any other vaccines. The only identified issues specific to covid vaccines involved non mRNA vaccines like AZ. You might want to follow forum rules and put up links to claims of fact.
  20. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that if the vaccine deniers want to put up then let them. All they seem interested in is innuendo and conspiracy theories.
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