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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm not sure quite why the right are seeing this as a victory. The judge made no ruling as to innocence or guilt here. The FBI can now proceed straight to arrest and indictment if they wish.
  2. Many polls anticipate that Sinema, who hasn't announced if she plans to run for reelection in 2024, would lose by a large margin in her next election. According to a Data for Progress poll published in October 2021, the senator has been slated to lose a reelection campaign for years. The poll identified Sinema as having the "highest unfavorability rating of any elected Democrat tested in the state". https://www.newsweek.com/kyrsten-sinemas-chances-winning-reelection-senator-ditches-democrats-1765974
  3. Dems aren't concerned. Unlike the Jan 6 riots, any BLM riots they like to investigate weren't to overthrow an election or anything to do with the dems. All that could be uncovered would a crime of some sort which wouldn't be political. The police have already charged hundreds of rioters anyway so there's really nothing to see here except right wing conspiracy theories. I hope they have a commission into pizzagate to own the libs once and for all ????
  4. Urging them to work together isn't a hint, it's an order. Trump still has to comply.
  5. Manchin said words to the effect of "anything but 50/50" which is code that he will jump ship. That has been speculated for some time now. The coal lobby will force it I think.
  6. Socialism. Almost all countries in the world are to a greater or lesser degree socialist. None are communist.
  7. "If you're upset that Biden exchanged an arms dealer for Brittany Griner—but approved Trump releasing 5,000 Taliban terrorists who then took over Afghanistan—stop pretending it's national security you care about," https://www.newsweek.com/trump-5000-taliban-brittany-griner-biden-prisoner-deal-1765859
  8. The US has determined that he will not. Logically, it would be incredibly difficult for him to do so. The Russians have other arms traffickers besides Bout.
  9. "Don’t overthink Sen. Kyrsten Sinema switching from Democrat to Independent," said former New York congressional candidate Melanie D'Arrigo. "She’s not driven by ideology. She’s driven by which corporations and lobbyists are giving her the most money — which makes her an elected mercenary, not an elected representative of the people." https://www.rawstory.com/kyrsten-sinema-independent-2658913970/
  10. Manchin will defect to the GOP next and that will cost the dems the majority.
  11. Does having to pay $25 million to victims of his fraudulent university ring a bell? Casino going broke without paying creditors.
  12. In Pattaya Central, Cambodia Visa opposite Holiday Inn Express on Soi Buakhao.
  13. Sorry, I did mean CPU heat sink, just left out the heat sink part.
  14. Who knows he didn't way back then? The expulsion of Harry is not just a coincidence. That said, the royal family are like vampires when it comes to sunlight.
  15. You are thinking somehow that's it's always flawed. Could we at least meet in the middle here? The supreme court is way partisan. I'd trust the circuit courts much more.
  16. It's advisable to have the CPU removed and reseated with new paste as well if going to the trouble of pulling down a laptop. The cost appears to reflect that it was done as well.
  17. The royal family took their revenge on the red headed step child.
  18. What did their race have to do with anything. You are a poster child for racism with this comment.
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