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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. After not eating for a week I have a sudden craving for roast chicken but I can't buy it near me. It occurs to me that I should start to use food delivery services more often, The main reason I don't is that I don't really know where to order from. In your opinion, which is the most reliable and best price delivery service and where could I find menus and restaurants that use them. I'm fishing for favourite recommendations.
  2. Public outrage is why I focussed on AR-15's and mass shootings. That, together with the fact that children are high on the list of common targets in mass shootings. AR-15's are the preferred weapon for mass shootings. Additionally, the seriousness of the injuries is far greater than any other weapon typically used which is the MAIN basis for mass shooters choosing to use this weapon. Can you admit that the death and serious injury rate is higher for AR-15's than any other available weapon on a PER ATTACK basis? https://www.npr.org/2022/05/28/1101307932/texas-shooting-uvalde-gun-violence-children-teenagers Much of the outrage stemmed from the militaristic appearance of those guns, and their ability to fire rapidly. But there was also a more visceral reason, involving flesh and blood. AR-15s inflict much more damage to human tissue than the typical handgun, which is used in most shootings. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/america-s-rifle-why-so-many-people-love-ar-15-n831171 AR-15s Were Made to Explode Human Bodies. In Uvalde, the Bodies Belonged to Children. Parents awaiting word on their kids were asked by police to provide DNA samples to help identify the children. https://theintercept.com/2022/05/26/ar-15-uvalde-school-shooting-vietnam-war/
  3. You have be being deliberately obtuse here. A 30.06 is not a rapid fire weapon and neither is a shotgun, both requiring significant time and effort to reload. From a single bullet, sure. Per attack, no way known. You have failed to address the per attack casualties for any weapon vs the AR-15.
  4. I first discovered them as Asterix Gallus in junior high school.
  5. So totally abaft of the beam, demonstrating nothing more than you don't read links provided for your edification.
  6. Overwhelmingly supported by US Congress. Only the "Freedom Party aka Tea Party whack jobs oppose him.
  7. Remember the guy in LV(?), shooting from a hotel room? Try doing that with a hand gun.
  8. The salient point is the number of deaths and injuries from a single attack. I think I'll just let you keep digging your own hole.
  9. Are deaths a political football? Nothing could be less partisan except for the GOP's predilection for violence. Are gun deaths not emotional for you?
  10. Mass shootings are triple what they were in 2013 and rising every year "The general public views mass shooters as people who are totally crazy, insane. It fits with the idea of snapping, as if these people are totally detached from reality." That's not the case, he said. There's "a very rational thought process" that goes into planning and carrying out mass shootings. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/15/1099008586/mass-shootings-us-2022-tally-number https://abc7.com/texas-school-shooting-uvalde-nra-gun-control/11894196/
  11. Until they actually do "vanish" politicians and others will make continue to speak out against these killing machines which are specifically designed to kill humans at close range. You're coming across as a rabid right wing gun nut with those comments. There's no rational debate in favour of not banning AR-15's.
  12. So, no big deal that they cause far greater and more traumatic injuries and death than any other weapon? The total of deaths is reflected by the greater number of concealable handguns carried in public. The nature of the deaths is not. Nor is the motivation for carrying them.
  13. Correct, the death and serious injury rate would definitely be reduced significantly. There's no denying that. The problem for the AR-15 is that it has become like the confederate flag, a symbol of far right wing hate. Just carrying these things around in public is way more menacing than any other weapon because the public understand that the danger from the person carrying the gun is much greater than some cowboy carrying a colt .45.
  14. I think gave you plenty of "The Facts" above. You quote the gun freak lobby as "facts"? Get a grip please.
  15. What the gun nuts don't get with arguments like these is that mass shootings are mostly motivated by animus, not robbery or some such reason. Their victims are random, hence the horror. Furthermore, they ALMOST ALWAYS involve AR-15's which have become an icon for the crazies. Do you know why so many mass shooting victims die instead of just being wounded? Find out what an AR-15 round does to your internal organs when they hit. This is why doctors hate them. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/974671 Moore said a 9-millimeter handgun has a muzzle energy – the kinetic energy of a bullet as it leaves the gun’s muzzle – of roughly 400 foot-pounds of force. For a rifle like the AR-15, that number is 1,300. “So you have a huge increase in the amount of energy imparted from the gun,” he explained. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/08/health/gun-violence-human-body-damage-gupta/index.html 'Organs look like overripe melons smashed by a sledgehammer': Florida radiologist reveals devastating effects AR-15 bullets had on Parkland school shooting victims and calls for ban on assault-style rifles https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5424197/Radiologist-reveals-effects-AR-15-bullets-human-body.html "In a typical handgun injury, which I diagnose almost daily, a bullet leaves a laceration through an organ such as the liver," Heather Sher, a radiologist who treated victims of the Parkland shooting in 2018, wrote in The Atlantic. "To a radiologist, it appears as a linear, thin, gray bullet track through the organ. There may be bleeding and some bullet fragments." But when she looked at a CT scan from one of the Parkland victims, who was shot by an AR-15-style rifle, "the organ looked like an overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer, and was bleeding extensively." She was amazed at how a gunshot wound could cause so much damage. https://www.salon.com/2022/07/12/ar-15-style-rifles-doctor-perspective/
  16. Before Pinatubo (volcano) it was the largest US air force base outside the US. Fort Stotsenberg.
  17. Training, both for pilots and mechanics. The F35 is one of the world's most advanced fighter aircraft. There's no point in buying F16's or 18's.
  18. Many thanks, the diarrhea was exceedingly (my words) profuse. Immediate and watery after drinking anything. By the time I got back from the hospital today it did seem as if the diarrhea had abated. I don't believe I have IBS and no history of it. I'll take only the electrolytes unless it persists beyond the weekend and will go to PMH if it does.
  19. Can't get decent far right speech writers these days. How corny.
  20. Irribow tablet x 5 Caps Hidrasec x 15 Meteospasm tabs x 15 about ten packs of electrolytes. No IV's
  21. Animal ambulance in Pattaya. A soi dog in my area was hit by a car and had a badly broken leg. The ambulance turned up, staffed by a mixture of farangs and Thais. They took hours to coax the dog into accepting help because they didn't want to cause additional damage. Much kudos to these guys.
  22. I think the percentage is less important than unanimity between the nations. While some might scream about Scotland's 5 million people being able to veto the 55 million English, that's the price you pay for having a United Kingdom. Get it? UNITED.
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