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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The press is replete with stories about how these workers were deceived about their conditions before they went there and how happy they are with the outcome. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/08/22/qatar-world-cup-controversy-continues-60-migrant-workers-arrested-protesting-dire-conditions/?sh=73fa990862ed
  2. Nope. They mistook Trump as an honest person when he said he'd release his taxes after audit.
  3. India is why Russians can afford to come here. They buy Russian oil.
  4. Just watch the GOP use their razor thin majority to burn the house down to the ground rather than pass bipartisan legislation.
  5. That's not true. The Israeli govt trots out the antisemitic card anytime anyone criticizes it's foreign policy toward Palestine and war crimes. I support Israel's right to exist, just as I support Palestines' right to exist.
  6. He knows, he's been appraised of this detail on a number of occasions.
  7. I guess that's why all presidents since Nixon routinely do it to remove the stench of corruption. It's not only about tax, it's also about proving you're not in Putin's or MBS' pocket. Voters are entitled to form whatever opinions they wish unless the stench is disinfected by sunlight..
  8. Apparently Brexit is not a done deal and we need not just move on.
  9. Careful, they'll label you as antisemitic for opposing the Israeli government.
  10. Romney basically blew his election because of tax evasion and failing to reveal his tax returns. It';s not just about legality, it's about being a good citizen and proving it.
  11. Yeah, nah. Football is about sport and not gambling. Gambling corrupts and demeans any sport.
  12. What? Due process? Like they did on Jan 6? Here's an example of GOP "due process". The GOP nominee for governor in Pennsylvania lost by fourteen points in the midterm elections, but supporters of Doug Mastriano are expanding their election denial efforts despite the lopsided outcome. https://www.rawstory.com/mastriano-pa-hand-counts/ or maybe this due process? 'Arizona spring': far-right planning Black Friday protests to demand a 'revote' after GOP loses. https://www.rawstory.com/arizona-spring-far-right-planning-black-friday-protests-to-demand-a-revote-after-gop-loses/
  13. Identical to most democracies, most of the beaurocrats are appointed by people who were elected. Brits call it the Westminster system. Nothing to see here. Question: Is Australia's head of state elected? Or NZ?
  14. What will actually happen is that the GOP team normal will rein in the crazies or risk another trashing at the next and every election until they do.
  15. Do you care if children pick your chocolate or make your clothes? Do you care that slave labour made many of the things you buy? You can slur activists all day long but it says more about you than them.
  16. Time for a mass resignation at FIFA. First, corruptly selecting Qatar, then the human rights issues and now this. Intolerable.
  17. Mission accomplished. She held off the wolves until after the mid terms.
  18. I'd like to know how an accounting company can sign off on 10 years of losses with a straight face. Any other company would have filed for bankruptcy.
  19. Listen to volumes all you like, if you don;t substantiate your argument around here you're going to get short thrift. Pretty soon members here will just ignore you and your trolling.
  20. Do you believe a judge should be loyal or beholden to the President who nominated them?
  21. What would a serious negotiation have looked like to you and when should they have done it? Should Ukraine have submitted to Russian annexation similar to what we saw in Crimea? Is Moldova next?
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