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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. At my condo the customer comes to the lobby. I don't think the security guards allow them in and many condos have card or other keyless entry.
  2. When you make a claim you must substantiate it or you are trolling and this case you are trolling. I read about this yesterday where it's claimed that most mass shootings are planned meticulously. All these links were obtained fro a simple google search which took me a single minute. You could have dispelled your own myth easily but chose to push this false right wing narrative instead. Here is evidence that you a re wrong, now please produce up a credible source which supports your claim. The reality is that people with mental illness account for a very small proportion of perpetrators of mass shootings in the U.S., says Ragy Girgis, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry in the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/mass-shootings-and-mental-illness-5 https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/dispelling-myth Data from Columbia Mass Murder Database reveal psychosis and other serious psychiatric illness absent in the majority of perpetrators https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/new-findings-columbia-mass-murder-database U.S. popular and political discourse frequently applies the mental illness descriptor to white male shooters, but analysis of whiteness itself, or discussions of whiteness as a race or ethnicity, are usually omitted from published studies about U.S. mass shootings.37–39 By contrast, race and ethnicity often play a key role in accounts of mass shootings when the perpetrator is not white. https://journals.lww.com/hrpjournal/fulltext/2021/01000/mental_illness,_mass_shootings,_and_the_future_of.6.aspx
  3. Are you 68 and find it difficult to read tiny print on a tiny screen without glasses that you normally don't wear?
  4. This lives rent free in your head, sorry. It has to count as spreading misinformation. Prove it or stop trolling. Yesterday I was at Bangkok Hospital. There was young girl there with her teacher in the waiting room. Both were wearing a special school uniform which looked like a scouts uniform. Everybody was wearing masks except a couple of farang. In your book he's perpetrating child abuse.
  5. That's the kind of dog whistle which makes Trump popular among his supporters.
  6. No, I said any face covering. You don't need an N95 mask to stop black soot, or most of it.
  7. They don't need to, China has it's own stealth fighters. The sensitivity is not the airframe but the software as was pointed out by another poster.
  8. Not good enough. Lack of a link to a divisive claim is trolling and that is not just my opinion, an issue that I'm sure you're well acquainted with. If not, then I suggest you do so.
  9. You've been there more recently than I have but that would make it the larger island near the heads. The other is closer to the shore off Baloy beach.
  10. I think the OP article (not the poster) may have some egg on his face today.
  11. I think you need to support your claim that "they call people who are slightly right leaning "radical rightwing". I'm calling BS but willing to be educated.
  12. True, but that goes to my point that masks have found a new role. Masks do stop black soot. Any face covering does.
  13. Is that the one with the concrete castle or the big island further out as I suspect?
  14. You could be right about Bangkok where the density of people is much higher. So is the pollution. I think masks have found a new role in pollution reduction (diesel fumes) since wearing them became commonplace. My observations are from Pattaya.
  15. Who doesn't think Ely Lilly is about to sue Twitter? 'Insulin is free': Impersonator Behind Eli Lilly's Stock Crash Goes Public. Sean Morrow, 33, from New York, set Twitter ablaze on November 10 with nine words: "We are excited to announce insulin is free now." For Twitter users used to quickly scrolling down their feeds, the verified @EliLillyandCo account might have appeared genuine with its blue checkmark. But it was one of the numerous parody accounts that took advantage of Elon Musk's original $8 Twitter Blue scheme to troll a major company. https://www.newsweek.com/insulin-free-impersonator-behind-eli-lillys-stock-crash-goes-public-1762283 edit: From the article. "On November 11, Eli Lilly shareholders winced as its stock price fell from $368.72 to $352.30 within hours of the tweet being shared, although it has since recovered". Many might believe that no harm was done but lots of shareholders with trailing stop loss orders (very common) would have lost a motza.
  16. Your 99% figure is observably wrong. It is true that most motorcycle riders are wearing masks these days but that has nothing to do with covid. I have a feeling that many Thai schools require their kids to wear masks in public while in school uniform, including outdoors.
  17. The other way you allude to is subscriptions. Good luck with that I think. I don't pay subscriptions to any news or media platform. The successful ones are all based on advertising. Facebook's business model is all about advertising.
  18. Be that as it may, I think we can safely suggest that the advertising revenue is going to dry up regardless.
  19. I think Trump just doomed his chances in 2024. Now reverting to his usual ploy "I don't even know the guy" (paraphrased). Trump talks with white nationalist Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago dinner https://www.axios.com/2022/11/25/trump-nick-fuentes-ye-kanye
  20. Is it a plus for you that renewable energy has suffered because of this horrendous war? This war is dooming the planet on many fronts, the environment, pollution and climate change initiatives to name just a few. All good?
  21. True, but my post was about advertising revenue which is crucial to Twitter's survival.
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