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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Do you think the winds have changed and why? If anything Twitter has become far more toxic since the general amnesty was announced. Maybe Mike Lindell will save him.
  2. Then there is this. Focus on "brand safety". Musk said Friday that “Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue” due to advertisers’ concerns about content moderation and other issues raised by activists. A number of major companies have paused ads in recent days, including GM, Audi, Pfizer, General Mills, Volkswagen and other big names who are wary of potential changes to Twitter’s policies as well as the departure of top executives. Industry groups have also expressed concern about brand safety under Musk, and The New York Times reported this week that “IPG, one of the world’s largest advertising companies, issued a recommendation … for clients to temporarily pause their spending on Twitter.” https://www.engadget.com/twitter-losing-advertisers-boycott-193748977.html
  3. I don't expect that he believes he could win but he does get to keep the donations. The other issue here is that a highly fragmented primary can result in a nominee with a low proportion of the vote e.g.e Trump who won on less than 45% of the republican primary vote.
  4. A snowball's chance in hell springs to mind. I guess his motive is to follow Trump's lead and grift donations from fools who support him.
  5. True, but if the penalty for mere possession of a banned or unregistered weapon was increased to many years in gaol it must have an effect. It's extremely difficult for criminals to possess weapons if there is a proper crackdown.
  6. That's not the full story. Sadly, New Zealand police lost control of guns when they stopped registering 96% of firearms. Now it’s those most common, unpoliced firearms which almost invariably turn up in day-to-day gun crime.” Gang culture is reported to be on the rise in New Zealand, with police figures showing a 13% increase in recruits last year on 2019 – which has been linked to the arrival of gang members from Australia under the controversial 501 deportation policy. “Our new firearms laws, while modelled on the Australian ones, are nowhere near as strict – we think our laws should be brought closer.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/15/new-zealand-ardern-flags-further-gun-control-reforms-after-firearms-charges-peak
  7. That's a product list from a manufacturer, not an independent review. I did also use the word "true" That wasn't accidental.
  8. These rifles are designed for hunting. Not one is a semi automatic. Furthermore, the one with the shortest barrel has that listed as a con. https://www.outdoorlife.com/gear/best-hunting-rifles/
  9. I thought as much and the renovation and installation of the factory was very much affected by Covid and later Brexit along with difficulties in overall operations.
  10. No they weren't. True hunting rifles are single shot and have a much longer barrel.
  11. Yes, I don't see it. If you did already post the link, are you now violating fair use rules by over quoting from the article?
  12. I'd hazard a guess that a lot more Ukrainians are at home fighting the Russians than vice versa.
  13. Right there, if you think banning automatic weapons isn't infringing on the right to own a gun then you aren't looking. And if your logic was true (it is), that it doesn't confer the right to own any gun then semi auto weapons can likewise be excluded. There is very little difference between the two types of weapons.
  14. Can we have a link, I'd like to read the context to understand what some of the language is referring to.
  15. On Friday, right-wing Washington Examiner political correspondent Byron York took to Twitter to warn that former President Donald Trump's increasingly open fraternization with white nationalists like Nick Fuentes is a crisis for the Republican Party. "Trump, Kanye, Nick Fuentes — No longer a disaster waiting to happen," wrote York. "Now just a disaster. https://www.rawstory.com/nick-fuentes-trump/
  16. If the second amendment protects the right to own any gun, how did machine guns get banned for most people? And stay banned?
  17. I added you to my ignore list. I challenged you to confirm or deny that AR-15's cause more deaths and injuries on a per attack basis no less than 3 times but you continue to duck the question. If you don't want to debate this in good faith, so be it.
  18. I think this site pretty much lays out the problem. https://rockinst.org/gun-violence/mass-shooting-factsheet/
  19. Biden is obviously planning to add this as an election issue and capitalize on the GOP's refusal to sign on.
  20. I've never used them and their website said "payment method not accepted" when I selected cash. I didn't use the mobile app.
  21. no, I had rotavirus. Like diarrhea on steroids. ????
  22. Grab not accepting cash, no way I'm going to enable grab pay. Searching for "european roast chicken" on Panda is a joke, 600 restaurants listed, none of them are european. If I try a restaurant search for "sportsman's bar" I get 68 restaurants, none of them are sportsman's bar.
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