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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Whatever happened to Kloster beer? I used to drink that in the 80's. Come back 20 years later and it's gone. Along with Mekhong whisky which was the local spirit of choice then.
  2. It's not over until the fat lady sings. I'm told that will happen at the next general election.
  3. How would they be poorer? Serious question because Northern Ireland seemed to be going great guns like time I bothered to look.
  4. I can say as an old 60's flower child I still have exactly the same views as I did then. I think it was a great shame that the era looked so promising as heralding a new era but it was not to be. Most of those old hippies are now the same as the intolerant fossils that we disdained then. I'm just a little bit to the left of Karl Marx.
  5. Thanks, I should have gone to Pattaya Memorial. I had good experiences there 3 years ago when I was on warfarin for a portal venous thrombosis and needed a blood test every week. Ultimately I went to Bangkok Hospital. Examination and stool test cost me 8,000 baht. Turns out the problem is Rotavirus which has no drug cure. They did find some blood in my stool which I believe is most likely from a long term haemorrhoid. They want to see me in a week for another stool exam and then possibly a colonoscopy. I think I might go to Pattaya Memorial for that. I'm wondering if the rotavirus came from food or getting too close and personal with one of the ladies of the night? Just as an aside, anyone reading this, you really, really don't want to get rotavirus unless you want to lose several kilos in short order and kiss goodbye to any activities beyond a quick trip to the 7/11 for a week. I haven't slept for a week and must have gone to the loo about 3,000 times, like every few minutes day and night.
  6. Did you need to be admitted? If so, how much per night.
  7. I think I need to go to a hospital today. Can anyone recommend which is better for treatment and fees? Pattaya International vs Bangkok Hospital. My symptoms are severe diarrhea, nausea but not vomiting, mild fever, night sweats, stomach cramps. After week it's only getting worse. I will possibly need to be admitted so I'm interested in the fees for that. I don't have medical insurance.
  8. Lied about being raped by President Clinton just for a start. Never had the guts to lay charges. Far right activism.
  9. Why would anyone need personal knowledge of a person to hate them? Surely their words and actions are sufficient?
  10. That's plain, ordinary narcissism. Luckily, many people don't suffer from it and that's why we have charities.
  11. I'm so happy that Palin got beaten. After her disgusting target on opponents faces which resulted in Gabby Giffords getting shot, she's a pariah. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-palin-criticized-over-gabrielle-giffords-presence-on-target-list/
  12. Campaign group Greenpeace has set out to investigate the environmental impact of the gas leaks at the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Twenty-five activists are in the area off the island of Bornholm with a ship, rubber dinghies and an underwater drone, the organization announced on Thursday. The activists want to take water and soil samples and document the damage to the seabed. https://www.rawstory.com/greenpeace-to-investigate-environmental-impact-of-nord-stream-leaks/
  13. What Salmond says and the law are not the same thing. All the referendum rules would have been written into law.
  14. But Scottish taxes are going to pay for that regardless, right?
  15. Notably, some members here a re Trump supporters who have accused others of anti-semitism.
  16. On what basis? The EU is more likely to recognise national sovereignty. If the government changes the policy could well change as well. And that goes for every country. If new government replaces the current one they are very likely to conclude that the original brexit vote was an unmitigated disaster which can only be remedied by rejoining. The EU is not going to refuse that.
  17. He somehow believes presidents should be able to control the law. He sicced the IRS onto his major enemies. That's what happens when you elect a would be dictator with no ethics.
  18. I'm looking for a written rule, otherwise it's political bluster.
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