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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Apparently Kanye West asked Trump to be his running mate in 2024. On his way to meet Trump at Mar-a-Lago yesterday, Kanye West was filmed walking through Miami's airport with misogynistic antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes. https://www.rawstory.com/kanye-west-mar-a-lago/
  2. Wasn't Brexit moving the goal posts? There is no limit to the number of referendums a country can have or how frequently. Furthermore, please enlighten me if the independence referendum carried a forever clause. I'll wait.
  3. In said those who hate them are filth. And those who are opposed to gay rights, definitely filth.
  4. What would you advocate? Lock him up for being homeless and apparently depressed?
  5. Totally irrelevant, they only need to care, not fork over their life savings. In contrast are those who hate them. Filth.
  6. They probably wouldn't be so concerned if their wishes hadn't been trodden over by a tiny majority. Britain is finding out what happens when you play zero sum politics.
  7. Even more reason why Scotland probably wants independence now. They will always be overruled by the barbarians south of the wall..
  8. How does anyone elect a president so profoundly ignorant?
  9. Reel it in, please. He neither said not implied anything of the kind. Rather reminiscent of those who thought elderly covid victims were dispensable.
  10. In fact, every country should have agreed before Brexit could proceed.
  11. How could it be any worse than the Brexit referendum, decided by a gnat's hair.
  12. “It’s appalling as it’s taking away our birthright and is morally wrong. I may have lived in England since I was eight but I am still at heart a Scotsman,” said 67-year-old Gillies. LOL
  13. 8 years and a Brexit later which Scotland didn't want isn't enough justification? What are you afraid of? They may reverse the 2014 referendum?
  14. It's not up to Sturgeon is it? Got a problem with voting?
  15. That's actually quite a lot for any poll and it's by far not the only poll around indicating similar results.
  16. A survey from YouGov reveals only 32% of Britons believe it was right to leave and 56% think it was wrong. The gap is the largest yet and marks a big swing in opinion, particularly since June 2021. In contrast, polling before the 2017 general election had suggested that more people believed Brexit was the right decision than not. https://news.sky.com/story/poll-reveals-public-support-for-brexit-at-all-time-low-12749439
  17. How many queer people do you know own AR-15's? They should at last have known who he was if they didn't accept him. Not being gay, I can't comment definitively but I always understood that queer people were generally accepting of other non straight people. It would be the first time I've ever heard of a mass shooting perpetrated by a queer person. Just saying...
  18. tldr; scroll to the bottom. https://hbr.org/2022/05/what-is-web3
  19. What I find curious is that if this murderer really was non-binary, he wasn't known to the club's owners. Club Q is apparently a long time (20 years), famous gay club in a medium sized town. These communities are pretty tight knit I understand. link above (newsweek).
  20. What disturbs me about crypto lately is that most charts are at historical lows (all time) and some, like EGLD look like they are the crypto equivalent of Custer's last stand. If they lose this level there's no bottom. It's a historical fact that 90% of crypto don't make it and many coins are looking like heading to oblivion soon. Remember the darlings like SOL, ADA, AVAX and FTM? There's not much support for them now. The macro economic picture is going to have to improve bigly to save them.
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