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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The converse is true, Russia has convinced many Europeans their very existence is under threat. Moldova wants you to call them.
  2. You you use a private tab that wipes cookies as well? There's no ID there but they can track you.
  3. There is the possibility that DeSantis and Trump will make a deal. Trump will withdraw and DeSantis will pardon him. If Trump thinks he is the weaker candidate or his advisors do, I think there is a big chance such a quid quo pro might happen. It would be illegal but the GOP controlled House would not impeach him.
  4. Yes, it the old Hanjin ship building yard. Hanjin went bust. The old US Navy docks are on the opposite side of the bay.
  5. As fears grow over misinformation spreading on the social media platform owned by the world's richest man, the official account of the Republican National Committee was called out for posting a fake George Washington quote on Saturday. The @GOP Twitter account posted a meme featuring a picture of the first president, a quotation mark, and a quote they attributed to Washington reading, "it will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it." CNN investigative correspondent Andrew Kaczynski reported, "according to Mount Vernon, this quote is fake and George Washington never said it." https://www.rawstory.com/elon-musk-twitter-2658786044/
  6. And I did say my comments were not directed at you but general comments on links. I'm trying to encourage you (and others) to use links more often. It's not like you're squeakly clean. Or me, quite frankly. cheers.
  7. "Across the country, openly carrying a gun in public is no longer just an exercise in self-defense — increasingly it is a soapbox for elevating one’s voice and, just as often, quieting someone else’s," The New York Times reported Saturday. A partisan divide — with Democrats largely eschewing firearms and Republicans embracing them — has warped civic discourse. Deploying the Second Amendment in service of the First has become a way to buttress a policy argument, a sort of silent, if intimidating, bullhorn." https://www.rawstory.com/armed-protesters/
  8. I'm not really familiar with that theory of his but I am very interested in linguistics. A couple of sentences summarising his claim would be appreciated but don't feel obliged. I would think that human behaviour is largely a result of environment but also very much a product of a person's genetic makeup. For example, red states vs blue states in the US and religious adherence affecting bevaviour are cases in point. For the genetic argument, narcissism and sociopathy are generally regarded as clinically observable these days. I would agree with you here but question whether Chomsky does believe in the spirituality of humans vs animals. Your argument is demeaned by the use of an epithet to slur Chomsky.
  9. Former President Trump met a muted response from many Republicans when he launched his 2024 White House bid at Mar-A-Lago this month. But his campaign is stirring excitement, and even some glee, from Democrats. Members of President Biden’s party are openly pining for Trump to become the 2024 Republican nominee, believing he is just too flawed to win a general election. https://thehill.com/homenews/3748767-the-memo-democrats-pine-for-trump-as-gop-nominee/
  10. That's the value of links and reading them. It is normally obvious which sentences are the poster's thoughts and which are quotes from an article. Reading the link will erase any doubt. There is no forum rule demanding quote marks. In my case, I tend to make my own comment followed by a blank line, then a quote and then the link. Pretty standard I would think. I don't always follow that format but mostly. Again reading the links removes all doubt. If you aren't prepared to read links then you should ask yourself why you're participating in the discussion. These are general observations and not necessarily directed at you. The onus is on the reader to ascertain though context whether a comment is from the author or a linked article. Lack of a link makes this determination impossible. For mine, I will always reads links unless they are from an unapproved source, in which case I never read them.
  11. Your post is replete with contradictions like Chomsky's views are outdated but may still be relevant. Chomsky is old but still sharp. Overall, just plain ageist. I would have expected better from you. It seems that deep thinking doesn't necessarily produce deep thought.
  12. Warnock’s Lead Over Walker Widens in New Georgia Runoff Poll Democrats hope that, with the Senate already under their control, Republicans will be less likely to turn out for Georgia’s runoff election. Perhaps most significantly for Warnock, the Democrat has greater support among independents, the survey found, getting 54% support among that group, compared to 39% of independents who prefer Walker, a longtime football star promoted by former President Donald Trump. https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/2022-11-22/warnocks-lead-over-walker-widens-in-new-georgia-runoff-poll
  13. Those other phones use the Android operating system. That won't work for him.
  14. He's all bluster and no substance, there's no chance he'll get a phone off the ground. Where would be manufacture it? US or China? At what cost? The US has just banned sale of chips to China. China does not make CPU chips. Where will he get the chips from? There's a wordwide shortage already. Where would he market the phone outside of red states in the US? Who would be his main customers? People who hate Google and Apple? They hardly exist. He has to build an operating system from scratch without infringing any patents held by Apple or Google, good luck with that. There are two major players in the phone business, Apple and Samsung. Others have failed to gain much market share and some have failed. Even if he gained a 10% world market share which would be optimistic, that still leaves 90% of phones which can't / won't carry his Twitter app.
  15. This could also mean a collapse in confidence in Coinbase and other exchanges. Normally, however the theory would be correct. This on chain metric is one of the most watched indicators for BTC. On Nov.24, 50,000 BTC were withdrawn from Coinbase. The amount equated to over $800 million at the time, which marked the second-largest BTC withdrawal from Coinbase in 2022. The next day, on Nov. 25, another 50,000 BTC withdrawal took place, which equates to over $825 million at the time of writing. Considering that Coinbase is preferred mainly by large U.S. institutions, it can be said that they are taking advantage of the affordable prices and accumulating BTC, as the on-chain data indicates that the bottom of the bear market cycle might be near. https://cryptoslate.com/bitcoin-worth-1-5b-withdrawn-from-coinbase-in-48-hours/
  16. Only by people who make money from click bait YouTube videos. Another popular theme is "Bitcoin will reach it's bottom on this exact date".
  17. It's part of their job to make forecasts aka predict the future. Nobody claims they are always going to be right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_for_Budget_Responsibility
  18. Against that is the general shortage of food and high inflation so the company should be able to pass those costs on.
  19. How did Ukraine affect the operations of a British fishing company?
  20. Elon Musk said he would make his own smartphone if Google and Apple were to ban Twitter from their app stores. https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3750849-elon-musk-says-he-would-make-his-own-smart-phone-if-app-stores-ban-twitter/
  21. The advertising situation at Twitter has been particularly dire since Musk took over the company in late October. In recent weeks, half of Twitter's 100 top advertisers have announced they are suspending or have otherwise "seemingly stopped advertising on Twitter," an analysis conducted by nonprofit watchdog group Media Matters found. They fear being associated with toxic content as Musk, who describes himself as a "free speech absolutist," advocates for laxer moderation. https://www.rawstory.com/musk-announces-gold-gray-and-blue-badges-for-twitter-accounts-2658785362/
  22. No, but it certainly casts a shadow over Google. Another thing I see in Google a lot lately is that "this is a rapidly evolving story" with no relevant results.
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