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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Incredibly insensitive comment. Have you ever been to the killing fields?
  2. Sorry, I couldn't agree less. It's full of vested interests and hype.
  3. That's a TA Youtube selling point. Was there a halving anywhere near the 2021 high? It doesn't conform to the 1.5 years supposed average. There have been only three halvings so far. Macro market forces will determine the price. Why should it take 18 months after a halving for the price to peak? There's no technical reason so it's coincidence.
  4. I haven't researched it but you can be sure they were periods of easy money and low interest rates.
  5. How is this the fault of Thailand? Of course, we all know submarine contracts are never late. </sarc>.
  6. Maybe because Obama was right? https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/trump-campaign-chief-paul-manafort-employee-kilimnik-gave-russia-election-data.html
  7. Illegal for the House to release them, apparently. They may be leaked anonymously but not legally.
  8. It's too late then. They lie "As soon as the auditors are done I'll release my taxes" and idiots swallow that. Compulsory is the way to go. There's also the matter of whose pocket are they in?
  9. Donald Trump reported losses on his tax returns every year for a decade, including nearly $700 million in 2009 and $200 million in 2010, his longtime accountant testified Tuesday, confirming long-held suspicions about the former president’s tax practices. https://apnews.com/article/business-new-york-manhattan-donald-trump-896e245936aaf71d26b1c29c0070c8eb?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_05
  10. This is why the price of bitcoin went sky high last year. More than 19,000 people who made at least $1 million in 2020 also collected jobless assistance that year, new IRS data show. That included 4,500 people who earned between $5 million and $10 million and 229 people with eight-figure incomes or more. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/22/unemployment-assistance-millionaires-covid-pandemic-2020-00070446
  11. They held on long enough to effectively prevent a Dem controlled house getting hold of the returns. Mission Accomplished. Balance "seen".
  12. You forgot to mention legally. It's wrong but until congress changes the law...
  13. Make sure Carson doesn't finger you or you'll be hunted down for years by wingnuts (until a GOP president is elected)..
  14. Photographic evidence of drug use has never been enough to secure a conviction. I would think that was obvious. As for lying about his drug use, same thing. Biden has never been convicted of drug use to my knowledge so no impediment to buying a gun. My truthfulness? You tell me.
  15. We joke about MAGAs being in a Trump cult, but this woman was in an ACTUAL cult. And the GOP said "sure, why not?"
  16. From the style of writing. Mine is different for joking, sarcasm, discussion, etc. I guess a non native might find it tough but that's not my fault. I don't even understand half the emoticons I see so they are more confusing tome than none at all.
  17. From context. Like before emoticons were a thing. Don't be fooled into thinking emoticons always tell the truth either. The faux smiley is a case in point.
  18. People were able to do that before emoticons. I work in tech but I hate the junk that comes with it. No social apps, barely use a mobile phone except as a phone, etc. I don't care that others use them or object to them, just couldn't be bothered.
  19. "Musk's game is becoming increasingly obvious, and the interests he has in playing this game are also obvious," Aleem writes. "As the richest man on Earth and a proudly exploitative executive, he has a direct interest in amplifying the power of the right. He shares the Republican Party's hostility to unions, higher tax rates on corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and regulations on businesses. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/elon-musk-trump-twitter-account-republican-rcna57861
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