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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's the MAGA retribution message. The cult runs deep. It's also part payback for losing George's seat. But mainly it's to sow chaos to help Trump get elected. The economy is running too nicely right now.
  2. So you'd wipe them out if they don't surrender no matter the cost of civilian lives?
  3. Not only that but it's also my understand that 5 minutes before he left office he brought forward the date of withdrawal, presumably to cause a chaotic event and throw a spanner into the works for Biden's honeymoon. The deal included releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners who really dislike the US a lot.
  4. Since you deigned to ignore my request for evidence I decided to hit my favourite fact checker, Google Gemini, and it gave me these results, in part, for your exact claim. It should be noted that this text counts as my own since it was AI generated by me and is not a quote of any copyrighted material. Determining the "indigenous" people of a land with such a long and complex history as Israel/Palestine is a highly debated and sensitive topic. It's important to approach it with sensitivity and nuance, avoiding simplifications that can further inflame tensions. Here are some key points to consider: 3. Continuous presence: Both Jewish and Arab communities have had continuous presence in the region for millennia, enriching its cultural tapestry. Genetic studies indicate significant overlap and intermingling between populations over time. 4. Focus on shared history: Recognizing the shared history and deep connections of both communities to the land offers a more constructive approach to understanding the conflict. Emphasizing dialogue, mutual respect, and historical accuracy is crucial for finding peaceful solutions.
  5. Reminds me of the recent border army convoy. How did that work out for them?
  6. That's their motivation. They don't like that Trump's company should be convicted for fraud. Speaking of going broke, I didn't realize how rich these truckers were. Now they'll all have to compete for loads to red states and fend off suits for breach of contracts. There's probably more than a few liberal leaning truckers and more self interested truckers who are more than willing to fill the breach and take advantage of a windfall. What are the boycotting truckers going to do? Commit crimes and lose their livelihood? Such boycotts don't typically play will with independent voters. I wonder who's going to flinch first?
  7. This zionism isn't something that started on October 7th. Sentiments like yours are precisely what led to the formation of Hamas.
  8. ICJ hearing on the legality of Israeli occupation of Palestine. Occurring now.
  9. False information. There are no detained illegal immigrants on Manua Island. As of last December there were 16 people detained on Nauru. There are none in PNG or Christmas Island either. source: Google Gemini.
  10. They're much more offended by people carrying on about it without having the fain test clue what the word means.
  11. If it's this, it's a lovely shade tree but large. Did I mention large? Like many figs.
  12. I have seen fruits that look like some kind of fig albeit inedible.
  13. Triffid. It looks like it might become a big tree but I don't know what it is. Pretty sure I have seen them around Pattaya.
  14. Defeating Russia is like defeating climate change. If it's not down now it will be much more costly and many more lives will be lost down the road.
  15. He really is in trouble - in opposite world. London Elections 2024: What does Sadiq Khan’s sudden massive poll lead mean? https://www.onlondon.co.uk/london-elections-2024-what-does-sadiq-khans-sudden-massive-poll-lead-mean/
  16. I think the big mover was FBI director Comey coming out days before the election and stating that Clinton was still under investigation. No charges were ever laid even under the Trump administration despite Trump's rallying cry to the faithful to "lock her up".
  17. It's pleasing to see that you have recovered well from this trauma. Well done.
  18. Israeli textbooks and propaganda novels, such as Leon Uris's Exodus, have tended to portray the Zionist pioneers waging a war of independence against the British oppressor. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2001/may/31/londonreviewofbooks ‘The British Kindled the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. They Are to Blame’ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-11-10/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/the-british-kindled-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict-they-are-to-blame/00000184-60fc-dab5-a58e-fffcbf290000
  19. The Likud charter is to deny a Palestinian state and claim the land for Israelis. Always has been. It takes two to tango.
  20. I'm not denying that either. That islamophobia and antisemitism has always been rife is not in question.
  21. I don't think that's true. The Israelis have been complaining about the British since 1948. Antisemitism has been rife in the US and all across Europe since that time as well.
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