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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. In any serious accident anywhere the first thing the cops do is look for signs of alcohol or drug consumption. Especially in the case of a fatality. Alcohol in the vehicle is very frequently an indicator of alcohol use beforehand.
  2. The drivers at the roundabout always have priority. https://traffic-rules.com/en/thailand/traffic-rules/priority-rules
  3. In effect that's what many people actually do. I do as well. Unless I'm in a hurry ????
  4. The first answer was correct, not that a roundabout was mentioned anywhere..
  5. That's unfair, many of them are incels. https://www.salon.com/2022/05/10/misogyny-and-male-supremacism-central-driving-force-in-the-rise-of-the-far-right/
  6. Mods please remove it unless a link is provided.
  7. However, given that he presumably lived some distance from the bar area would imply that the bike was privately owned and was familiar with the roads, especially travelling at speed, which he most likely was.
  8. Powell never mentioned dinghy's. He was railing against all immigrants.
  9. It's not used in Australia ever. We would tend to use "hero". I know it's not the same thing but there isn't the same tendency to use labelling for political purposes as in the US.
  10. The word "patriot" was conflated with being anti-immigrant earlier in this thread. Here's some perspective.
  11. Garbage trucks generally run on the exact same route day after day, they don't change their mind at the last minute.
  12. Oversight Committee reaches agreement to obtain Trump financial records The House Oversight and Reform Committee on Thursday reached an agreement to obtain former President Trump’s financial records, Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) announced. The agreement would end a years-long legal battle to obtain Trump’s financial records and require his accounting firm Mazars USA to turn the documents over to the committee. https://thehill.com/homenews/3624217-oversight-committee-reaches-agreement-to-obtain-trump-financial-records/
  13. I agree. The simplest explanation and the only one that makes sense is that he is just that stupid. I have difficulty accepting that he has a cogent, thought out plan for those documents, other then stashing evidence that may be used against him.
  14. 'Corrupt as hell': Demands for Clarence Thomas to resign follow new details of wife's election scheming U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas faced fresh calls to step down Thursday after new reporting revealed that his wife's involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election was broader than previously known, extending to the battleground state of Wisconsin as well as Arizona. "Reminder that Clarence Thomas heard election cases while his wife conspired to overthrow democracy." https://www.rawstory.com/corrupt-as-hell-demands-for-clarence-thomas-to-resign-follow-new-details-of-wife-s-election-scheming/
  15. The language of my posts made it crystal clear that I was not insisting my opinion was definitely what happened. I merely laid out the evidence and drew some conclusions about what I thought probably happened and how the evidence supported that, just as you are. Nothing in myu post should have given you the impression I was accepting anything as fact, least of all what the driver said. If you are referring to his statement that he was turning into a side road then that would be more than evident (or not) to the police who attended the scene, especially as the truck follows the same route virtually every night of the week, like all garbage trucks. There was no realistic opportunity for the driver to lie about that.
  16. It started with the invasion of Iraq which so upset the balance of power that we are still suffering the consequences.
  17. Yes, but that's not the more plausible likelihood is it? It's far less plausible, isn't it? My post was about the balance of probabilities, that should have been clear.
  18. The truck may not have had an indicator light but typically that big white light you see in the photo stays on. The alcohol found only confirms they are drinkers. That and the time of night are circumstantial evidence they had been drinking. There are not too many other plausible reasons why a motorcycle would run into the back of a near stationary truck with enough force to kill the passenger. Of course, none of this is conclusive but Occam's razor leads to that conclusion.
  19. If you're implying that the only reason they need the immigrant staff is because of more immigrants then no. That argument is mathematically improbable. Economies in general require a pyramid structure in order to remain viable and provide a healthy tax base. This requires an ever larger population growth, a kind of ponzi scheme if you will but not one our economies are equipped to do without. Like many countries, the UK has not seen the birth rate required to bring this about, at least 2.3 children per couple. Australia is in the same boat and can't survive without immigration. Furthermore, the population is aging and requires more health resources than ever before.
  20. We don't have enough evidence to really know but "I was turning in to a side road" implies that he was still on the main road. Also, the sign is most likely located on the main road. The motorcyclist has run into the back of a turning truck. Death and serious injury imply speed. If he had just turned into a side road then there wouldn't be the speed factor required to result in that outcome. Maybe, but that's what I think happened.
  21. 220 volts uses half the current for a given wattage. This is more efficient and doesn't require the same amount of copper. It's also why long distance transmission uses a much higher voltage. The practical upshot is that you can have more powerful or more appliances on a given circuit for a given sized breaker. For the OP, the cable would be fine at 220V.
  22. Possibly because one is dead and other seriously injured? At 1 AM, they were on a main road away from the main population centres and carrying alcohol. What were the chances that they were drunk and speeding?
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