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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. 'Petty man' Trump shredded by former prosecutor for endangering US intelligence for personal gain But according to former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance on Twitter, whether Trump actually did declassify the documents is beside the broader point: that the former president had no basis for doing so except his personal whim, and that U.S. intelligence and national security was put at risk by that whim. "Even if Trump did declassify documents (which DOJ seems to doubt) that doesn't mean the information in them somehow became unimportant," wrote Vance. "It means that a small, petty man abused the power of the presidency and exposed the country and individuals collecting intelligence to grave risks." https://www.rawstory.com/petty-trump/
  2. Are you the oracle on what Thais regard as racist? Thais share exactly the same values as everyone else on the planet. "Woke" is not a western concept. In fact, Thais tend to be more woke than westerners, displaying a lot less animosity towards transgenders than in the west.
  3. It's all good until someone gets offended. You seem to want to dismiss that offense as acceptable simply because you consider that it's "just a joke" or isn't racism. It all goes to intent. A racist jibe intended as a joke among friends who understand that it's a joke is fine. The moment someone doesn't think it's a joke, it's unacceptable. The victim gets to decide what's racist, nobody else.
  4. Are only the victims permitted to complain about racism?
  5. A racist joke is a racism, wherever it is and no company will tolerate it on their premises or by anyone representing them.
  6. Racism in private is acceptable, even on company time?
  7. If that's the case then the humor in racism is about as funny as the humor in death.
  8. complete failure to understand even what racism is..
  9. Was there a question? There is no light hearted banter, it's the same vitriolic hate speech, that's it.
  10. The favored defense of racists is to characterize their hate and vitriol as light hearted banter or free speech. They also complain that the victims get to determine what is hate speech.
  11. Not to mention making his own crime a felony offense. Schadenfreude.
  12. This originates from religions early history as a form of government. Now, fundamentalists want to bring that back.
  13. He was taking about the spacecraft itself , that exact particular spacecraft, not other spacecraft and not humans. Got anything other than this one stupid, unofficial video from an unknown source?
  14. Does the pope defecate in the woods? Is a bear catholic?
  15. Who viewed them won't matter too much to a court, just the FBI. If anybody other than an ex president viewed the documents at Mar a Lago, he's going to be charged with espionage.
  16. There's no reason he can't still be charged with obstruction there.
  17. I doubt he'll get one. The voting outcome for presidents who give political pardons isn't great.
  18. Karl Rove: ‘Beyond me’ why Trump held on to docs ‘when he had no legal authority’ https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3617375-karl-rove-beyond-me-why-trump-held-on-to-docs-when-he-had-no-legal-authority/
  19. At 44%, Biden’s approval rating is now higher than the approval ratings of Donald Trump (41%), Barack Obama (43%), Bill Clinton (39%), Jimmy Carter (43%), and Ronald Reagan (41%) at this point in their presidencies. https://www.rawstory.com/biden-approval-skyrockets-now-higher-than-trump-obama-clinton-carter-or-reagan/
  20. Really? Do you think think a dem voter is going to change their vote because their education made them rich enough to pay off their student debt and now they feel aggrieved? One thing the GOP really worries about is the younger vote. This bill helps them. Most Americans support student loan forgiveness, poll finds The poll found more than half of past student loan borrowers and voters who never borrowed student loans believed some or all student debt should be eliminated. https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/education/3614404-most-americans-support-student-loan-forgiveness-poll-finds/
  21. Like a 2.5 trillion tax reduction to companies and the rich isn't? Is all tax relief vote buying?
  22. I saw a video recently about a dog in the US which was barking at police and running away, then turning and barking at them again. They got the hint and followed the dog to it's owner, lying injured in a crashed car.
  23. What's really annoying is that all these talking points are on far right websites and we have to endure them echoed here in hit and run posts. There's never any follow up with a cogent debate.
  24. No, the assumption is that those who didn't pay out their student loans were too lazy and had a crystal ball. Not that opportunities are unequal or that black women (the laziest, apparently) carry the greatest proportion of the debt. Or that millions are really poor and can't afford to pay that debt out because their social work degrees didn't get them stock options when they got a job for a fortune 500.
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