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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. From a time when pirates enjoyed royal commissions for a cut of the spoils. At least some countries have moved on but they still retain some of the spoils of that era, like the Elgin marbles. Still, this isn't about Britain but the relevance is that they aren't still living in those barbaric times, unlike Russia.
  2. I hope you've weighed the medical evidence and read a balanced assortment of media sources to arrive at that conclusion.
  3. Whatever they are, I think we can agree they are murderers, war criminals, rapists and animals. Their leaders should be indicted by the ICC. Russia has descended into barbarism and deserves to become a pariah state for decades,if not centuries. They have committed serious violations of the geneva convention wherever they have gone militarily since WW2. They make international agreements and then choose to ignore them. The elephant in the room is the rank fascism and disregard for the rule of law in everything they touch. Decency prevents me from saying what I really feel.
  4. 1. The Wagner Group is not exclusively Russian, it contains Serbs. (see your link) 2. Russia has not declared war against Ukraine and has explicitly denied that it is at war with Ukraine so the Wagner Group, even as Russians, are not nationals of a party to the conflict. 3. The UN considers them to be mercenaries - "Erica Gaston, a senior policy adviser at the UN University Centre for Policy Research, says that the group is not predominantly ideologically driven, but rather a network of mercenaries "linked to the Russian security state". Russia denies this and officially the group does not exist."
  5. Fill the tank with diesel to keep the inside rust free and the carby free of oxidation and crud. Drain the tank and drop the carby bowl and rinse out with gasoline before use. Diesel will keep for a long time.
  6. That would only be true if they were wearing Official Russian military uniforms. They are mercenaries, not Russian military but paid from within Russia.
  7. Can Russia continue to sustain the destruction of its military? Every ship in the Black Sea is at risk and new and deadlier weapons are going to Ukraine. Sort of violating the Geneva convention, Russia doesn't have too many options left for victory.
  8. If the UK sells Ukraine weapons is it not reasonable for the UK to teach them how to use those weapons? Other than that, the UK isn't involved as far as I know.
  9. As governments and social media companies have moved to suppress Russia’s state media and the disinformation it spreads about the war in Ukraine, the Kremlin’s diplomats are stepping up to do the dirty work. Russian embassies and consulates around the world are prolifically using Facebook, Twitter and other platforms to deflect blame for atrocities while seeking to undermine the international coalition supporting Ukraine. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-covid-technology-health-business-628cf047adf9fde93c0d7f820e46f8e4
  10. What excuse would Russia have to invade Finland if the territories are not in dispute? Any invasion would put them into dispute.
  11. A friend of a friend is reportedly getting regular, severe night fevers months after a covid infection.
  12. I think an invasion or any military attack would qualify as a major dispute.
  13. 6. States which have ethnic disputes or external territorial disputes, including irredentist claims, or internal jurisdictional disputes must settle those disputes by peaceful means in accordance with OSCE principles. Resolution of such disputes would be a factor in determining whether to invite a state to join the Alliance. and 17. As noted in Chapter 1, the resolution of such disputes would be a factor in determining whether to invite a state to join the Alliance. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_24733.htm
  14. I read that they can't if borders are disputed. Probably both reasons apply.
  15. It's impossible for Finland to join NATO before June 29. See linked article.
  16. "If you wear a surgical mask or an FFP2 mask, the risk of infection is reduced to such an extent that it is practically negligible -- even if you're only standing one meter away from an infected person," explains Gaetano Sardina, Associate Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology, who is one of the researchers behind the study. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/03/220301093655.htm
  17. Putin may well be contemplating a lightning strike into Finland and/or Sweden, not necessarily to seize Helsinki or Stockholm or topple the governments, but just to hold enough of a piece of their territories to ignite a conflict and effectively disqualify them from NATO membership. The unwritten catch-22 NATO rule that trapped Ukraine in a legal limbo for 20 years could do the same for the two Scandinavian aspirants now. No country in a conflict situation can expect to be admitted as long as the conflict exists, because it automatically would bring the fighting to NATO under Article 5’s collective defense mandate. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/3272099-will-nato-defy-putin-and-allow-finland-and-sweden-to-join/
  18. "Just four months after getting started, Libs of TikTok got its big break: Joe Rogan started promoting the account to the millions of listeners of his hit podcast," the Post reported. "He mentioned it several times on the show in August, then again in late September. 'Libs of TikTok is one of the greatest f---ing accounts of all time,' he said. Conservatives quickly lashed out at The Washington Post for publishing Raichik's name. https://www.rawstory.com/libs-of-tiktok-twitter-chaya-raichik/
  19. Again, show us where anyone said they wanted a war with Russia. I see what you did there, shifting the goal posts from "attacking Russia" to "war with Russia". Right wingers want to stay out of it because they favour fascism and supression of democracy as their only means to retain power.
  20. Russia is getting worse and worse. My patience with the Russian shills as well with every story like this. That would have to amount to indiscriminate bombing and therefore also a war crime. There is no defending such an act as not being a war crime.
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