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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Not far and the closer the distance, the greater the chances of infection. The advice is very sound.
  2. Ukraine has already said they will negotiate peace if Russia pulls its troops back to pre-invasion positions. This is quite a compromise because it presumably allows Russia to keep Crimea and the Donbas.
  3. Propaganda. Ukraine's animosity toward Russia extends back through the ages, to the Holomador and beyond.
  4. I have not so far seen any article which does not claim that the reports are unconfirmed. So, yes, still hearsay.
  5. When a powerful country invades a much smaller and weaker nation should the whole world just stand back and do nothing? Should Australia not have helped Timor when it was invaded by Indonesia and massacres occurred? Should the US not have bombed Belgrade?
  6. It's just a vain attempt at establishing some kind of air of superiority by the use of supposedly eloquent words. Unfortunately, the result is excessive and meaningless (literally) verbiage.
  7. The Lafayette Daily Advertiser reports that the Louisiana House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday voted to advance new legislation that would classify abortion as murder. Louisiana State Rep. Danny McCormick said that the Republicans were advancing the legislation despite the fact that such a law would be deemed unconstitutional under the precedent set by Roe v. Wade. The Rev. Brian Gunter of First Baptist Church in Livingston, Louisiana, who helped author the bill, said there could be no compromise in issues of abortion. https://www.rawstory.com/louisiana-abortion-law/
  8. We used to ask the Filipina bar girls which was closer - the moon or Cebu. The answer was often the moon because they could see it.
  9. I guess nut jobs don't shoot up schools or churches or whatever in your country.
  10. They should report them on a daily basis like covid infections? Here are today's arrivals for Phuket. There are 51 arrivals, that's quite a lot I would think and certainly justifies the article's premise and headline. https://www.phuketairportonline.com/flight-status-arrivals-departures/
  11. The danger now is that the whole world descends into fascism and the unthinkable finally happens - 1984.
  12. What doesn't inspire collegiality is excusing war crimes in the forum with "look over there" and "it's both sides". Sometimes in life there are truths and there are lies the difference needs to be called out.
  13. What does the Z actually mean? Why did the Russians choose that letter?
  14. That is my opinion, yes. In Australia, the restriction is almost 23 weeks and even after that 2 doctors can determine that it is "medically appropriate" and allow the abortion. https://www.mariestopes.org.au/your-choices/abortion-laws-australia/
  15. I did too, in 1966. I was 12 years old and shacked up with 2 QANTAS hosties as I was travelling alone. The flight crew always stayed in the raffles then.
  16. “If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said. “Obviously, we won’t know each Justice’s decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case.” https://www.politico.com/minutes/congress/05-3-2022/capitol-police-accident/
  17. Nope, up until the baby is born it is the mother's right to decide. Doctors aren't infallible and the mother's mental health is at issue as well. She may well only find out that the baby has a severe genetic defect or down's syndrome the day before birth. It's absolutely her right to terminate the birth at her own volition. Forcing a woman to give birth against her own will is barbaric. On the religious right could imagine such a thing is justifiable. https://www.rawstory.com/abortion-rights-march/
  18. That's in dispute now. A large new global study published in the Lancet has confirmed previous research which has shown that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. The researchers admit moderate drinking may protect against heart disease but found that the risk of cancer and other diseases outweighs these protections. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-45283401 “Alcohol is associated with dementia. Even moderate intake can affect brain dementia,” said Kenechukwu Mazue, a nuclear cardiology fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “There’s really no safe level.” https://www.healthline.com/health-news/should-you-avoid-all-alcohol-heres-what-the-experts-think#Experts-have-long-been-divided-over-the-benefits-of-alcohol
  19. No country which imposes sanctions against Russia will lose any credibility over doing so. Those who don't will find themselves out in the cold for a long time to come.
  20. Russia steps up Ukraine assault as US warns of annexation Russia on Monday launched a fresh assault on the critical Ukrainian port of Odessa as the United States warned that Moscow was preparing formally to annex embattled regions in the east. The new heavy fighting came as the European Union said it was bracing for a complete end to Russian gas supplies, with the bloc preparing another package of sanctions sure to anger President Vladimir Putin. After failing to take the capital Kyiv, Moscow has shifted its two-month-old invasion to largely Russian-speaking areas and has stepped up pressure on Odessa, a celebrated cultural hub that is a crucial port on the Black Sea. https://nordot.app/893704515176628224?c=592622757532812385
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