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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. In fact, there's barely an Israeli alive who can trace their lineage back to residents of the modern Israel 100 years ago. That's not true of the Palestinian refugees.
  2. Both the US and Israel knew of and approved of the transfer of over a billion dollars from Qatar to Hamas with the specific intention of destabilising the region.
  3. On this we agree but in this case America did not get us in this war. Russia got us into this war. Not standing up to Russia now will result in a repeat of the last world war with different players.
  4. "Chris, I want to point out to you and your viewers, they've tried a lot of these wacky things so far," Rubin continued. "They've asked for a recusal of Judge Kaplan, on the basis of his relationship with another one of E. Jean Carroll's lawyers, and asked for a mistrial after E. Jean Carroll admitted to deleting death threats against her." "This is the third time they tried to get a do-over or cutting it short based on bias or alleged improprieties, because they know they don't have real substantive grounds for appeal," she added. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-do-over-carroll-case/
  5. Trump NFT's should also get an honorable mention, although they did turn out to be a good investment - for those who sold them early.
  6. This claim by Habba has been widely panned by legal experts and Kaplan warned that she could face serious repercussions for making it. "While both the New York Post and Ms. Habba purport to cite the recollections of an 'unnamed partner'... that partner (if he even exists) clearly has a very flawed memory about events that occurred three decades ago." Kaplan concluded her letter by stating that she reserved the right to "seek sanctions" against Habba in response to her claims. https://www.rawstory.com/alina-habba-2667124239/
  7. Just read the same article. Yes, it demonstrates just how quickly and easily conspiracy theorists and non critical thinkers will seize on the flimsiest of accusations and run with it. It should be noted that the source was never named.
  8. All of the protests I see are protesting genocide. I have not seen a single statement or placard in these public protests which refer to Judaism in any way.
  9. The situation only got this bad after the far right religious nutcases gained control of the Israeli government at the last election. Netanyahu was reelected less than a year ago and formed a government by aligning with ultranationalists and religious conservatives. Tal Schneider, the political and diplomatic correspondent for The Times of Israel, told NPR that Netanyahu's appointment of two controversial figures into his Cabinet intensified tensions within Israeli politics. "He nominated someone who was convicted for eight times in inciting violence against Arabs," Schneider said, referring to Itamar Ben-Gvir, the minister of national security. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/11/1204923717/israel-gaza-hamas-palestinian-war
  10. At the risk of dragging this off topic most of the opposition to the Vietnam war was from within the USA. Similarly, there is strong opposition to this war from within Israel.
  11. Yes, it really matters. This dispute is about land and water and nothing else. Anyone who believes the contrary is utterly delusional. If that wasn't true you'd have a stab at defining what YOU believe is Palestinian land. You pointedly refuse to do so which proves my point.
  12. Paranoia. Everyone just wants their own land. This would be all over if veryone lived within internationally recognised borders.
  13. You will never get an answer which includes the word "land" with an explanation of what that land may include and exclude.
  14. Define exactly what you mean by "Palestinians own land" Exactly what land? No Israeli war crimes apologist wants to touch this question with a barge pole. Why is that?
  15. It's not only Flint that has a problem with lead in the water - trust me.
  16. And you repeat that as a "fact"? That's about the most tenuous claim I've read all year. Not only no evidence provided but the source was unnamed. Ridiculous. And you know it, that's why you just referred to "sources".
  17. Well, I own all 3. The i9 I mentioned with a noctua cooler, a mac mini m2 and an ASUS mini Ryzen 7. I can't fault any of them. The non apples run Ubuntu.
  18. If you really want a reliable computer cheap with nothing third party, just buy an Apple mac mini. In the end you'll be better off. edit: that won't work, the mac mini only supports 2 or 3 monitors.
  19. a. You're going to spend money unnecessarily. b and c. That isn't my experience and isn't what I'd advise anyone if they asked me. btw, you asked me, stop shouting.
  20. I can't imagine why. I had a i9-9900K but the onboard graphics wouldn't support a newer monitor, can't recall what it was. I forked out AUD $150 for a graphics card to fix the problem. At that ;price you can throw away a graphics card that fails out of warranty.
  21. Seems like a lot. Check Noctua prices. If you're not going to overclock the CPU, why buy the K series? With the money you could buy an F and a cheap graphics card.
  22. I just watched a video on it. Apparently it would require 1. A multinational force 2. A path to statehood 3. Palestinians controlling all humanitarian aid. Britain will consider recognising a Palestinian state as part of concerted efforts to bring about an “irreversible” peace settlement, the foreign secretary, David Cameron, has said. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/30/uk-will-consider-recognising-palestinian-state-says-david-cameron This would have involved UK discussion with the US, France and Germany. It's not going to be just the UK. That's how this kind of diplomacy works.
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