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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Do you tune them out and ignore them? If not then your claim is patently false.
  2. CCTV. The owner of the vehicle either identifies the driver responsible or pays the fine.
  3. They prevent accidents everywhere which is why they are used. Driver's can't hit and run and can be prosecuted for failing to stop for a pedestrian. That's a deterrent.
  4. The nurses in Australia are complaining that they are still in crisis and not coping. That's the only statistic that matters and lock downs or otherwise should be determined by medical experts, not politicians or uninformed pundits on the internet. Far, far, far more lives are being destroyed by the virus that vaccinations. We don't know what variant is causing the deaths and hospitalisations in Australia but it doesn't matter. They are still happening. Australia today has thousands of people in hospital, hundreds in ICU and about a hundred deaths. In what way are lives "being destroyed" that overtakes those figures in importance? That's just political claptrap. 10% of Australia's population have now had the virus and a good many of those have long covid symptoms which effectively prevent them from working or functioning normally. source: Radio National today.
  5. When anyone asserts a fact it is not just their opinion.
  6. Yes and links that prove that vaccines help stop transmission have been provided literally dozens of times. If you make any claim at all which may be contentious you should provide a link or you will be likely called out for not doing so. That's only reasonable, don't you agree? If I say the moon is flat and you ask for a link, can I just say I have a right to make that claim and not provide evidence? The result would be chaos.
  7. If you're primarily browsing the net then startup is the only time you will really see much difference. If you are using large data files like graphics editing, games or database then yes.
  8. Certainly start up is faster but after that not so much. It depends a lot on the bus speed and having to use an adapter means that the board probably isn't optimal. I'm not saying there is no speed increase, I'm questioning the benefit to cost and time for the upgrade. Better to buy a later machine when the time comes. I'm never in favour of upgrading computers instead of just replacing them every 5 years
  9. "Calling the Omicron variant “mild” was an unforced error that an understanding of lagged time series would have prevented. Omicron is not mild. Viruses do not need to evolve to be less deadly. And endemicity has nothing to do with mildness." https://dglassman.medium.com/omicron-was-never-mild-2b130568d7fa
  10. It probably wouldn't be much faster due to the bus speed. If the 500 Gb HDD is not full I wouldn't bother.
  11. As far as the virus is concerned it's exactly the same thing. The virus doesn't care about individual freedoms or tyranny. The lockdowns had a the same effect whether forced or voluntary.
  12. Australia never had full lock downs either. Japan and Korea appear to have had very similar style lock downs that Australia had. While Japan never had official lock downs they did in fact lock down voluntarily which had the same effect as any other lock down. (1) the effect that citizens refrained from going out in line with the government’s request, and (2) the effect that government announcements reinforced awareness with regard to the seriousness of the pandemic and people voluntarily refrained from going out. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0252468 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/10/seoul-heads-for-lockdown-as-infections-spiral-in-south-korea Under the new rules, which will come into effect on Saturday, gatherings are limited to no more than four people, as long as they are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated people can only dine out alone, or use takeout or delivery services. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/12/16/s-korea-reimposes-covid-19-curbs-amid-mayhem-at-hospitals https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-set-extend-covid-19-state-emergency-lockdown-sept-12-2021-08-17/
  13. The Omicron variant appears to result in less severe COVID-19 than seen during previous periods of high coronavirus transmission including the Delta wave, with shorter hospital stays, less need for intensive care and fewer deaths, according to a new U.S. study. However, the fast-spreading Omicron variant has led to record numbers of infections and hospitalizations, straining the U.S. healthcare system. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/covid-is-less-severe-with-omicron-than-delta-us-study-suggests-2022-01-25/
  14. All of the lock downs were wildly popular. Opinion polls have shown that the governments popularity has dropped significantly since opening up. They worked for Australia and they worked for Japan at least until omicron started to spread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_2022_Australian_federal_election
  15. “The vaccines are still providing good defense against severe disease, hospitalization and death,” Long said. “Even if you’ve had COVID 19 before — you’ve had a natural infection — the protection from the vaccine is still stronger, longer lasting and actually ... does well for people who’ve been previously infected.” The latest version is another reminder that the pandemic hasn’t ended. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-united-states-d09b3c6cc8b047c41d6cbf74043d0713
  16. This version of the coronavirus, which scientists call BA.2, is widely considered stealthier than the original version of omicron because particular genetic traits make it somewhat harder to detect. Some scientists worry it could also be more contagious. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-united-states-d09b3c6cc8b047c41d6cbf74043d0713
  17. I can see anti Fauci heads exploding now. "He wasn't supposed to say this!" "A COVID-19 vaccine specifically targeting the Omicron variant would be "prudent", even if it ultimately may not be needed, the top US infectious disease official said, as Pfizer announced trials for such a vaccine." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-26/pfizer-biontech-omicron-specific-covid19-vaccine-clinical-trials/100781920
  18. Are you suggesting that lies should remain published because of freedom of speech or some other reason? As I said, they are not lies if some sufficiently CREDIBLE evidence can be proffered. You will notice that your post above regarding side effects has not been censored. The only posts that do get taken down are provably lies. We do see a lot of them.
  19. It's not misinformation if it's backed by rational and credible evidence with links from credible sources. Anything else is highly questionable and motives can be reasonably questioned.
  20. GENEVA, Jan 24 (Reuters) - The head of the World Health Organization on Monday urged countries to work together to bring the acute phase of the pandemic to an end, saying that they now have all the tools available to do so. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/who-chief-says-world-critical-juncture-covid-pandemic-2022-01-24/
  21. A fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine given to people over 60 in Israel made them three times more resistant to serious illness than thrice-vaccinated people in the same age group, Israel's Health Ministry said on Sunday. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/fourth-covid-vaccine-shot-sharply-raises-serious-illness-resistance-over-60s-2022-01-23/
  22. Nobody is suggesting that the vaccines will bring the pandemic to an end, at least not the current vaccines we have. They are saying that vaccines will bring delta to an end and crises in hospitals and health care to an end. The high rates of hospitalisations experienced in many countries is having a negative effect on the economy. Google is reporting 39% less foot traffic in the Paramatta CBD following the omicron outbreak. The increased infections are not caused by the vaccines.
  23. What happens when schools won't let them attend? Will you deprive the kid of an education?
  24. I guess, following the same logic, you have a theory that seat belts don't stop injuries and deaths because they are not 100% effective all of the time.
  25. "Various media across Scandinavia and the UK are reporting the emergence of a new Covid variant that is so infectious and spreading so fast that nearly half of all cases in Denmark are now the new mutation, named BA.2, with more than 400 confirmed infections across the UK." https://www.cityam.com/new-covid-variant-is-spreading-like-wildfire-in-scandinavia-ba-2-stealth-mutation-now-half-of-all-coronavirus-cases-in-denmark-and-rapidly-pushing-omicron-aside/
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