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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Here's some more Republican voters are very obedient. Today's version of conservatism functions almost as a religion, offering simple solutions to complex problems. https://www.salon.com/2017/10/10/historian-nancy-maclean-were-under-attack-by-a-right-wing-machine/ At its heart, Populism is the offer of simple solutions to the complex problems that have caused disaffection and anger across the world. The worst thing the progressive movement can do in response is to seek simple solutions to Populism. https://www.popandpolitics.net/populism-a-complex-problem-with-complex-solutions/ https://paedspoliticsbiscuits.wordpress.com/2021/04/08/simple-solutions-for-complex-problems-a-habit-the-tories-just-cant-quit/ When people are left to make political decisions on their own they drift toward the simple solutions right-wing populists worldwide offer: a deadly mix of xenophobia, racism and authoritarianism. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/08/shawn-rosenberg-democracy-228045/ Particularly in the popular media, populism is conflated with demagoguery, political manipulation, the provision of simple solutions to complex problems, and the promotion of a black-and-white view of politics and the world in general https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190274559.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780190274559-e-5
  2. Evidence? Why am I always asking for evidence for these ridiculous claims and never getting it?
  3. The second characteristic of the conservative temperament, which is closely related to the first, is an aversion to abstract argument and theorizing. ------- Whereas the liberal consciously articulates abstract theories, the conservative instinctively embraces concrete traditions. For just this reason, many authorities on conservatism have been led to deny that it is a genuine ideology, regarding it instead as a relatively inarticulate state of mind. https://www.britannica.com/topic/conservatism/Legacy-and-prospects It has practically achieved the state of an axiom in our field that liberals are more complex thinkers than conservatives. This is not without reason. Meta-analyses—covering a vast array of evi- dence related to dogmatism, uncertainty avoidance, openness to experience, need for closure, and inte- grative complexity—suggest that liberals are indeed more complex than conservatives https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiRxLar0PL0AhUYfnAKHaJ6A24QFnoECAEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhs.umt.edu%2Fpoliticalcognition%2Fdocuments%2Fpublications%2FConway%20et%20al%202015_Political%20Psychology.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1Vky-M1hC3bVnR4cdZGNxZ ---------------- Such an asymmetry would be consistent with mounting evidence that, in comparison with liberals, conservatives in the United States and other Western countries score higher on measures of dogmatism, cognitive rigidity, intolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty, self-deception, and threat sensitivity—and lower on measures of need for cognition, integrative complexity, cognitive reflection, intelligence, and analytical reasoning (see Jost, 2017). Conservatives are also more likely to adopt an “intuitive” cognitive style (Deppe et al., 2015; Talhelm et al., 2015), which tends to be associated with conspiratorial thinking https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/pops.12681
  4. It is a commonly conservative trait to want to find simple answers for complex problems. They don't like to look too deeply, hence opposition to critical thinking.
  5. Tell me how white people suffer disadvantage from racism. I'm not interested in hurt feelings from name calling, I'm interested in real consequences at a systemic level.
  6. I would if they weren't peer reviewed and more qualified than myself. Or if there was significant push back from other credible experts. Absent those conditions I see no basis on which to question them.
  7. Do some research, UK reports 10,000 jump in Omicron cases, deaths rise to 7 https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/uk-reports-10-000-jump-in-omicron-cases-deaths-rise-to-7-121121800790_1.html
  8. Harris' claim as described by you is racist drivel, if he even made it.
  9. Rubbish. Your completely wrong. The Chinese vaccines are accepted for travel. In Thailand the only thing that changes is the waiting time for the booster. Your claim that people need to be revaccinated from scratch is false.
  10. You do understand that it's official policy in many countries to permit mixing and matching the vaccines? Including in my country, Australia,
  11. We obviously all agree to that. This thread is about racism, not who you do or don't like.
  12. The story was about mixing vaccines. Try to stay on topic. If you wish to claim he had an ulterior motive in saying that then put up some evidence or stop engaging in baseless claims.
  13. no thanks, if it's not suitable to post here then 'nuff said.
  14. I would if you'd post a link. I can't find one so I'll remain skeptical of that claim. Meanwhile your post appears to make the assertion that everyone has racist tendencies and therefore normalises racism. I reject that notion out of hand.
  15. Then they must not have had white friends. If you stretch this tenuous line of reasoning any further it's going to snap.
  16. I was being sarcastic, I apologise. I thought it would be clear from the post I was replying to but apparently not so much.
  17. The first time I went to the Philippines was in 1994. It was not long after the American military had abandoned the Clark AFB in 1991. I had an Australian friend who was friends with Denis Rodman's father and who had a bar in an area called Lakandula. This was across a park adjacent the main bar area alongside which the main entrance to the base ran. In this area was a number of black owned bars congregated and the area in general was home to many black ex servicemen. There had been many more. I got the impression there had been a distinctly segregated community where back personnel had lived and congregated away from the white community. I know this proves nothing but it's at least equivalent to your weak anecdotal evidence that segregation was rejected.
  18. I didn't say it was the only factor but lack of qualifications in the field is a big red flag. For example, a retired nurse commenting on covid vaccines is likely to get a pass from me.
  19. Health experts used to consider 2 to 3 standard drinks as not harmful to your health but modern advice is that there is no safe limit.
  20. Are you choosing to dislike individuals based on actions or behaviour? - no. Are you choosing to dislike entire races for any reason? = yes. Are you choosing to like individuals based on actions or behaviour? = no Are you choosing to like entire races for any reason? = no.
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