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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Very nice article. Thanks for taking the time to write a well considered and comprehensive treatise. I think the gold standard is to go to the original source material and evaluate that for yourself but for most non scientists it is acceptable to use the MSM as an executive summary and to point us to the resources we need. I often start with the MSM and take it from there. I don't pretend to understand the deeper scientific and medical papers and I don't think I need to. I am not in disagreement with you at all. The key, as you point out, is to trust your sources and be suspicious if they are widely canned by other articles or fact checkers. My trust also increases if I can find multiple credible sources which support one another. The qualifications of the authors is also crucial.
  2. What about the fact that every scientist and medical authority on the planet agrees with him? Don't you read articles which don't suit your narrative?
  3. There is one conspiracy theory that I believe may actually exist although I still have an open mind about it. I believe that Carl Jung was right and that there is a cohort (close to 50% imo) who do suffer from mass delusion and that the political dichotomy of left right thinking, the societal dichotomy of narcissism and sociopathy versus empathy, racism, superstition and belief in conspiracy theories are interrelated and not a coincidence. The conspiracy theory aspect of it is that I believe this relationship is well understood by sociologists and clinical psychologists. I have also read reports of genetic differences in brain function which may explain this phenomenon. https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/research-and-discoveries-articles/study-shows-narcissistic-personality-disorder-may-have-a-biological-component https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjqwo_L4-_0AhWqIbcAHUNVA34QFnoECCUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fespace.library.uq.edu.au%2Fview%2FUQ%3A244583%2FUQ244583_OA.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0p6aERm32OJ80yQBjkbEcR
  4. The very reason those policies exist is because it's well established that the imbalance in opportunity actually exists.
  5. So the number of people who need to keep silent for 50 years to sustain this hoax apparently keeps growing.
  6. What expertise do you have to accuse him of not knowing what he's talking about? His assertion has been well supported internationally and adequate evidence of that has been provided in this thread.
  7. They don't suffer prejudice and loss of job opportunities?
  8. How about you link to the specific articles and evidence which prove your assertion. Don't be lazy, most people here at least try to support their arguments. Oh wait, I know why "Sucharit Bhakdi is a retired Thai-German microbiologist. In 2020 and 2021 Bhakdi became a prominent source of misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming that the pandemic was "fake" and that COVID-19 vaccines were going to decimate the world's population." "Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 ..." McCullough promoted misinformation and falsehoods about COVID-19, the COVID-19 vaccine, and COVID-19 treatments https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/
  9. Do you deny that black people as a race have a systemic disadvantage when it comes to access to decent education and that their families are economically disadvantaged compared to whites which further limits educational achievement? Do you not believe that segregation and prejudice in the past is still having an effect today?
  10. Yes, I believe I have a very clear and detailed view of what racism is. I have also studied sociology at tertiary level.
  11. What a nice defense. Make absolutely ridiculous and impossible claims and then refuse to support them because nobody is paying you, lol. There is a preponderance of evidence that the world is not flat and the moon landings did occur, hence Occam's razor suggests they did occur. Your either really trolling people here or you have religious like believe in the impossible. Is every video and personal account of people looking at the Earth from space faked?
  12. What inadequacies might they be and what would be the purpose of that allegation were it not made in comparison with whites?
  13. It's called Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is usually the right one and that is that moon landings were real. You never attempted to explain how video signals could be received in Australia or are they in on the scam?
  14. You can't, by definition, say that a group of people have inadequacies unless there is a comparison. It is a relative, not absolute term. It is reasonable to conclude that the comparison is with the only possibility, white people since they are referenced in the same sentence. So, in fact the quote does explicitly compare blacks with whites and you are clutching at straws to defend the indefensible. Even if you consider that the term is absolute and has no comparison then it is still racist and offensive. What might those inadequacies be? Who doesn't have them (as a race). If everybody has inadequacies then what was the purpose to single out blacks?
  15. see my longer post just above in response to somebody else and stop trolling.
  16. That's an easy question to answer. The person who is offended gets to decide what is offensive. Clearly not the person who doesn't think it is. Those who deny that something is racist simply aren't qualified to determine that it's not racist. Another simple one. While a black person insulting a white person is offensive, obviously, it is not systemic racism as such. It is not the whites who have suffered racism in the same way as minorities have. Whites in the western world and the colonies have always been a privileged position and have never suffered the deprivation that minorities have at the hands of the majorities, usually white. It is disingenuous not to recognise this when suggesting that racism should be a two way street and the notion that is should be in in itself racist. That some of the victims of this deprivation tend to insult the majority whites (even Aborigines in Australia do it), it is just insults. There is no material racism by blacks against whites in that they aren't deprived of jobs, education, voting rights, victims of slavery, genocide, laws restricting their lives and so on. While many of the apologists for racism correctly point out that many of these issue have been corrected in recent times, it is not true to say the problem has been fixed. There still remains systemic racism which affects the victims everyday lives and prospects. Demographic statistics bear this out. There is no systemic racism perpetrated by blacks against whites. Insults are the only cross whites have to bear. It's called education. The Germans episode isn't racist, it's nationalist. It is offensive on that level. The English are clearly the same race as the Germans. Finally, there has never been balance in racism. You are conflating mere insults with actual systemic racism. There's nothing to stand up to. The zombies are those who refuse to wake up and realise that racism is something which needs to be fixed. It is not a figment of the past. An utterly racist comment. The notion that black people have "inadequacies" compared to white people is about as racist and abhorrent as it gets. Wake up, that's what the "woke" culture means.
  17. I have a curious mind and an abiding interest in social issue. It's isn't about the specific symbols of racism but the racists they produce. Racism is the same everywhere and not different in Australia. They have the same psychology and the same motivations for being racist. Racism isn't local, it's a universal condition afflicting about half of the population. That's a clue to a wider problem which I won't elaborate upon here. That would be anybody who doesn't live under a rock.
  18. The nazi uniform is not offensive simply because it is the uniform of an old adversary. The same goes for the confederate flag. There is a wider reason why these symbols are offensive.
  19. So, everybody who buys a beach front property knows that sea level rises are fake? It's beyond comprehension that Obama might buy a beach front property that might be under water in 100 years? Sea level is rising at about 4mm a year IIRC. Although I did post an article which claimed that it might increase drastically soon.
  20. Aren't you the guy who lives in an isolated village upcountry who rarely has any contact with anyone and therefore doesn't feel the need to get vaccinated? I live in the NT in Australia which has only recently had it's first cases. Unsurprisingly I don't know anybody who has had the virus either. It seems that the entire world's MSM media is ion on a huge conspiracy to exaggerate the case numbers. Even China. "Go figure".
  21. Your proposition that every politician would respond to that question in the negative is flawed. Only racists would, Ask that question of a Singapore politician or any politician of a minority ethnic origin in any country.
  22. well, for a start we do know that the flat earthers and moon landing deniers are wrong. If you don't care, don't disparage others who do care.
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