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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Conspiracy theories are never secret, actual conspiracies always are. Example, the shooting of JFK, the big lie, etc. Tell me a conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.
  2. That still leaves the antisocial behavior manifested by your flaming. Do you have a quick solution for that?
  3. I've used Linux Ubuntu for ten years now. Never had a problem, never had to pay for anything, never had to mess with anti virus software. Never had a virus or spyware. Just saying.
  4. I think someone has to actually commit the crime before they can be arrested for it.
  5. Where did you read that there was a problem with hotmail addresses? I'm not denying this since I had a similar problem./ I'd really like to know. Thanks.
  6. Since you're unwilling to post data supporting your false insinuation regarding excess deaths here it is. https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality
  7. The Hill doesn't get much of a mention but it's also a reliable publication albeit with a slight conservative bias.
  8. I think the salient issue here is that Assange has separately done both.
  9. Inflation is a worry and the fact that it is a worry world wide demonstrates that it is not a uniquely US problem. Nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with covid. "Key indicators hint the supply-chain crisis is over and inflation will cool off soon" https://www.businessinsider.com.au/when-will-supply-shortages-end-inflation-cool-shipping-crisis-manufacturers-2021-12?r=US&IR=T
  10. Biden is getting poor media coverage since the withdrawal from Afghanistan and inflation. The rising inflation rate is more about world wide supply issues than Biden's policies. The fact is that inflation is rising fast world wide. Zoom out and see the wider picture.
  11. The strength of an economy is more about jobs and GDP than inflation. Economies actually need inflation to remain healthy. Obviously not this much inflation. "President Biden is, so far, handily outscoring most post-war presidents in guiding the US economy." https://www.businessinsider.com.au/biden-economy-comparison-gdp-growth-scorecard-every-president-since-eisenhower-2021-8 https://www.factsarefirst.com/comparison/joe-biden/donald-trump
  12. What's correct or false? I linked to an MSN report about it, hardly a secret. It's true that the press are beating up Biden when the economy is doing quite well, contrary to the anti lock down enthusiasts doom and gloom theories. Since when was holding meetings with the media a conspiracy? It's the dead opposite of a conspiracy.
  13. It's widely publicized and about negative press coverage on an economy that's rebounding strongly. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/report-media-companies-meet-in-secret-with-biden-white-house-to-discuss-more-favorable-economic-coverage/ar-AARzc8K?li=BBnb7Kz
  14. If Assange wasn't involved then fine but a bit of sunshine won't go astray. In particular, many people want to know the truth behind visits and communications between Manfort, Stone and Assange.
  15. The sheeple get told that critical thinking involves shutting out a segment of the media, disparagingly labeled the "MSM". The result is that they get locked into a confirmation bubble and remain blissfully ignorant of the wider picture. Real critical thinking should entail reading from all sources, "doing your own research" and making up your own mind. Paradoxically, the victims of this propaganda form the opinion that the MSM are engaged in some kind of unspoken conspiracy theory, exactly what the propagandists want.
  16. Another tactic the conspiracy theorists like to employ on this forum is "hit and run". They make accusations of conspiracies and then its crickets when challenged.
  17. Re your last para. To a large extent, the anti vax crusaders are motivated by politics and the epicenter (not all) of this phenomenon lies in the US so it could be argued that the greater culprits of exporting national problems into the international arena are really the bad guys. This one topic has dominated internationally oriented debate on this forum for a while now.
  18. Except for one metric, links to evidence and support for arguments. If you do a count I believe you will find a large disparity between the left and the right.
  19. Yes, the MSM has an overt political agenda and none of them make any secret about it. If you think otherwise, cut the innuendo and elucidate what those agendas are.
  20. Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona who contributed to the article, had signed a letter with other scientists last spring saying both theories were viable. Since then, he said, his own and others’ research has made him even more confident than he had been about the animal hypothesis, which is “just way more supported by the data.” https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-pandemics-covid-19-pandemic-083bd75a801f9824e0b9ad7316062a5c
  21. Of course, nobody in your country blamed foreigners for bringing it in.
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