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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I suspect it's a lot closer to 99 than 1. Yeah https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19
  2. As long as the maximum period your visa will allow including possible extensions or your confirmed return date.
  3. Having to stay in a hotel for one night but actually allowed out after several hours once the test is confirmed as negative is hardly quarantine or onerous. If you don't want to go just don't go. Simples. For the rest of us these lax restrictions are manna from heaven.
  4. Pfizer, BioNTech say COVID-19 booster shot showed high efficacy in large study https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-biontech-report-high-efficacy-covid-19-booster-shot-study-2021-10-21/
  5. Be careful, I was recently diagnosed with iodine deficiency after a blood test and advised to add some salt into my diet. Apparently a quarter of a teaspoon of iodised salt is sufficient. I guess you could take iodine supplements.
  6. which drug was ever forced upon anybody ever and by what means?
  7. You do understand that a great many Thai households are multi-generational? I know that you are Thai so your wilful misunderstanding of this point baffles me. The kids will frequently pass the virus on to their grand parents who will likely die, vaccinated or not. The whole argument that the kids won't get sick or "I won't get sick" sickens me tbh. Those who make it are very well aware that it isn't just about themselves but they make the argument anyway. It's narcissism, plain and simple. To answer the OP's question, the question will soon be moot. Those who don't get vaccinated will be ostracised more and more and won't be able to do jack sparrow until they get vaccinated. Already, large numbers of police and teachers are being stood down without pay in my country, they can't go to sports or fly anywhere.
  8. It is not true and it's another example of the countless lies peddled here by the anti vaxers. The delta variant is more dangerous and has up to 1,000 greater viral load.
  9. I agree. Topics about coronavirus and vaccines are central to international travel and affect us all. This topic, however was originally created only to spread misinformation and the title invites the anti vaxers to do just that..
  10. These facts are well understood by most rational posters here and supported by adequate scientific evidence. Yet, many conspiracy nutters and politically motivated posters continue to push lies over and over again, much to the chagrin of everybody else. It behooves many of us to respond and keep responding so that the lies don't become dominant or become the "truth" because they are repeated so many times. This wastes a lot of time and causes a great deal of angst in those of us who want to protect our loved ones and to see high rates of vaccine uptake so that life can return to a semblance of normality and travel to Thailand can become safer. Can we now start to see the miscreants sanctioned and the lies removed?
  11. For the millionth time, the vaccines are HIGHLY effective in reducing bot infection and transmission of the virus. Can you either admit that's true or provide evidence that it isn't? I would except that I have done so on several occasions already in this thread.
  12. And the unlucky who were dealt a bad hand like type 1 diabetes or cancer sufferers. Does that fall under the category of "political liberal BS" as well?
  13. The problem is that some of those don't think they pose a threat to others and downplay the fact that their experience may not be the same experience for others.
  14. I'm calling that out as a lie. Quote the article. Your fatality rates seem to be from the Wuhan variant and not the dominant delta variant. Unvaccinated face 11 times risk of death from delta variant, CDC data show https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2282 https://www.science.org.au/curious/people-medicine/astrazeneca-vaccine-risk-death-1-million-what-does-mean
  15. This is the very nub of the problem. Humans come in two varieties. Those that do and those that don't.
  16. They have different use cases. And warfarin is easily nullified, the new meds aren't.
  17. Me too because of a portal venous thrombosis. Because no cause was ascertained they put me on warfarin for life. Recently I had one episode of blood in urine and now have an appointment soon to see a haematologist and the word was that they are thinking of taking me off it. My dad and his dad both died at 50 from strokes. I'm 67 now. Can I ask why you are on it for life?
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