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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Yes. https://nationalpost.com/pmn/health-pmn/virus-leaves-antibodies-that-may-attack-healthy-tissues-b-cell-antibodies-weakened-not-defeated-by-omicron
  2. Or there's Occam's Razor. The research is published so all news outlets report it. Kind of how news outlets work.
  3. I don't think either religious quackery or scientific quackery has advanced at the expense of the other, they go hand in hand. By religious quackery I mean pseudo-science of course. I believe that criticism is both well tolerated and encouraged in society. I can find no evidence that it isn't. What isn't tolerated is the quackery. Dissent and critical thought require as much scientific and logical rigor as the hypothesis they oppose.
  4. In civil matters, the decision-maker must be satisfied that the allegation has been proven on the balance of probabilities, while criminal matters require that the court be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt.
  5. Unless Thailand (or any country) wants to start designing and building its own vehicles this question is moot. All manufacturers are building electric vehicle and all will stop building ICE vehicles within about 5 years.
  6. So you'd rather they remained untested and free in the society to pass the virus on to kids who are mainly unvaccinated?
  7. If they were motivated to hide the number of reported cases then why set up a testing center? The Occam's Razor explanation is that they setup a testing center to find more cases, it's that simple. Nothing to see here. No conspiracy to hide anything and if they were trying to hide something they are apparently doing just the opposite.
  8. There's no equivalency. I'm not going to debate why they claim there's no prostitution. It's off topic and irrelevant. How do they save face by hiding the virus figures? It isn't the police who control those figures anyway.
  9. Just another conspiracy theory. If the authorities knew the problem was worse than they have said then they would say that wouldn't they? Here they have set up a testing station with the specific aim to find out how bad the situation really is and to flush out more cases if they exist. The only reasonable conclusion is that the authorities don't know how bad the situation is and are trying to find out. The official figures will reflect exactly what the authorities know and nothing else. What possible reason could they have for hiding the real numbers and if they were then obviously they wouldn't have set up a testing station.
  10. Understand that antivaxers are not motivated to debate on the facts or whether to ascertain the veracity of any facts. Their motivation is purely political, facts would detract from that. We can't know if they are just lying hypocrites who do know better but just don't care or whether they are deluded enough to actually believe their conspiracy theories. However, in this case there are some clues. Note the false premise that provides a supposed rationalization, that side effects are "unpredictable". If he had such a strong grasp of the facts to actually know this he would substantiate the argument with some references instead of just presenting it as a given. Secondly, his reference to ignoring the test regulations as if he had a detailed knowledge of the test regulations. It is reasonable to assume that anybody with a firm grasp of those regulations would not be antivax in the first place without being able to make a reasoned argument for being so. Finally, he makes no attempt to describe those regulations or to state how Pfizer is supposedly ignoring them. Basic common sense tells us that a major pharmaceutical company is doing anything but ignoring testing regulations on such an important drug with the level of scrutiny this one has. It's safe to conclude that the claim is false given the complete lack of scientific reason associated with the claims.
  11. "In this analysis, the risk of hospitalisation is lower for Omicron cases with symptomatic or asymptomatic infection after 2 and 3 doses of vaccine, with an 81% ... reduction in the risk of hospitalisation after 3 doses compared to unvaccinated Omicron cases," the UKHSA said. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/hospitalisation-risk-omicron-around-one-third-delta-uk-analysis-shows-2021-12-31/
  12. COVID-19 hospitalization surge among U.S. children spurs new Omicron concerns https://www.reuters.com/world/us/covid-19-hospitalization-surge-among-us-children-spurs-new-omicron-concerns-2021-12-30/
  13. Anchorage recently recorded record high temps in the high 30's c. I believe it is caused by weakening jet stream which allows the winds to spill further south. At that time is it warmer in the arctic circle than below it.
  14. Facts are to antivaxers and conspiracy theory believers as sunlight is to a vampire.
  15. Do all the editors ring each other up every Monday morning and decide what lies they are going to print this week?
  16. Omicron cannot escape T cells; boosters protect households from Omicron https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-cannot-escape-t-cells-boosters-protect-households-omicron-2021-12-29/
  17. Please provide a reasoned argument why it's a logical fallacy. All you have done is stated your opinion. If you can't argue based on facts then you have no argument.
  18. It's not about what one person alone can do and you know that. It's what a collective will can do. In line with that I'm voting for political parties who will act. The science is not settled but it is conclusive and it is unequivocal. There is no doubt that climate change is real and not a hoax and there is no doubt that it is caused by human activity. Until 1970 the Earths climate was net cooling. The balance was tipped in the early 70's. Anyone claiming that climate change is still debatable as being real or not or a problem or not is uninformed and likely convinced by conspiracy theories.
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