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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That is a conspiracy theory not based in fact. The research had been ongoing for years.
  2. As long as the medical profession as a whole recommends it, yes. Because there is a large cohort of politically motivated narcissists who don't care that masses of people die just so they can continue the criminal characterisation of the virus as some kind of Chinese hoax. The motive is to ensure failure of the pandemic response and economy for political gain.
  3. Can you articulate the lie? I don't see it. The research was justified and necessary given the SARS H1N1 history. To be clear the virus in question was very distantly related to coronavirus and could not have been the source of C-19. That was the basis of his denial.
  4. No, I would not be opposed, however I don't see the same compelling need to mandate the shots. Apart from the public health need to reduce the infection rates, a good reason to mandate the vaccine is to combat the politicisation of the anti vax propaganda. Obvious some countries don't need a mandate due to high rates of uptake but others clearly do.
  5. That funding was intended to help understand how the virus might jump species to humans. It was not any kind of weapon developed by the Chines to attack themselves or anybody else. That research is completely justified and necessary. I have little doubt that similar research is conducted in other countries. Chine is just the obvious place because of the history of viruses jumping from bats to humans in that country. There was nothing sinister or ill intended about that research and assertions to the contrary are nothing more than China bashing conspiracy theories.
  6. Coronavirus is far more dangerous and deadly than the flu. There's an obvious case for mandating coronavirus vaccines in the public interest. Only those who consider it a hoax or some kind of conspiracy would think otherwise. Even those people who have survived the disease should understand their responsibility to help keep others safe from it and get vaccinated. I'm not suggesting you disagree with this, putting a fine point on the issue. I think anyone who is skeptical of the vaccines at all is doing mankind a huge disservice.
  7. This is 100% true just on its surface. WE know that unvaccinated people are the biggest infection vector. That can't be disputed. One of the chief reasons cited for opposing vaccine mandates is personal freedom, an argument completely unrelated to the scientific justification for getting a vaccine. The most generous conclusion one could make from vaccine reluctance is that those who refuse to vaccinate don't care if others are infected (or die). There is no smear here. Those who refuse vaccines against coronavirus are reprehensible in the extreme. Or, as Hilary Clinton put it, the deplorables.
  8. There is an extremely close correlation between far right Trumpians and anti vax sentiments. There is NO scientific proof that vaccines are dangerous in comparison to the risks associated with the virus itself, especially when considering other people. You need not wonder why you get get blow back when you align with the flat earthers and those with a clear political agenda, regardless of whether you identify with that demographic or not. It is antithetical to the public interest to make the case that there is any justification in refusing a vaccination. When Carlson's own lawyer makes the case that reasonable people should not believe him then what does that say about those who do?
  9. I don't know for sure but I think you need to stay in your room for 7 days if you are not from one of the 47 listed countries.
  10. And perhaps you have been caught pushing a political agenda. Thai citizens are not subject to SHA restrictions. https://www.covidchecker.com/en/embed_plain?codes=TH&extras=true
  11. I stand by my assertion that the overwhelming majority of people complaining about vaccines and trivial restrictions are politically motivated to do so. We do know that it isn't about science.
  12. I posted a list of 95 hotels in Pattaya which includes one of the most popular and my personal favourite. If you can't find a hotel there to suit your taste and budget than you aren't trying or you have an agenda here.
  13. My flights have always arrived in Thailand in the day time but that isn't the point. Either way, it isn't onerous. If you don't want to go just don't go but you don't need to come winging here about trivial inconveniences because you have a political agenda.
  14. Whose definition is that besides yours? The Thai government consider that not to be quarantine and I agree with them. Not to put too fine a point on it but the very hotel I would stay in is listed in the link I provided anyway.
  15. That's your opinion. I do not consider having to wait a reasonable time for a test result to constitute quarantine.
  16. Here are some SHA+ hotels in Pattaya that I found in eleven seconds. https://asq.in.th/pattaya-sha-plus-go-hotels
  17. Given that many hotels are SHA certified I believe that the overwhelming majority of people don't find this as onerous as you apparently do. I saw one SHA hotel in South Pattaya that looked quite nice advertised at $30 a night. Why are you even posting here if you don't plan on returning to Thailand?
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