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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. It seems they are the only ones who can cancel.

    Very unreasonable.


    One caveat:

    If you decide to renew you'll get a 10% discount next year if you haven't filed a claim in the past 12 months.


    Another insurance  company in Thailand just cancelled all COVID-19 policies.  AND with no refunds.  

    Horrible business practices here.



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  2. 22 hours ago, shdmn said:

    This thread is hilarious.  Most of the comments are just the usual knee jerk "thais can't do anything right" nonsense when the story was probably not even translated properly. So the serial complainers here are not even complaining about the right thing....lol

    This government has screwed this up from day one.


    You've been reading to much TAT articles to assume anything else.

  3. 10 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    Initially it was supposed to be 10m a month. But these were the figures being put out by Prayut's government. We have no idea what the actual agreement was with AZ, or what the actual capacity of SBS is/was. Prayut was hell-bent on selling an "opening Thailand by October" plan to the Thai public. A sub text was 61m by the end of the year, which also was calculated using the 10m per month schedule. If that's cut in half, it will take an extra 6 months into 2022 to reach that target at 5m a month.


    That's why the mad scramble to beef up the numbers with Sinopharm, Pfizer and Moderna. Plus, there are others coming on stream.

    What a mess.



  4. 12 hours ago, DDJJ said:

    Thank you for the reply Ubonjoe. He was the supervisor who told me to leave the country and not take advantage of the covid extension. I mean, besides the extension fee, I'm spending around 65-80k monthly, more in some months. Planning to go back home in October but I guess the IO doesn't want us around anymore.

    Thats the attitude of immigration since the junta took over.



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