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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Don't be such a drama queen. Perhaps take a riverwalk and calm down. It's a forum, not your personal message board.
  2. Sadly, not even rubbish collectors. Absolute poverty in all of Issan. They'll hire workers from Laos and Myanmar for 150 baht before hiring Thai labor. Issan people feel lucky to get a job at PTT or 7/11. All villages are devoid of young girls (that aren't pregnant) as they've all gone to work in Cities. Can't blame them.
  3. In most of Issan it's 250 baht if you can even find work. It's constant battle to find enough food,clothe and feed your kids, etc.
  4. I always pass on that part
  5. Oh please!! There's prostitution every where in Thailand. Are you f blind? That's practically the only way to make a living considering there's practically no work that pays more than 300 baht a day,if you can even find work outside of rice season. It should be legal. Sex shouldn't be a crime.
  6. Yes,it's loaded with riverwalks and fine dining. Jeez no wonder you've been married twice. You're a total whack job.
  7. Sounds great. The other 99% percent of Issan has nothing like that. It's poor,filthy,and nothing more to do than watch the flys wizz by your face. Most falangs don't last long in Issan. You've found you're niche. I'd love to have a variety of restaurants to eat and a clean river walk. Personally I'll be happy to move on to a place closer to the beach and large cities. Enjoy yourself.
  8. In Issan? There's not much to do. I'm talking about living here and the abject poverty that permeates every corner of Issan. Not some falang coming for a weekend in Udon Thani.
  9. Unfortunately your opinion versus scientific research isn't very perausive. But, whatever.
  10. Yes. I just get frustrated living here and seeing the young girls and boys with nothing better to do than get high.
  11. More like alcoholics in denial. Get help. Anyone living in Issan can see first hand the ravages of alcohol and YABA on society.
  12. You could just read medical studies. Why would a political view persuade scientific research?
  13. Issan certainly has more than it's share of drunken idiots. Unfortunately there isn't much else to do but get plastered most weekends.
  14. Praying for the fall of Putin and all of Russia. Have all those Russian Passports voided and nulled. Non-Grata.
  15. He had it coming. Nobody's going to put up with that crap every night without an explosive outcome. He should have kicked him out the day he refused to go back to school!
  16. That's how it's pronounced 99% of the time up here in Issan, Falang. Either way, no big deal.
  17. That's how it's pronounced 99% of the time up here in Issan, Farang. Either way, no big deal.
  18. 23 C with a fan during the nights for the bedrooms. Open windows during the day, usually outside anyways working around the house.
  19. "The family has decided to keep Tang but will chain him to prevent any future incidents. This decision comes after consulting with relatives to avoid further complications." Perhaps going as far as saying " No dog treats" for a month would appease the parents of the mauled daughter who will most likely have some serious scarring both physically and emotionally. This love affair with dogs that commit these horrific assaults is astonishing. The dog should be put down.
  20. For myself and many others a short holiday in Phnom Phen is wonderful. It's not the same place 10-15 years ago. It's got great hotels,excellent restaurants,and plenty of gorgeous girls. I really enjoy it there. Great way to extend your visa and have a little change of pace.
  21. ....Or have an agent do it for you while you sip a martini and have your "shoes" shined. Excellent if you also wanted to extend your stay a little longer. Personally that had always happened to me on my first visits. Never wanted to leave.
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