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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. correct. however approaching them with one and threatening them is. No, that alone definitely would not be "attempted murder". Likely to be a Section 392 misdemeanor threat, that's all , a B1,000 maximum fine or up to one month inside.
  2. Holding a knife and not harming anyone could never be called attempted murder.
  3. er...you were saying... se·crete1 /səˈkrēt/ verb verb: secrete; 3rd person present: secretes; past tense: secreted; past participle: secreted; gerund or present participle: secreting (of a cell, gland, or organ) produce and discharge (a substance). You with obvious spelling challenges born of being a Brit are quite possibly thinking of "Secret" No, there's nothing wrong with my spelling, nor my thinking... "se·crete /səˈkrēt/ verb verb: secrete; 3rd person present: secretes; past tense: secreted; past participle: secreted; gerund or present participle: secreting conceal; hide. "the assets had been secreted in Swiss bank accounts"
  4. Look up the meaning of sarcasm. No need, I know what it means and you comment had no hint of sarcasm, whatsoever, only a bizarrely wrong claim about old beer. Maybe you should research how to phrase your comments that you wish to be taken sarcastically.
  5. 1923? Most unlikely considering it didn't exist until 1995.
  6. As opposed to some people who appear to have just breast implants in their skull.
  7. er...just wondering...from which cell, gland or organ do you secrete your spare keys from? Er...just wondering...don't you know that "secrete" means "hide"?
  8. Perhaps you should bear that mantra in mind for yourself, you are not the arbiter of what should be posted here.
  9. Why? That is not the normal procedure here where cruel, speculative comments are par for the course and are always allowed to be seen. Perhaps you should just report the individual comments that bother you if they're contravening forum rules.
  10. Why am I not surprised that you recognise one so easily?
  11. Foreigners are the most reported only because you're reading foreigner-centric media, that's all.
  12. There was no "furious back-pedalling", it has always been made clear to anyone who actually read what was published about the "new" Songkran that the only water-throwing days were the normal three or four official mad days, it has never been promoted that there would be three weeks of water fights.
  13. Because they don't want outsiders in there. There have been many documentaries about Thai prisons. They were only allowed to film people out in the pretty courtyard with flowers, or in spots that were not reflective of true conditions there. What? Prison visiting is not restricted in the way you suggest it may be to "outsiders". Anyone visiting an inmate just turns up for the frequent visiting times, registers who they are and who they are visiting and the visit goes ahead, there is no selection process. Visitors to inmates only get to see the part of the prison where they are received and where the visit is conducted, they do not have access to secured areas and none of that has any correlation to documentaries.
  14. The same reason they only allow pretty courtyards and such in any documentary. It looks better. You're suggesting that prisoners having no visitors "looks better" than having visitors? Looks better to whom? That doesn't make any logical sense. Who, apart from the inmate, knows, or cares, about their visitors?
  15. How many then ? Zero according to his posts, although there was an implication that "shot" could have meant "killed".
  16. How is processing graphing book pests NOT more work for the prison staff? No idea, I didn't say that it was.
  17. Are you needing health insurance or travel insurance, they're two different things. It's unlikely that any providers will issue a travel insurance policy if you're already in the country unless you're planning on travelling from Thailand.
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