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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Maybe he thought that they were on the plane or at the destination.
  2. why's that??? do I have the right to my own opinion and own comments, if some don't like it, they shouldn't read and avoid commenting Does he not have the right to his opinion and his own comments about your posts, just as you do? Who did the couple in question "scam" and for what, as you so ridiculously and ignorantly claimed that gave you so much enjoyment to see them scammed?... "couldn't happen to better people, the scammers got scammed 555".
  3. How effective do you believe they can be regarding an issue that happened before they arrived in Phuket ? Perhaps they can visit the non -existent villa? Alleged fraud is not like they lost their passports etc. The effectiveness of their investigation remains to be seen but why do you believe that members of the RTP's Tourist Police division are any less adept at police work than the rest of the RTP may be?
  4. Most other democratic leaders don't have their political opponents jailed/murdered or siphon funds from the state to the tune of $200 billion (allegedly). I didn't say that they did, I referenced lying, that's all, which is a trait demonstrated by most leaders but one old duffer in the west is doing his best to get his political opponent jailed right now.
  5. Rubbish. I know you’re from Liverpool, but you really should try to master the English language. Ironically, I have mastered English, quite literally. Which Liverpool are you assuming that I'm from?
  6. I said "If you are talking about anyone charging more than the permitted 1.25% per month" The key conjunction being "IF" Your 'key', and obvious, implication was that his OP was referencing loan shark debts, nothing else, regardless of the "If".
  7. She didn't have victims that's why she was only done for laundering the money of his victims.
  8. Big deal. He wouldn't be the only, or the first, president, PM (or any other type of leader) to lie his arse off.
  9. Why shouldn't they be able to help effectively in the investigation?
  10. This did not happen to "a race". The individuals that were the victims of this fraud did what, exactly, to deserve no sympathy?
  11. Where did it report that they were draft dodgers and how do you know that the scammer was Thai?
  12. Rather a sad comment... Yes, hear, hear! An incredibly stupid and ignorant comment in the circumstances, also.
  13. And my point is that they ignore your point. Your point, pointing out the point that I had already made, a point on which we both seem to agree, had no point.
  14. Queue the standard posters trying to be clever and funny.........! Expand On cue, all the usual suspects queuing up to try to be funny. Maybe its called DRY humor Not a chance.
  15. Only to prison...without the money.
  16. She was convicted of money laundering by the Thai government for her association with Cazes' crimes and served four years in prison before receiving a royal pardon.
  17. Years ago when it was still legal. Motorbikes have never been allowed on the expressways, if that's what you mean by "motorway"
  18. Even a diagram won't help most of them...they need their noses rubbing in it!
  19. https://thepattayanews.com/2024/02/08/thailand-to-celebrate-21-days-of-songkran-in-april-really/
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