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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Ol' bamnutsak must not have read the OP.
  2. Actually, they are literally not...they may be figuratively.
  3. You have proof ? Yes, it was reported as such in the Bangkok Post.
  4. He was in a cell. And he wasn't in the "Bangkok Hilton", he was in Klong Prem.
  5. Bail? Bail for what? He refused to appeal his conviction
  6. Where has it been reported that there was no body or evidence of his suicide?
  7. Nothing suggested that he was in a "VIP" section, a section that does not exist in Klong Prem.
  8. Many people are interested in news reports.
  9. He did have "the stomach" (what?) to face life by refusing, three years ago, to appeal his conviction/sentence.
  10. What evidence is there that anyone was at risk of exposure from him?
  11. Obviously there was no way out, he was serving a life sentence
  12. But it was not - so ? But it was, no reports have suggested otherwise.
  13. The 8 million comes from here on reddit. I made no reference to "8 million", why are you telling me that?
  14. I didn’t quote 8M, someone offered me 8m a, which you did.nd I was looking for an higher bid, but he found a cheaper seller for 7m. I did not say that you did. I did say that you posted an asking price of $6m (dollars)...
  15. Jesus, you can say that again, a massive drop... "...my asking price is $6M"
  16. You are just confirming you have no credibility.... No, he is not. He has...plenty.
  17. Perhaps a family member didn't. Perhaps.
  18. Well what percentage would you reckon.? Bearing in mind the number of legitimate Nigerian businessmen here, less than 100%. I'm not so stupid as to state that every single Nigerian is dodgy nor to put a percentage figure on it.
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