Sure.. i'll take a crack at it..
Neville Chamberlain.. "Peace in our time" Ring a bell?
Caved to Der Fuhrer. Million subsequently died. You don't don't give the aggressor what they want.. Because they will be back for more. /and people will die. Unnecesarily.
Fail. You said that "Trump is a traitor" and your meaningless comment in response to my doubting that you could rationally explain why you posted that "Trump is a traitor" confirmed that. How is Trump a traitor"?
Put a sock in it please!
Why, do you not approve of having false assertions reacted to?
You do know this is a forum and what the point of a forum is, yes?
Yes, he's never been in power before, this is his first term as President so no one can know what he's like for another two years? What the duck are you going on about?
Correct? Killed hundreds?
How many Thai double-decker buses _on comparable city commuter routes similar to London's buses) have crashed and killed hundreds?