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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. A limited number of police officers cannot stop every offended at the same time. You're not trying to say that during the whole time of the checkpoint being there they only stopped foreigners?
  2. Ah no. He has quoted numbers as suppossed fact and has since said that school boys know this 555! Ah, but you quoted a supposed incident as fact, what's the difference between your facts and his, are you saying that yours are more credible!?
  3. Personal experience Lou, and as I didn't doucument the whole situation you will just have to take my word for it lol. So my guess is that you will be happy to take Scuba's word for it too! It would be a tiny bit hypocritical if you didn't.
  4. 50k baht, internal transfer, will take a while for banks to catch up What do you mean when you say that the banks need time to catch up? Catch up with what?
  5. Had you done the facial recognition thing? The talked-about taxation implementation is not just for "farang", it's for all nationalities, including Thais.
  6. Is that THB or GBP? I did a 132K THB transfer beginning of the week. No questions asked. SCB! I made a B150,000 transfer out on the Krungsri phone app on 16th November. No interrogation for me either. I'd done the facial recognition exercise, though, maybe that has something to do with it?
  7. Fact Scuba? Source of fact please. Source of fact for your tale, also, V8M8, as you brought it up.
  8. Sure can ,exposing bigots beats it. Next Well, at least you admit to virtue signalling which is generally seen to be a strong indication of hypocrisy! Exposing bigotry does not beat necessarily it but isn't bigotry a trait that one is allowed to have even if others don't like it? Some people are comfortable with their prejudices and (perceived) bigotry, it's none of your business unless it affects you. "Next"(!?)
  9. No, there isn't any need. Why are you so concerned about the coiffure of <deleted> drug dealers?
  10. No, that's the exact opposite of what the police said From your own posted comment... Police in Bangkok ... acknowledged the woman “has a right to post what she likes about Thailand”.
  11. The Tourist Police division of the RTP does not comprised volunteers, they are police officers. They may have a small number of foreign volunteers assisting them when necessary.
  12. Have you seen a photo of him that wasn't blurred in order to hide his face and without tissues/medical whatever covering his face, then?
  13. Well I am quoting you again and regardless what you think, I will quote anything and anybody I want to on this forum,including you if I wish. I am not quite sure who you think you are , but I am beginning to understand why, on your own admission, you have had problems here in the past, and my prediction is, that you will no doubt have more problems in the future. I will quote you again if you reply, you are very antagonistic yet appear to start crying when somebody responds, The correct response to me stating that his occupation is irrelevant would have been to simply agree. or if you feel that his occupation was relevant then you have had ample opportunity to explain why. In the meantime feel free to assess my motives in whatever way you feel appropriate, my cursor is hovering over the quote button in anticipation Hear, hear!
  14. Maybe before you post you should follow the thread own that ; italics or not. I have followed the thread and the poster whom you accused of bigotry did not post any bigotry. Own that.
  15. "...wonder how many Thai barbers and hairdressers are highly experienced in cutting Negro hair". Why would that be much of an issue in Thailand?
  16. Obviously, neither do you, nor did you read the full report. If there was one working there as a barber he would have been illegal, no discussion, but there wasn't on this visit. A foreigner cannot be a barber, legally, in Thailand.
  17. And that's just this week ! "...the Chinese (and others?) are not coming". The best part of the 25 million foreign tourists who have visited this year, so far, would dispute that hackneyed old crap. Why do some posters keep posting (and others re-posting) such false cobblers?
  18. "You should be suspended at least". If he "should be suspended at least" [sic], then you should be also, surely, as you're doing exactly what he is doing...expressing an opinion?
  19. But the tourists do go back...in their tens of millions so far, this year.
  20. I'm an American and what you say ^ is basically true but you lose credibility when you assume all American blacks are from the ghetto and say MF every other word. Bigotry is not civilized wherever it rears its ugly head ,on the streets ,in politics ,on a Forum. Own it. He displayed no bigotry in that comment and you need to own that.
  21. Perhaps you're far too sensitive and don't realise that everything you post here, a public forum, is fair game for others to agree with or contradict with their opinions?
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