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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Get one Got a few already, thanks.
  2. of course they can If they have Thai bank account.
  3. I wonder why "her friends in the group" didn't want to assist her for one day but were happy to leave her to beg on the streets?
  4. Apart from to get her out of your hair, why on earth would you tell her that load of cobbler's? "No card, no cash, and no indication that you'll be able to pay the bill? Yes, welcome, would you like the Presidential Suite?" Apart from to get her out of your hair, why on earth would you tell her that load of cobbler's? How would they help? The TP are like embassies, they're not there to hand out money to penniless tourists. But, no, I probably wouldn't have given her anything significant, either.
  5. If she was genuine, her foreign bank may well have expressed a new card to her Thai address if she had been left in dire straits due to the bank's cancelling her card.
  6. Who said that she had a Thai card?
  7. I'm not sure what point you're attempting to make. "Just because I'm British does not give me the right to the UK(Free) price if I use the NHS". I know, and I did not say that you do have that right! "I think she is not a Thai resident at this time. Her foreign passport and business are now in Sweden and prior to that she was in the US. She was not admitted as a Thai ID card holder". I know, and I did not post anything to dispute that! She paid her bill in full as invoiced and, by the way, all Thai citizens are entitled to the free (or B30?) treatment offered to all Thai citizens. "...she used her foreign passport to register/admit to the hospital as well as paid using a foreign credit card". I know, that's what I have posted.
  8. What choice do they have? Do Thais have the benefit of local GPs that the west has? She did not go to hospital just for a fever, she's an older woman and was diagnosed with Influenza B, not "a fever".
  9. It does make sense if you don't deliberately omit the fact that she also registered with a Swedish passport and, presumably, indicated that her bill would be covered using a foreign credit card that she did use.
  10. Why tell them you have been overseas? They ask for an address and with which GP the patient is registered. Many expats who are returning solely for medical NHS treatment can't provide that information.
  11. "Why does she feel she has a right to the "Thai Price"?" Because she is a Thai! If she had been admitted using her Thai ID card the circumstances would have been exactly the same and she would have been billed with the Thai price to which she has a right and she would not be interrogated about whether she had paid taxes here, which you seem to think is relevant.
  12. It makes a difference to potential foreign tourists, as in Chinese. How can the nationality of those killed in that accident affect others of that, or any other, nationality coming here? You're not really trying to say that because there were maybe no Chinese involved, Thailand must be a safer place for Chinese visitors and that if the deaths had been Chinese then Thailand is more dangerous for Chinese visitors, are you?
  13. Clearly. she didn't use Thailand's gold card B30 health service for their nationals.
  14. And the fix for that "unfairness", as you see it, is what? What about the people in the Indian slums who have more than their mates born in the same place?
  15. If they haven't rewritten the law in the last 10 years. I am very confident that they do exist. I was warned about it and later in contact with lawyers. According to them my ex could have had a right to 50% of everything I bought when we were a couple as we had lived together for so many year. I would also have been able to get 50 percent of everything she bought during the same time period. Made a very fast Google and found. "If the cohabiting couple have lived together for a significant period of time and there are titled assets at stake {e.g. land, houses, condominiums] a lawsuit is more a question of “when” not “if.” " https://www.aaacoth.com/living-with-your-thai-girlfriend-cohabitation-family-law-in-thailand/ So, as I suggested, there are no laws covering cohabitation as you claimed there could be. Your link states that a cohabitation agreement would be required to have any rights and any lawsuit would be a civil action, not an action covered by rights.
  16. BYE, and thank you for being the sad grammar police. Most of the entire thread is about grammar/pronunciation, including your comments! If you think that the thread is "sad", you don't have to try to contribute.
  17. BTW mister Orthography it is bastardized and capitalized If you say so...but it isn't. BTW, "mister" should be capitalised when using it as an honorific.
  18. How "bastardised" do you think your last sentence on this forum, which I have quoted above, is? Nothing bastardised about that sentence but I wouldn't expect you to understand.
  19. Thank you. This was after posting a light hearted video. So how would you describe you post? Worthless, pathetic or plan pointless. "Worthless, pathetic or plan pointless". In this context, I'd describe my post as observational, accurate and sardonic. I'd describe yours, ironically, using the three words you chose even though I have no idea what "plan pointless" [sic] means!
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