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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "Jail him!" "Deport him!" "Confiscate the bike!" "Crush the bike!" So much nonsensical, irrational garbage, unsupported by laws.
  2. How would they do that, has he contravened the conditions of his visa with traffic offences?
  3. Hmmm... Do you see the hint of irony and hypocrisy in your (ykeboard warrior) comment?
  4. Does the law allow that? For a start. I suppose that they do that in your country, yes, it's not something that you're suggesting just for Thailand, surely?
  5. Yes, hear, hear! I contacted Admin about it also a few days ago but, of course, no response. They seem to be using a grey coloured font also, not black, wish they'd correct that also.
  6. Why is there a prosecutor involved involved, then? Prosecutors are not involved until charges have been made.
  7. For gay sex? No, for organising a party where a man overdosed and allegedly preventing from medics to enter the property to attend to him putting his life at risk.
  8. The article clearly referred to the prosecutor indicating that there is a police investigation but prison only becomes an option for those found guilty.
  9. Bull<deleted>, over 50% of Thailand's economy is black. Most of that is tourism related. From where did you pull that uncorroborated "statistic". If what I posted was indeed "BS", back your assertion with something empirical.
  10. You are not wrong but you need to read between the lines. I know that I'm not wrong. This thread and my comment referred only to nonsense about banned, over-taxed oranges, not reading between the lines. You can do that if you want to derail the topic.
  11. What was described in the OP was not "corruption", it was a one-off that happened at one station and the, inappropriately applied, but legitimate fee was being refunded.
  12. You don't know squat. Tourism is a huge driving force. But it is not Thailand's main industry as claimed by the poster to whom I specifically responded. Seems that I actually do know quite a bit of "squat".
  13. "Imagine if Thailand opened up to imports without high taxes or banning certain products". Imagine if posters knew what they were talking about before posting. What "high import duty rates" are oranges subject to and which oranges are banned? Here's a hint...there aren't any high rates and there aren't any varieties that are banned.
  14. What is your rationale for that? He, as an importer buying an item that is subject to import restrictions, does not have to abide by those import regulations just because he'd be buying from Amazon? How does that work?
  15. It is not illegal, importers just have to comply with import regulations.
  16. No one has proposed "closing the nightlife", they are, though, clamping down on illegal nightlife venues such as the Pathumthani pub that was consistently open, illegally, until the morning that probably never has any tourists as customers. Which parts of the nightlife are you asserting is being closed?
  17. What's the relevance of the number of posts and what makes it so amusing?
  18. No issues, at all, using Lazada with Brave.
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