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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What "protection" has it been proved that Thaksin received that was not available to others - medical treatment aside. that is available to all inmates who need it?
  2. Can you give an example of the "inconsistency" that you see. then?
  3. I'm pretty sure (why, ''pretty''?) you are capable of doing research yourself. Yes, I am, and there's no correlation between the derogatory term "cowboys" and a person not using the exactly correct terminology for an extension. I just thought that you may have an interesting way of explaining it!
  4. In that case please tell us what the crime/sentence and incarnation were like! "In that case"? What? None of your business why I was there or for how long but I can tell you that everything I have posted here about Klong Prem is accurate as opposed to the usual urban myth-type speculation. Incarnation is never going to be enjoyable but I didn't have any problems with other inmates, there was no raping, no beatings, no unpleasantness, no enforced work. The accommodation was clean but sleeping on the floor on a very thin "mattress" was uncomfortable and I was able to get all the food I preferred either from the shop or by friends outside sending food in.
  5. Not trying to pick any fights, it wasn't me who started with the false allegations, and the room isn't empty.
  6. And your observation, of course, is correct, I do have.
  7. All right, we get it, you've been in a Thai Prison so you know all there is to know about how the system works here. It is quite possible to hold and express opinions other than yours you know "...you've been in a Thai Prison so you know all there is to know..." Based on what the actual circumstances are as opposed to your falsehoods, am I not allowed to correct that false information and assertions that you post here, then? "It is quite possible to hold and express opinions other than yours..." Yes, of course, it is but not when those speculative, uninformed opinions are suggested to be fact. How can you have a rational opinion of something and then spout about it when you, clearly, have no personal knowledge of those circumstances?
  8. "Only in a country ruled by people that have no idea how to administer the rule of law..." In this case the rule of law was administered, in fact his sentence was increased, and he served his sentence. "...a convict get praised for respecting the rule of law by simply serving a prison sentence..." He was not just "praised for serving his sentence", his circumstance was being praised as a comparison between his respect for the legal system as a high-profile, influential and very rich Thai and a suggestion that Thaskin, as another high-profile, influential and very rich Thai, has a complete lack of respect for that same system.
  9. "Spending Money - Should I follow my Friends Advice?" Is your friend going to top up your bank account when his spending-your-money advice causes the balance to drop to unexpected levels?
  10. Gawd. Friend of a friend's friend of someone does not seem to be even vaguely plausible.
  11. Which "cowboys" (why, "cowboys"?) are those that use an expression of which everyone knows the actual meaning?
  12. What "breaks" did Premchai get apart from a multi-million baht fine and an increase in his sentence by the appeal court?
  13. No, that is a common misconception promulgated tediously and tiresomely by AN posters who do not know what they are talking about. Unless you've got proven specifics, of course.
  14. Yes. But not exactly I'll founded! Unless you can justify your assertion, it was completely "I'll founded" [sic], ill-founded, even.
  15. Please explain how he "cheated the system" that jailed him and fined him a lot of money.
  16. Why? He did his time (and had it increased by the appeal court) and paid several million baht in fines/compensation. Why, rationally, should he have all his money and assets confiscated, do the courts in your country do that or do you just want it to apply for Thai people?
  17. Speculation! No, not "speculation", just unadulterated garbage.
  18. Thai prisons provide three meals a day and inmates have access to the prison shop from where they can buy whatever food they want using their prison account, no reason for prisoners to necessarily lose any weight unless they want to. They can also have food brought in by visitors or order certain items themselves the night before for morning delivery. In Klong Prem many inmates ordered doughnuts to have with their coffee (3-in-1 sachets from the shop) in the mornings and roast chicken for afternoon snacking...that privilege applies to every prisoner.
  19. Depends on the circumstances of your sending your money to them...care to elucidate about the transaction?
  20. No! Read my post! Calm down, calm down, I did read your post. All I did was ask a 'kin question...see the question mark?
  21. You'd better send Asean Now your invoice then, if you're so proud of the entertainment and information that you think you provide!
  22. So much 'kin whinging from members who think that our zero financial contribution to this forum, that provides us with information and entertainment for no cost at all, gives us the right to moan about the site and it's maintenance schedule and demand information about upgrades to which we do not need to be privy. OK, the "Up" button and the "Clear notifications" button are not back yet, so what?
  23. Your comment seem to contradict blackcab's, doesn't it?
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