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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "Or are you from the Bible Belt?" Are you able to read English? Why the daft question and apparent attack on me for doing nothing more than providing some grammatically correct pronouns?
  2. Leave them alone, they have to make a living too What are you addressing that to me for? Someone asked about the correct pronoun, I supplied it, I did not attack anyone.
  3. They were not arrested for soliciting, which would be illegal, they were fighting...their occupation alone is not an offence.
  4. You thought wrong. To be a prossy is not an offence in itself.
  5. Being a prostitute is not illegal, nor an offence. This was a fight, not a paid-for orgy.
  6. "...the collective pronoun for ladyboys?. It, its, their, they.
  7. Wrong. Wrong...the spelling "licence" is not incorrect.
  8. Smart people get the jokes. Not yours, we don't!
  9. As he says "everything" As I said, specifically, not generally.
  10. Comedians don't explain their material. As comedians' material is usually humourous, you should be able to explain yours as you're not one!
  11. It does to me. Well, surely it can't be that difficult to explain it to the person to whom you addressed it, then.
  12. Maxwell Smart What? That makes no sense to me.
  13. Maybe, but he's not got "tens of thousands" of clients leaving as ridiculously claimed by you.
  14. No. It happened. The expat population is lower now. In the past 3 years many left. "No. It happened". I don't believe you, you can't back up your tens of thousands claim...as I thought.
  15. Sounds like you're familiar with Thai men and their manhood.
  16. Why would you want a 50-year old German woman to be doing that?
  17. ...but he thinks it's a good idea to whinge about it.
  18. Why are you so concerned about one car when it's none of your business as you're clearly not living there?
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